Author Topic: Recovering Corrupt Saves *Solution*  (Read 4008 times)

Offline browncoat

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Recovering Corrupt Saves *Solution*
« on: January 05, 2016, 03:05:19 AM »
I wrote this post before I found the solution. If you want to see what was happening with my game at the time, read on. If you want to skip to the solution, go right ahead!


I went to play the sims tonight and a lot of my game saves were unplayable. For those that aren't working, in my saves folder I have gamename.sims3, gamename.sims3.backup, and gamename.sims3.bad.

I've read a lot of information on how to fix the files and I've deleted the bad folders.

I've tried, with the game I care about the least, deleting the .sims3 folder and renaming the backup folder to newgamename.sims3. When I load the launcher, that new game save is showing but tells me it can't load it. Something like, " Cannot load save game. May have been saved with expansion pack data that is no longer present". Also, I should note that when I right click Sims3 in Origin and then click view game details, I have all EP's and SP's but two- all discs. But for many of the EP's, they show up twice, one that looks bright and normal, and another that is greyed out and has a green plus on the corner as if I need to buy it but, as I said, I already have the ones it tells me to buy. And they are literally showing up right next to them. Also, when I do try loading the launcher, the main Sims3 load screen looks...outdated and different, and I'm not sure why.

I've also tried (first, deleting my last attempt, and putting my two original gamesaves back) creating a temporary new game, saving, and using the three files within that game to replace the files in my original gamename.sims3 folder but it didn't work. It put the new family from the temporary new game into the game save. I did try to click it to see what would happen but I instantly got the error 12.


First, if you read what my problems were, you already know I deleted the .bad files in my Saves folder.
(Documents> Electronic Arts> The Sims 3> Saves)
Now, if you're updated to Origin 1.69, while in your Sims 3 launcher (before you click play), click the "Expansions and Stuffs" tab.
Then make sure each EP or SP is selected with a check mark next to it. You don't need to click install packs, just make sure they are selected.
(That's what I did, anyway.)
This, I guess, means they are active.
Then click the Play button to open your game.  :)

Direct link to where I found the solution:

