Author Topic: Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart  (Read 6352 times)

Offline sunsetsorbet

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Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:31:29 PM »
I'm sorry if this would fit better under an existing discussion.  Mods can feel free to move it wherever it fits best. 

I made a chart that lists all the harvestables in the game and I have check marks for the ones that can be used to make nectar, jams, and/or preserves.  Click here for the chart in Google Spreadsheets.  Right now it's alphabetical, but you can copy it over into Excel or your own Google spreadsheet and arrange it buy expansion pack or whatever. 

I also assigned a "plant type" for people who want to arrange the plants aesthetically in their garden.  (The plant I called a "bush" is the same shape for both University Life and Supernatural, but two different shades of green, hence the differentiation in my chart.) 

I tried converting to BBCode, below, but it doesn't look as nice. 

HarvestableFromRarityPlant TypeNectar?Jam?Preserve?In buydebug?
AppleBase Gamecommontree
Avornalino GrapesWorld Adventuresuncommonvine
BasilUniversity Lifecommonplant
Bell PepperBase Gamerareplant
BlackberryStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommonplant
BlueberryStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommonvine
Bumble LeafUniversity Liferarebush (UL)
Burger PattyBase Gamespecialplant
BuzzberryUniversity Lifeuncommonplant
ChamomileUniversity Liferarebush (UL)
CheeseBase Gamespecialplant
Cherimola Blan GrapesWorld Adventurescommonvine
CherryWorld Adventuresraretree
CinnamonUniversity Lifeuncommonplant
Cocoa BeansStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommonplant✓ chocolate spread✓ chocolate
CornStore: Grandma's Canning Stationcommonplant
Cortado BeansUniversity Lifecommonbean stalk
Cranerlet GrapesWorld Adventuresrarevine
Crystal Flower (kindness)Into The Futurecommonflower
Crystal Flower (laughter)Into The Futurecommonflower
Crystal Flower (love)Into The Futurecommonflower
Crystal Flower (neutral)Into The Futurecommonflower
Crystal Flower (rage)Into The Futurecommonflower
CucumberStore: Grandma's Canning Stationcommonvine✓ relish✓ pickles
Death FlowerBase Gamespecialplant
EggBase Gamespecialplant✓ pickled eggs
Flame FruitBase Gamespecialvine
Forbidden FruitUniversity Lifespecialbulb
GarlicBase Gamerarevine
Ghost ChiliSupernaturalrarebush (S)
GinsengUniversity Lifecommonbush (UL)
Glow OrbsSupernaturalraremushroom
Gralladina GrapesWorld Adventuresrarevine
GrapeBase Gamecommonvine
GreenleafUniversity Lifeuncommonbush (UL)
Kona BeanUniversity Lifecommonbean stalk
LavendarUniversity Lifeuncommonbush (UL)
LemonStore: Humble Harvest Standuncommontree✓ marmalade
LettuceBase Gamecommonvine
LicoriceUniversity Lifeuncommonplant
Life FruitBase Gamespecialplant
LimeBase Gameuncommontree✓ marmalade
MandrakeSupernaturalcommonbush (S)
Maui BeanUniversity Lifecommonbean stalk
Meloire GrapesWorld Adventuresuncommonvine
Midnight BeanUniversity Lifecommonbean stalk
Money BagBase Gamespecialtree
Omni PlantBase Gamespecialplant
OnionBase Gameuncommonplant
OrangeStore: Grandpa's Grove Tractorcommontree✓ marmalade
PeachStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommontree
PearStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommontree
PecanStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommontree
PeppermintUniversity Lifecommonplant
Plasma FruitLate Nightspecialplant
PlumWorld Adventuresuncommontree
PomegranateWorld Adventuresuncommontree
PomeloWorld Adventuresraretree
PotatoBase Gameuncommonvine
Purple EggplantStore: Humble Harvest Standcommonplant
RaspberryStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommonplant
Red Berry BeanUniversity Lifecommonbean stalk
Red ToadstoolSupernaturalcommonmushroom
Red Valerian RootSupernaturalcommonbush (S)
Renoit GrapesWorld Adventurescommonvine
Spotlight MushroomSupernaturaluncommonmushroom
SteakBase Gamespecialplant
StrawberryStore: Bohemian Fruits & Nutscommonvine
Sweet GrassUniversity Lifeuncommonbush (UL)
TomatoBase Gamecommonplant✓ ketchup
WatermelonBase Gameuncommonvine
White CapsSupernaturalcommonmushroom
WolfsbaneSupernaturalcommonbush (S)
WonderpetalUniversity Lifeuncommonbush (UL)

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Re: Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2015, 05:31:04 PM »
Great work and thank you!

For those hankering for buydebug Carrots and Plasma Fruit, there is a mod on Mod The Sims that adds them to the catalogue. Kind of weird to forget about them, though. :(
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Offline Sonshine

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Re: Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2015, 11:37:14 PM »
Ok, I'm going to show my ignorance here. She has jam listed in there, but I have never seen any ability to make jam. Is this a premium item or something?


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Re: Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2015, 05:22:10 AM »
Yeah, that's what I was wondering too. I can't find any way to make jams either.

Offline KRae

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Re: Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2015, 06:38:03 AM »
I'm pretty sure it's premium content that I don't own either. Possibly the Brunch at the Old Mill set.


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Re: Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2015, 02:12:58 PM »
Thank you, I can stop looking for it in my game now  :)

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Re: Harvestables for nectar/jam/preserves chart
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2015, 04:18:36 AM »
Thanks for this!  :) I have the canning station and I had no idea you could use cocoa in it.

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