Author Topic: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (9/7, Graveyard)  (Read 4617 times)

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In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (9/7, Graveyard)
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:50:04 PM »
A summary for now, because I have learned one good thing from simming: I write the best dynasty stories when I play it all first. :P


Generation One: Solitude Glaise

Generation Two: Wexler Glaise
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In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (Solitude: Stats)
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2016, 11:01:41 PM »
Solitude Glaise

One Unique Career:
  • Culinary/Chef Branch

Two Unique Aspirations:
  • Master Chef
  • Friend of the World

Three Maxed Skills
  • Cooking
  • Gourmet Cooking
  • Charisma

Four Unique Rewards:
  • Independent
  • Insta-Lean
  • Sleep Replacement
  • Stove and Grill Master

Five Gold Parties
  • Date w/ Maaike Haas
  • Dinner Party
  • House Party
  • Wedding to Maaike Haas
  • Weenie Roast (I'm not going to say never again, but seriously, to HELL with that-)

Six Good Friends (and one a little more special):
  • Alice Spencer-Kim (BFF)
  • Yuki Behr
  • Nina Caliente
  • Gunther Munch
  • Jade Rosa
  • Siobhan Fyres

Seven Emotional Whims:
  • Use a Bold Pickup Line (Confident)
  • Tell a Dirty Joke (Flirty)
  • Complain About Problems (Sad)
  • Vent to Someone (Tense)
  • Rant and Rave to Someone (Angry)
  • Tell a Self-Deprecating Joke (Embarrassed)
  • Find a Collectable (Bored)

Eight Museum Items (Frogs):
  • Sunsurfer Frog ($125)
  • Eggplant Whirl Frog ($100)
  • Tiger Frog ($35)
  • Sunflower Frog ($30)
  • Sunflower Frog ($30)
  • Striped Dirt Frog ($30)
  • HypnoFrog ($25)
  • HypnoFrog ($25)
  • Total: $375
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2016, 11:41:40 PM »
Ooh! Cool. I totally hear you on the Weenie Roasts.
I can tell already from your summary that this is going to be an interesting story. I'm excited!

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In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (Solitude: Recap, Part One)
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2016, 12:33:18 AM »
Ooh! Cool. I totally hear you on the Weenie Roasts.
I can tell already from your summary that this is going to be an interesting story. I'm excited!

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I went into this dynasty with an insanely complex concept that turned out to be pretty much impossible to implement while getting goals done. So getting to write that is my reward for if I finish instead. :D

But I'm having fun with some summaries too!

Solitude Glaise: A Retrospective

Who Is She?

No, look at the camera!

Hey there Solitude. Enjoying the view from the Von-Windenburg Estate lot, hopefully. It has my personal favorite views out of any of the potential dynasty lots, and the Villareals only mildly hated her for kicking them out!

At birth, she was neither a "Solitude" nor a "Glaise". But that is a complex matter to save for an actual story. Her new surname came from translating her maternal grandpa's surname, and Solitude referred to her Loner trait, but she wasn't blessed with much of her namesake. It is a dynasty where you end with a house full of people, after all.

In a perfect world, she would have a fleshed-out story from the get-go to star in. Solitude would tackle complicated issues of being stuck between two worlds. Being half of an immortal energy being from the orbiting bodies of Antares, and being half of a fleshy human from the third planet from Solaris.

Alas, all she did was found a dynasty.

Cookin' Up a Dynasty

Maybe I went into this thinking "I'm totally going to use a different skill set for my founder other than a culinary one, lest I just start out repeating the Waverlys (a.k.a. my TS3 Immortal Dynasty family)." But as Solitude learned, I didn't want to have to train more than one expert chef. Cultivating death flowers and catching angelfish is easier than slaving over a stove.

Solitude's requirements that related to cooking therefore made sense. Cooking and Gourmet Cooking would constitute two of her required skills, her career, and one of her aspirations.

I waited way too long to settle on a second aspiration for Solitude. I contemplated something as anti-social as her, but she still had a giant relationship panel.

Friend of the World? Yep, Friend of the World.

You can tell I haven't really been playing TS4 for long. Would not recommend skilling up charisma in the mirror. She got better results by setting up a club for her best friends ("Solitude's Besties") and getting the charisma skilling perk as soon as she could, while spamming her friends with charisma-raising socials.

