Author Topic: Flora Dynasty  (Read 5118 times)


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Re: Flora Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2015, 05:13:20 PM »
What a lovely story! I'm really enjoying your take on the Immortal Dynasty. Can't wait for more!

Offline NickytheBunny

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Re: Flora Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2015, 06:37:51 PM »
Chapter 6: New Home

The next few days seemed to fly by as we all settled in to our new home. With the few thousand simoleons Leighton and his family brought together from moving in, we were able to set up a pretty decent house, small though it may be.

*A few changes were made after the pictures were taken, but I forgot to retake the photos. Sorry

After the house was built, we all settled into what eventually became our routine. I began the garden I had told Leighton about using the fruit I found at the park my first day here...

...Leighton tried his hand at painting, since he said it was "something he always wanted to do but never felt good enough to do it"...

...and his mother, whose name I learned was Yumi, took it upon herself to raise Sam.

And thus began our lives together as a family. We started off with only a few hundred simoleons to our name once the house was complete, but I was confident that we could make it work.

A couple days went by and soon we were making progress. But I felt like something else was missing. While everyone else was busy, I was waiting on my plants to grow, stuck in one place by mother nature. I needed something to occupy my time, something that could help us get more money so we could get a better house. Leighton and I talked about it and he said that he would continue coaching for awhile, since we needed the money anyway. But I knew we couldn't be dependent on his salary only. I needed a job.

I sat down with the daily newspaper and read the classified section, looking for anything that peaked my interest. Then I saw it.
~Have a knack for experiments and gardening?~
~Look no further than the Landgrabb Science Institute! We offer quality jobs for the future scientist!~
~Report to Boyd Wainwright at the Landgrabb Science Institute for the job of a lifetime!~

I quickly looked up the address and made my way as quick as possible to the location, watching as they signed me up for the most basic job they had available. I had no experience working ever, so I wasn't too upset. I just had to work harder in the beginning.
I came home to hear Sam howling for attention, unsatisfied with his bear that he seemed to call "Roofy" ever since Yumi helped him learn to speak. I picked him up and held him close. "What's wrong, Sammy?" I cooed. "You need something? I'm here, don't worry.."

I smiled. Being around the child gave me a sense of being, my heart longing to reach out towards the small human being. He seemed to calm down once I held him for a bit. Turning around, he took in his surroundings before looking at Leighton. He babbled happily and said in a thin high voice, "Pappy!"

I laughed and bounced him up and down a bit. "That's right, your 'pappy'. That's your daddy. He's a good man." Even though his back was turned, I saw the corners of Leighton's mouth move up into a smile. I was about to say something to him when Sam sneezed. "Oh excuse you," I said cheerfully, before catching a whiff of something bad smelling. "Ugh, someone needs to be changed."
That night, I snuggled close to Leighton, whispering softly, "Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm...?" he said softly. "Uh yea, sure.."
"...Do you think we could have a baby one day?"
He turned around and gave me a sleepy look. "What's this all of a sudden?"
"I don't know... I guess I've been thinking about the future."
He chuckled. "It's Sam, isn't it? You want your own little nooboo."
"Oh when you put it so bluntly, sure," I said sarcastically.
He chuckled again before taking my hand. "Delphy, it's okay. I was thinking about it as well... Honestly, I think if the time is right, we'll know."
I nodded. "You're right... Besides, there's still Sam."
"Exactly. He's a sweet boy."
"He is..." I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'll let you sleep."
"Don't worry about it, Delphy." He turned his head more and kissed my forehead. "Sleep well."
"You too." I snuggled close and quickly fell asleep, listening to my husband's rhythmic breathing. Obviously our financial issues were more important. Sam was still a kid as well, and we were set back as it was. There would be a time for nooboos later on in life. At least that's what I told myself. Secretly, I hoped the day would come sooner rather than later.
The next day, I started off for work. The uniform was a bit...relaxed, but it still looked okay. Sort of.

I immediately began enjoying my job as soon as I walked through the building. The atmosphere immediately felt so inviting for someone like me. Plants of all kinds grew in the lab's arboretum, while every station was full of potential experiments and new discoveries. Not to mention all the co-workers were nice and some even gave me pointers on how to do my job more efficiently. For a first day, it couldn't have been better.
But as soon as I got home, I knew something was wrong. I made my way over to my garden which had grown quite well, if I do say so myself, when I heard Leighton's voice behind me. "How was work, darling?"
"Oh it was great. Everyone was so nice to me. Reminded me so much of-..." I froze, unsure on how to take what I was seeing.. "Leighton...did you do something with your hair?"

Another chapter done! I know this one is a little short as well, and I know that I'm dragging things out as far as being an Immortal Dynasty. But I'm creating much of the story as I go, and frankly, I'm having a lot of fun doing so. Let me know if you guys enjoy this story and want to see more. Peace <3
Also, I'd like to apologize for this going up so late. I was with my family for a few days.
Oh and one more thing: I want to show off Leighton's new outfits, but want to put all the pictures into one big one, like have each one featured in one picture. Does anyone know how to do this? Unsure how to do this on Photobucket.

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Offline NickytheBunny

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Re: Flora Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2015, 05:06:59 PM »
Chapter 7: Love and Birthday Wishes

I quickly pulled my husband into a hug, holding him close as I started to laugh.


"W-what? What is it?" he asked. "Is there something wrong?"
I shook my head. "No, no... I guess I wasn't expecting this. You look so different."

Leighton looked at me with a surprised look on his face. "Really? You actually like it?"
"Of course! It makes you look more...rugged." I smiled and took a good look at his face. "I love it."
He chuckled. "Well, I did it for you."

"Why would you do that?" I asked.
He sighed and looked deep into my eyes for a moment. "Well... I had been thinking about our conversation the other night. How you were so eager to move into another stage in our lives so quickly. And it made me realize that maybe some other changes needed to be made."

"I remember looking at myself in the mirror and thinking of how I could do something different, how I could make a change that might make a difference in our lives. Then it hit me. What if I changed my style? I hadn't changed a thing since I was a kid. And...well, it's not much, but maybe that could help us grow. Help us learn to get along a lot better."
I bit my lip and shook my head. "Leighton, you didn't have to do that. I like you for who you are, no matter what you look like."

I caressed his cheeks and smiled. "I know it hasn't been that long since we first met, but I've had this feeling ever since we first met. I've had a feeling that this-our meeting, our life together now, our future-is all for some greater purpose. That this was meant to be." I blushed as I saw his smile grow, taken in by his gaze so full of happiness. "I know I sound very weird right now talking about meaning and higher purposes and all that. But it's true. Leighton, it doesn't matter what happens between us or what you change or do. Because I would've fallen for you no matter what. You're absolutely amazing and I'm so glad to have met you."
Leighton's smile grew into a big grin. His eyes lit up as he heard my words. Once I finished, he blushed and looked away for a second, then leaned in and whispered, "I'm glad too." Before I could say anything though, he whispered back, "I think I'm ready."

I was shocked. "W-wait, what-?"
"If you're ready for that step, then I am too. Delphy, you and I feel the same. I wouldn't trade our life together for anything, as short-lived as it is right now. I want us to have a bright and hopeful future. I want us to be together as long as we possibly can and do many amazing things together. And if having a child is a step we plan on taking...I'm ready when you are."
I had no words in that moment. I stared dumbfounded at Leighton as I tried to quickly assess how I felt and what I wanted to do. Sure, I wanted a child more than anything, and I had literally begged him that night. But after having the time to think about it once a day had passed, I began to see how much pressure that would put on both of us. We were struggling as it was already, trying to get the bare necessities for not only two adults, but also a child and an elder. It wasn't easy, and to add another child to the mix...
"I can't."
He quickly became the confused one before I explained, "Not yet. Leighton, I would love to have a child with you. More than anything in the world. I just...look where we are now. Barely even married, just finished building a new home. We can't. Not now."
It took him a moment before he nodded in understanding. I felt terrible as I saw his expression drop, though he tried hard not to show it. I quickly kissed him as I tried to make him happy again.

"But..." I said in a teasing manner, "that doesn't mean we can't do certain things. What is it called when they, I don't know, do the thing after a marriage?"
Leighton chuckled and took my hand, leading me to our bedroom. "I think I know what you mean." He turned back and smirked. We made our way to our bed and climbed on together, snuggling close as we soaked in the moment.

