I've been completely absent here and I regret that things went the way they did. Sadly, it was outside my control. My mother lost her companion of 18 years - who she got with when I was 15 - and this resulted in her being in a bad state given she's disabled with MS. It was a huge loss that turned her world upside down.
I'm thankful for the staff who have taken care of the Forum while we've been bereaved. Exercising creativity is my way of coping, so I took up a game I didn't think I could enjoy and thought I'd share my project with the community. In a similar situation, when I lost my father in late May 2009, I dealt with those tough feelings and eventually decided to begin writing on The Sims 3 to occupy my mind. It turned out wonderfully and here we are now, so I am hoping to find my writing on this game is as well-received and helpful. As always, I've got a lot of editing to do!
I'd heard of Terraria many times, but didn't like what I saw in screenshots and vidoes. They just couldn't convey the sense of adventure to me. I was very, very wrong. The open nature, retro graphics, metroid-style exploration and progression really appeal to me and I've become a huge fan this past few weeks. Every moment I could spare, I dedicated to this game and took notes. I could never play minecraft, but this is right up my alley and offers the same ability to craft the world around you.
At that, I've started a
Terraria Guide to help me fill time in between
Sims DLC. I'm focusing on
bosses first and want to do some beginner guides, since I've had to play through a few times now given bugs on the PS Vita version (ugh - crashes on save are the worst). I chase my own whims for fun and really enjoy making new stuff, so Terraria is my target for the moment. I've got a tight mobile friendly design and love the look so far, even if it's simple.
This doesn't mean anything for me covering Sims, and I look forward to Get Together. I'm behind on my writing and have articles I regularly contribute which are due for The Sims Magazine App (available on Android/iOS) and plan to catch up in coming weeks. I've had so much happening out of nowhere that I barely got to explore the ice cream effects in Kitchen Stuff before we got bad news... but I do look forward to feeling up to making new pages for the Sims guide and fixing the problems that have been brought to my attention.
I just imagine we have a few people who enjoy Terraria here and I thought I'd share my new project with them, as well as take the chance to explain my distance this past two months. It may be too much information but I hardly care, it's not my blog but I do have a kinship with many here who have no idea why I'm barely around. I'm glad to feel like talking about it and being hopeful for the future. This community rocks and thanks for reading!