Author Topic: The life of Miranda Right  (Read 9565 times)

Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2015, 03:00:39 PM »
*Warning* This has some social interaction in it, which for me at 13 with Asperger's Syndrome, it may sound a little, how do I put it? Not well done and sounds weird. Yeah. That's it. But, onward!

Chapter seventeen: the troubles of Laura

So hi guys, I’m Laura. That trip three years ago was cool. Anyways it’s been years again and so, birthdays happened. Mom, Dad, Holly and Ethan turned thirty two. Kate turned nineteen and so did Kurt and Alex. I turned fifteen. Melony and Melody are eleven. Serena turned three. Mirabelle turned five. Everyone had a great time, I was out with Sam and Forrest, because I know my family would forget me on my own birthday. They always forget me now unless I’m in trouble. Anyways here are the pictures of us now:
Kate is really pretty and is the only one who is always nice to me.

Alex is cool. He can’t yell at me, he’s not the boss.

Me, pretty cool.

Melony and Melody haven’t changed anything about their appearance, and I didn’t get a picture of Kurt.

Mirabelle at five, wearing her aunt Darlene’s favorite childhood dress:

And Serena:

Today Kate learned that she and Alex can’t have any kids. I will show you their conversation.

“Hey, Alex,” Kate said.

“Yeah?” he said chewing on the eraser at the end of his pencil.

“So I went to the doctor’s today.”


“I can’t have a baby.”


“I’m sorry, I know you wanted to have kids.”

“Yeah, I did.”


“Sorry isn’t going to help, Kate.”

“I know.”

“Just go away.”

“What? Why?”

“Go away, Kate.”

“But why?”


I walked in at that moment and heard Alex say that, Kate and I had a stunned face for a few minutes before she ran away crying.

“Kate! Wait, no!” Alex said, realizing what had happened.

“You’re an idiot!” I said and yeah, I kinda slapped him. You don’t hurt my sisters! Or my brother!

“I know.”

So I walked away. Then later in the day I saw Kate and Alex in the backyard, Alex walking towards Kate. (Yeah yeah, but she isn't short, it's the pose)

“Hi, Kate.” He said softly.


“I am so, so sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’m sorry too.”

“Katie, please look at me.”

She flinched.

“I don’t care if we can’t have a baby, all I want now is you.”

“I want you too, but you’ve always wanted to have kids.”

“I don’t care. Maybe we could adopt someday.”

He kissed her head.

“Hey, come back, I want more.” Kate smiled.

So they kissed and kissed again in the air. It was kinda sappy and cute.

Things got serious for me the next day, when I was out like five minutes past curfew and Kate was the one that yelled at me and grounded me.  

It was the final straw, basically. I stormed out of the house and ran over in the rain to Sam’s place and stayed there for a few days. We got bored so Sam gave me a makeover. I loved it, it captures how I feel.

But when I got home...

“Laura, you haven’t been home in days! While grounded! And then you come home wearing that?!” Mom yelled.

“Yeah! I am!” I yelled back.

“Laura Isabelle Right, you will not speak that way to your mother and you will not wear those clothes!” Dad said.

“YES I WILL! I AM SICK OF TIRED OF YOU TREATING ME LIKE THIS!” I yelled, and all my siblings came downstairs to watch.


All of my siblings moved out of the way on the stairs as I ran up.

This is what I looked like, by the way:

I stayed in my room all night and the next day I snuck out to see Sam. We stayed in the yard, ugh, don't give me that face.
The next day was prom. 

We kissed for the first time right before leaving.
When we got there I won Prom Queen, my favorite song was played, we danced all night, and we became boyfriend and girlfriend.

When we got home, though...

“Laura Isabelle Right. You were grounded. We extended your punishment for sneaking out. Then you went to prom?!” Mom said, disappointed.

You know, I don’t even think I know what my siblings’ middle names are.

“Hey Mom, what are my siblings’ middle names?” I asked.

She looked at me with a face I found uncomfortable, but answered, "Anastasia, Amber, Elizabeth, Claire, and James." Then She left the room and in came Dad.

“Laura, what has gotten into you?” Dad said with a disappointed face.

“You guys. You did this.” I decided to just tell the truth. No caring what the next words he said were.

“What do you even mean, young lady?” Dad crossed his arms.

“You never notice me! You only do when I’m in trouble! Oh, look at Kate! She’s so nice and happy! Look at Melony and Kurt! Always with their sports! Look at Melody! THE NEW MOZART! Look at Serena! She’s so young but is soooo smart!Oh look at Laura... Wait, who is Laura? My life is horrible!” I yelled.

“Laura! Do you even know how many people have it worse than you? Your life is perfect! Just because your mother and I get stressed sometimes does not mean anything!” Dad yelled.

“Yes it does! You just don’t care about me, do you? I could die and you wouldn’t care!”

“Laura, I am extremely disappointed in you. You go to your room and don’t come out until you decide you can be a good daughter.”


“Don’t you “Daddy” me. Go, now.”

So I did what I was told, but not without crying.

“Sweetie, what happened?!” Sam asked as I came up to him and just let go completely.

So I told him.

“So what can I do?!” I said looking up into his eyes.

“Well, first, we need to get you away from them.” Sam took me over to the couch.


“We’re sixteen. We’ll... get a house!”

“But we’re only sixteen, how do we do that?”

We’ll figure it out.”  

Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2015, 04:53:39 PM »
This chapter has no pictures, I'm not quite sure why, but it doesn't.

Chapter eighteen: Uggghhhh

Hi everyone, it’s Laura. My family’s still being annoying so I’m living with Sam in a little cabin we got.