Solitude took out a whole lot of loans. :P

Parties were...I hated only the Weenie Roast. Dinner and House Parties did take me two tries to get right, but at least things didn't, I dunno, catch on fire.

And I wish I had cool-looking parties, but alas:

Not even a house could save them!

Solitude floundered with a lot of things. I had it in the back of my mind to have her collect frogs, but forgot in spite of her living right near frequent frog spawners. Her career and aspirations took forever, and even babymaking did. But if you see that wedding picture, you can easily guess why.

Close Friends of Solitude Glaise

Obviously, she was not going to do this alone. But I wasn't going to do any ordinary spouse and helper hunt.

Her first and primary targets were the "Free Spirits", better known as Maaike Haas and Ulrike Faust of Windenburg. I've seen Ulrike used once for a dynasty, with poor Maaike forgotten. But who needs to listen to the majority? Solitude latched onto Maaike hard and fast! And flirted with Ulrike a bit too, but I had too much of a dynasty to run to get deep into a polyamory subplot.

With Solitude as our cook and a lot of gardening duties handed off to a rotating pool of elderly pollinators (at least one was a Professional Gardener, so the rest followed suit), the matters of fish fell into Maaike's hands. Her aspirations of being a Bestselling Author would just have to wait.

Ulrike, on the other hand, got to be herself. Paintings could rake in a decent amount of extra money, she starts out highly skilled in it, and a part of me is still used to the grind of museum artists from TS3.

Solitude did not have much spare time. So I ended up sneaking kisses for her and Maaike in the oddest of places.

And Solitude pulled out a ring right after Maaike was done fishing.

"First vow is to let me do the jumping, okay love?"

And considering that is was an easy (for real; the only other party I got Gold on the first try with was a date) way to fulfill requirements, a wedding was on!

"You think I can bounce this ring off your lips?"

"Maaike, you tease!"

The wedding made them happy and that's all I needed. But when it came to making an heir, well...using the gender and sex customization options would have been too easy.
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In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (Solitude: Recap, Part Two)
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2016, 01:15:16 AM »
Solitude Glaise and Maaike Haas Cannot Make Babies Together

Sad but true. By deliberate choice, they both retained their wombs.

Solitude deserved someone a little more like her.

Someone like...Dorian Hoch.

So, a little background for those out of the custom content loop. Solitude indeed achieved her particular shade of green from a set of custom skintones. Those skintones indeed do generate on townies, and Dorian was a blue teen the game moved in pretty early on. When he became a blue young adult, it was time to become part of the Maison d'Glaise.

I love the "Change Sim" feature. Not only did I get to choose Dorian's name, but I got to tailor his looks too. Not all TS4 townies have boring faces, but plenty do!

Fun fact: while Change Sim has no button to get into Detail Edit Mode on the face, you can access it by double-clicking on the face too. Like in normal CAS.

Solitude had no interest in Dorian, of course, and Dorian had no interest in her.

He had an interest in usurping her wedding to try and flirt with his one true crush.

"You're Dorian? Maaike was a lot more generous with her description of you."

Gunther Munch started out as a friend of Maaike's, and eventually became one of Solitude's closest friends too. Him meeting Dorian was bound to happen, but Gunther was pretty cold to it at first.

I'm happy to report that things changed.

The household progressed on, with lots of nights going out to dinner, even with Solitude's endlessly stocked fridge. It was an easy way to get groups together. To get some flirting going on.

And for Solitude to look at Dorian and Gunther, and turn what could have been a perfect nuclear family into a bizarre love rectangle.

So it began!

"Are we too old for a closet joke? Because I'm feeling a closet joke."

"Guess what? You never have to touch me again!"

"Still not worth it."

Oh, and Ulrike got in on the action too:

She looked more pained after WooHoo (tm) with Marcus Flex, who she genuinely liked and eventually went steady with, than the Gay Glaises Gang did after theirs.


Oh, and I guess I documented a little bit of Solitude's pregnancy and birth too:

Black-and-green demon creates a white kid, news at 11.

As a sneak peek, second generation Wexler Glaise grew up into a darling little blue girl and a pretty close duplicate of Dorian.

