I went to fire up EADM to hopefully get some updates in my game as I haven't seen one pop in my launcher since... hmmm forever actually.
So I fire it up and it says it would like to update, so I though ok, do it. The strangest thing happened, it loaded in like hebrew or something ok I am making that up it might not be hebrew but it certainly is not english. So I attempted to fumble my way in, just to find that I can't remember my password, when I got the link from EA to reset said password, it was fine except some error message comes up, which I guess is that my new password didn't meet some requirements.
Where do I get EADM in english? I tried downloading it from ea directly but the same thing happens each time. I don't know what the problem is.
I would like all the funky glitches to be fixed now I have ambitions. Is there a way to update without having to use EADM if the launcher isn't grabbing them for me?
I am lost and confuzzled :|