I can’t believe they love so many other people and are so proud of them, and yet I can’t even get an “I love you” from any of them. Except for Sam. Sam’s stayed.

Kate’s their little goody-goody princess. Kate gets awards for citizenship! Kate with her perfect boyfriend. She’s twenty one and they are now engaged, I know this because she’s the only one I talk to.

Melony’s fifteen and loves sports along with Kurt, who’s also twenty one, and they’ve won so many football games it isn’t funny anymore. 

Melody’s their little music expertise, they go to every concert she’s ever had. She plays the guitar sooooo much.

Serena’s six, and everyone loves her paintings and she’s even got a little place in the art museum.

And here I am. No one cares. They’ve stopped trying to call me, if I see any of them on the streets they don’t say hi, and yeah. I’m even the author of Serena’s favorite book, but no one knows that! All I did was use a pen name and no one knows.

But then there’s Sam. He knows how I feel, his father is too busy with work with little kids, and there’s Yumi, Sam’s grandmother whose very annoying.

So we are here in this little house, away from them.

“Morning, Lauri,” Sam kissed me softly on the cheek and moved towards the other chair next to me. “How’s my princess?”

“Good, just writing the story for the viewers.” I pulled him back for a lip kiss.

“Why are you doing that? I’ve always wondered.” He sat down in the chair.

“I dunno, my mother has been doing this since she was seven and then I saw how awesome it was so here I am.” I shrugged and wrote what I said down.

“Mmm. Okay.” he said, interested.

“So what’s for breakfast?” we said together.

“PANCAKES!” we said together again.

“Haha, we should stop now.” we said again.

We looked at each other for a few minutes, then we both got into a laughing fit.

We quickly made the pancakes and ate them and we got to school just in time. Soon we heard everyone whispering.

“Oh look, it’s little run away goth girl with her stupid boyfriend.” Gigi Johnson whispered to Alberta and Janie Tomsfield.

“The cutest boy in school picks that little zero.” Bernice Hun whispers to Esther Fartherjoy and Nellie Fruitcake.

(Author’s note: No sims I’ve ever seen have those names, I’m just making these people up)

Even Forrest Keaton, our supposed friend, whispered to Kevin Crouch and Yvonne Uwalka, “Here’s little Sam, being saved by his princess. But this princess is running away from her problems too. What a mess.” 

I could feel my eyes starting to tear up, my throat getting the normal sensation.

I felt Sam put his arm around me and kinda squeezed tightly. “Don’t listen to them, they’re not telling the truth.”

So we walked through them and got to class.

The rest of the school day was okay, and yeah. Only a few more months and then no school.

We came back and he started to make dinner.

“How much do you want?” Sam asked from the kitchen.

“A lot!” I said, I think I even sounded hungry.

“Haha, are you hungry today?”

“Yup!” I had no idea why.

So we start to eat and I feel sick.

“Um... Sam, I need to go.”

“Oh, you should. Quickly.” He saw me, I think I looked green.

So I went in there and threw up. And that was only the start of me being sick, because it’s now two weeks later and I’m still doing it. Sam and I talked today and...

“Okay, Lauri...”


“I think- well, maybe, uh,”

“What, Sam?”

“I know we’re only seventeen, but I think you’re pregnant.”

“Huh...” I said, my heart suddenly pounding. “Would you leave me if I was?”

“No, it would be our baby. If you really are, I helped make it.”

“Should we buy the tests?”


So we went, bought the tests, and yes. I am seventeen and pregnant. Isn’t that a show? I think Melody and Melony watch it...

I started to cry, and Sam pulled me close to him. “Don’t worry, it’s our baby and I’ll stay.”


“Of course, Laura bug.”

I can’t believe I’m going to have a baby.

And then Kate invited us to the wedding which is in eight months. We’ll see.

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2015, 07:57:59 AM »
I can't wait to see Laura's baby! This is a really great story. :)
I'm neurotic all right...

Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2015, 10:54:31 PM »
Sorry I haven't posted an update in a while... My pictures got deleted. I'm trying to find a way to update from the last time and not have a timeskip as long as it would be.

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2015, 06:32:24 PM »
Weeelll here I go.

It had been many years. Laura and Sam had a baby girl, named Shannon Victoria, then two years later, quads, named Arrow, Lance, Marian., and Robin. Shannon was now 10 with 8 year old siblings. Laura and Sam were now married.

Kate and Alex were now married, and with the help of a genie Kate got pregnant! But there were consequences and she almost died at childbirth, thankfully she did not. They had their son, Shiloh Kal-El, a year after Shannon was born. Then, when Shiloh was 5, they somehow had another baby. They named her after her sadly deceased aunt, Cassandra. Her name is Cassandra Rose, or Cas. Finally, after five more years, they had their newest baby, another daughter named Amelie Olivia. A few months before Amelie was born they got in a car accident, leaving Cas in a wheelchair.

Kurt got married to his boyfriend, Grady Elfman, and they adopted a daughter, Ashley Lynn. She is now 8.

Melony and Melody are adults now, and they got an apartment.

Serena is 16 now, and dating 17 year old Mirabelle.

Morty had an alien baby, the now 2 year old Madeline or Maddie.

Mira and Morty are now in their fifties.

Both Miranda's moms and Morty's parents died.

Mira's little brother Ryan is in his forties and he married a woman from Bridgeport, Bianca Rubble, and they had a daughter, Gertie, who is now 9.

Okayyy I think you're all caught up, I promise chapters with pictures soon.

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2016, 09:04:02 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity.  @Oncerandsimmer - you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

Original Storyboard:  Sims 3 Misc and Player Challenge Stories