Ulrike and Marcus' kid, Oliver, descends the stairs behind her.

Maaike and Gunther's son, Henrik, got absolutely zero pictures of his time as a baby. I thought the pic of Solitude and Wexler was that of her holding Henrik, but that's what I get for having two white babies in the house at around the same time (in reality, I waited until Wexler aged up before Maaike and Gunther conceived Henrik).

I wasn't going to let Wexler and company grow up alone. It was time to do something that I was once the best at...
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In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (Solitude: Recap, Part Three)
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2016, 01:36:19 AM »
Cookin' Up More Babies

Back when TS3 was the game of choice here, I was the queen of Pollination. That is, having various men in the dynasty household seed the town. It was a necessity back in TS3, at least for me. I loathed the generated townies, due to the design flaw of them all having the same face. So to preserve some better features, I had a highly organized project in my Immortal Dynasty (and all attempts at it prior to the successful one) to keep household space open for elderly Original Townie/Original Townie-Descended men to move in and spend the last of their days making babies with younger Original Townie/Original Townie-Descended women.

So why do this in TS4? The townies, while clearly drawing from a limited pool of features, tend to look distinct from one another. Change Sim allows for manipulation of faces to get basically whatever you want. I should be content with that.

But without pollination, I am never content. And I wanted Wexler to have friends.

Welcome to "[X's Name]'s WooHoo Club". Instead of coming up with my own strategy, I blatantly stole it from @Ricalynn and would have each pollinator create their own club with one or more fertile women, where the encouraged socials were romance, kissing, and of course, WooHoo. It makes for easy "befriend them and spend a few minutes in the closet" and I 110% recommend it.

At the start, I had two pollinators with completely opposite babymaking goals. One was a red townie who had children with original townie women (his favorite was Jade Rosa). The other, shown here, was a human-colored townie (not an original one, though) who had children with colorful generated women.

I switched to a pretty strict "colorful dad, original townie mum" later on, but we'll see where the future takes me.

Solitude, meanwhile, had her own opinions on it.

"You come into MY house, and break MY solitude-"

Fun fact: all three of them became her required Good Friends. And I love how the closet also allows for convenient townie makeovers. Nina Caliente's original makeup was criminal.

And as usual, the best part about pollinators is when they die:

Though Maaike's emotions did beg to differ. :(

Ambrosia and a Movie

The last of Solitude's requirements were killer. 20 friends for the Friend of the World aspiration, and reaching the top of her career. Hated it. Hated it. But I'm better prepared for the future too.

"Wife is proud. I'm so ready."

Thankfully, I had a pretty good stock of ingredients. Those always killed me a little in TS3, so at least there was a positive change.

And I didn't make this happen at all, but Solitude's journey ended just the way it started. Hanging out on the sofa with Maaike and Ulrike.

"I thought that maybe I'd try and honor you. Your last name just means 'clay'..."

"...And it's French! You are French, right?"

Eh...not important now."
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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2016, 03:36:09 AM »
Well well.  Look at you.  And yes that Woohoo club thing is genius and makes for quick babymaking.  Who has time for socializing when there is a dynasty to run?  Congrats on Gen 1's ambrosia!  I love your founder but then I've always enjoyed your Sims.  The ears came from the bugfix mod right?  I so wish I could get that to not make Aria look so bad. 

Brava, my friend.  Brava.
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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2016, 11:00:46 AM »
Well well.  Look at you.  And yes that Woohoo club thing is genius and makes for quick babymaking.  Who has time for socializing when there is a dynasty to run?  Congrats on Gen 1's ambrosia!  I love your founder but then I've always enjoyed your Sims.  The ears came from the bugfix mod right?  I so wish I could get that to not make Aria look so bad. 

Brava, my friend.  Brava.

And I forgot to mention that the same WooHoo club template was used for a temporary club so that Solitude and Dorian and Maaike and Gunther could make babies with minimal infidelity. I also added Ulrike and Marcus in there to speed up their relationship. Marcus wasn't cooperating that quickly, and I kind of forgot that he starts off as an adult and had less time than I thought.

Yeah, I do have the CAS Bugfix in because I cannot have a proper Solitude (or anyone from her species) without those ears! So far it hasn't done anything bad to my elders (maybe it only shows up on certain kinds of faces? Who knows), but there are a few wonky-looking grown-up kids in town that make me wonder.

Thanks! I'm on vacation starting...tomorrow, but I hope to blast through Wexler's requirements soon after I'm back. :)
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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2016, 03:08:13 PM »
Yay, a Trip story! I remember Waverlies being a ton of angsty messed up fun, so I'm looking forward to the Glaises' story :) And I really should try it your way with the game played before and the story written after but I get too impatient, I guess...

Is the "club activity" woohoo less jealousy-inducing than regular woohoo? or is it just that it's more club-encouraged so it's easier to get them to do it without going around smooching them every 3 seconds?

And I'm really looking forward to your pollination efforts. I went pollination-light in my first attempt but I already have complicated elder-gathering plans for the second one >_> Do you plan it out/count the days that there's enough space for everyone from the start or just wing it and hope people die young?

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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2016, 03:23:52 PM »
Yay, a Trip story! I remember Waverlies being a ton of angsty messed up fun, so I'm looking forward to the Glaises' story :) And I really should try it your way with the game played before and the story written after but I get too impatient, I guess...

Is the "club activity" woohoo less jealousy-inducing than regular woohoo? or is it just that it's more club-encouraged so it's easier to get them to do it without going around smooching them every 3 seconds?

And I'm really looking forward to your pollination efforts. I went pollination-light in my first attempt but I already have complicated elder-gathering plans for the second one >_> Do you plan it out/count the days that there's enough space for everyone from the start or just wing it and hope people die young?

@Curveball: Hey, I think I remember you now! The Waverlys are always #1 to me. No one will ever match their dysfunction! My main, off-forum project still revolves around them. It's just off the forum for a dang good reason. No word yet on how much the Glaises might tie into the Waverlyverse just yet. ;)

I've still noticed jealousy in the clubs, but it doesn't seem to be damaging other than occasional bad moods.

I've definitely been winging it with ages here. It actually hasn't screwed me over yet. Especially because it's gone from "necessity" to "advantageous bonus" for me from the old game.
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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2016, 03:41:38 PM »
I'm greatly enjoying your story, even though you describe it as just "recaps."
I love your quirky-looking founder and your pollination tactics for coloring your simverse. Her silvery tressing and elven ears are too fab!

Best wishes for a fabulous vacation, but hurry back to grace us with the next update. hehe

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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2016, 01:34:42 AM »
I'm greatly enjoying your story, even though you describe it as just "recaps."
I love your quirky-looking founder and your pollination tactics for coloring your simverse. Her silvery tressing and elven ears are too fab!

Best wishes for a fabulous vacation, but hurry back to grace us with the next update. hehe

So my vacation was terrible (my mum and I caught a terrible flu that took literal weeks to recover from. I still have a lingering cough over a month later. Also family drama is not best drama :() and I didn't get back into my Glaises as soon as I hoped to.

No update because Wexler is barely a young adult now. But I made my spreadsheet public, and I update that as I go along.

And I have a pic to tide you over. Nothing but Wex having a drink with her best bud Danica:

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2016, 07:24:34 PM »
Oh, gosh! So sorry to hear about illness and drama! Glad you're back, though, and grateful for the chance to re-educate myself on the Glaises. Love the picture. Wex and Danica are both adorable. Is Danica Nina Caliente's offspring?
I look forward to the next generation!

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Re: In Summary: The Glaise Immortal Dynasty (7/27)
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2016, 09:11:37 PM »
Oh, gosh! So sorry to hear about illness and drama! Glad you're back, though, and grateful for the chance to re-educate myself on the Glaises. Love the picture. Wex and Danica are both adorable. Is Danica Nina Caliente's offspring?
I look forward to the next generation!

Danica is Nina's. Dina is pretty ugly in this game and I like to pretend that Katrina and her canon-breaking doesn't even exist, but Nina has such an interesting face under her makeup. It hearkens back well to her Spanish/Desi roots from TS2. But that doesn't matter because...

First of all how dare you-

What a shocking twist, Soli.

Yeah, it's my fault for not paying attention to warnings. I thought that Solitude was on her first death warning, but alas, it was her second. Still blows because I was actually doing pretty well aside from that!

I'll just be better versed for the second time around.
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