Author Topic: bought my new computer  (Read 1531 times)

Offline Janna

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bought my new computer
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:19:07 PM »
Not really happy with it, content, but . . .

My old one is really acting up, weird fan and motor sounds, constantly lagging, shutting down.  Did a virus scan and other checks.  It is around seven years old, so I am lucky it has lasted as long as it has.

New one is CyberPower Gamer Ultra
has Windows 10
AMD FX 8320
16 GB Hard Drive
2 TB
Hard Drive compact 2000 (whatever that means)
AMD Radeon R7 250
SATA (I think that is SSD)
process speed 3.5 GZ
Cache is 8 Megbites
memory DDR 3 (not really happy with it, but oh well)
memory slots 2
RAM speed 1600 MH
RPM 7200 (not sure what that means)

It is upgradable, so I can add to it later, which I will do to make it better.  Figure I will buy a new one in around 4 years, not have it as long as I have my others. 

Started with what I wanted and had to work my way down.  Best Buy was sold out at store and even limited on what could be shipped, lots of them being sold out.  Couple of ASUS and a HP was sold as I was waiting to get mine ordered.

Will add Office and virus protection and rest after the first of the year. 

It will arrive at my home on the 23rd and we will take it to Best Buy to transfer info from old to the new one.  Then let them recycle my old one. 

Had enough left over to get Josh his Xbox one, so that was a good thing.  Had allotted $1200 for the computer and it only cost $700.   

Ironic thing was, the $800 and $1,000 that was available had only 8 GB, 1TB and a low quality Video card and processing speed. 

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: bought my new computer
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2015, 02:42:16 PM »
Hi Janna,

You've found a great base computer. Just like you said you can upgrade the video card later.

What it has is a medium grade video card. Which will give medium settings for Sims 4. I'd stick to medium settings with Sims 3 as well to be on the safe side.

The DDR3 Memory is fine. It's the standard memory for desktops.

However, when you go to buy a new video card, you want it's memory to be DDR5. It's the faster memory which will help gaming performance be better.

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Offline Janna

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Re: bought my new computer
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2015, 05:26:54 PM »
That was what I figured, okay but not really good enough.  I had wanted a DDR4, I will go for a 5 when I upgrade.  I think I can increase to an INVIDIA card also, which will be done later. 
I had wanted the liquid cooling, but the only one with that was $1,500 and I wasn't willing to go that high.   

Wrote on a piece of paper what has been listed here as a good base one, then gave it to the salesclerk and told him this was the least I wanted, wanted higher, and limit was $1200.  He really tried to get it to what I wanted, but this was the best he could do. 
45 minute drive, so decided to not make another trip on the off chance I might get a better one with it being this close to Christmas.  If we had lived closer I would have waited and called every day.

It will do for a few years with the upgrades. 

Plan on buying the Sims 4 in a couple of days.