I rested my head on his shoulder and said softly, "I love you Leighton." He smiled and kissed my forehead before whispering back, "I love you too." And with that, it all went uphill from there.

Some time passed as we lay there in pure bliss, our first time making us feel as if we were floating on clouds. I turned over to look at my husband, who in turn turned to look at me. We smiled and stared into each other's eyes for awhile, perfectly content in each other's presence.

"Delphy...?" His voice finally broke the silence. He sighed before taking my hand in his. "I will always love you, no matter what."
I bit my lip and blushed. "I will too." Suddenly, a yawn escaped my mouth. We both chuckled, then laughed as he did too. "Maybe it's time we went to bed."
"Good idea, Delphy." He kissed my lips softly and turned back over. "Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight, my dear," I said softly back, turning over as well. Our hearts swelled as we drifted off to sleep, still taking in the momentous occasion. There were still questions that needed answers, about the past and the future. But as I laid there in bed, listening to my husband's light breathing as I slowly found myself giving into sleep's quiet remedy, I knew that there was nowhere else in the world I'd rather be then right there in that moment.
The next week flew by with little deviation from the norm. Every day, I went to work, getting two promotions by that Friday. The uniforms became a little more appealing, much to my relief.

Leighton's painting skills also increased, while I saw Yumi constantly slaving over the stove, practicing her already superb cooking skills as she had proven again and again. But as the days went by, a new event was slowly making its way to our family: Sam was about to grow up into a full grown child. Though we didn't say much, all of us were excited for this new change, hoping we helped Sam learn enough to grow into a wonderful bright child. We dipped into our savings and built his own room on the side of the house, as he had been sharing one with Yumi until now.

Though it wasn't much, it was the best we could do. (Leighton added the easel, since he believed Sam "had great taste and might want to be an artist like his daddy wants to). In light of such an occasion, we also decided to have a party as well, inviting all of our close friends.

Pretty much everyone we invited showed up, filling our tiny house and making it a bit hard to move in. But it was all worth it.

One lady seemed very shocked at the quality of our food, all thanks to Yumi once again. Not sure how she got invited, but who knows?

Both Illiana and my boss were able to come, which made me very happy. I got to chat with them both and we all got along very well, if I do say so myself.

Although apparently Leighton didn't have such a good time with his boss. He had been planning to ask for a raise and/or a promotion, but he was quickly turned down for both, even after doing so well the past week at his job. I made sure to save a big piece of cake for him after.
Soon though, it was time for the main event. Leighton got Sam up from his nap, which was sorely needed, and brought him to the cake.

All of us, including the guests, gathered around and sang a nice rendition of "Happy Birthday" to our little boy. He gurgled and smiled, unaware of what was going on except that there was a lot of happy noise. After we finished, Leighton helped Sam blow out his few candles as we cheered them on. Though I'm not sure why Yumi was laughing.

Leighton smiled and set the boy on the ground. Sam laughed as bright sparkles began to envelop him. His transformation was finally happening.

And soon, our little toddler grew up to be our little child. And one of the first things he did? Sit on a big boy toilet.

After cleaning up and finding his own style though, he turned out to be quite the handsome young man. It was a wonderful day full of change and we all hoped Sam would soon find his calling as he made his first steps out into the world.

Yay! Another chapter complete! This one was kinda fun since it had two major events in it. I decided to not have Leighton and Delphnia have their baby (the heir) just yet. The way I'm going with this story, I'm trying to make it more subtle, a lot more about the daily life of someone who doesn't know they're a part of something as big as a dynasty. I won't spoil too much, but for those that are wondering what kind of angle I'm going for, that is it. More details will be given as time goes on. Delphnia is close to getting ambrosia at this point in the game right now, so I have to do a lot of catchup with this story. Thankfully I have a lot of time on my hands this week. Thank you everyone who reads this and thank you for the support. Don't forget to leave a comment if you enjoy this, as it means a lot to me to see the support I'm getting. Again, thank you guys so much and have a wonderful day. Peace <3

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Re: Flora Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2016, 01:24:53 PM »
Hey everybody. Just a quick update. I haven't been able to do much this past month or so due to finals and spending time with my family. Plus I just injured my back, so I couldn't even think without a lot of pain. Thankfully Ill have some time now to get back to the story. Delphnia has already eaten ambrosia, so I have a LOT to catch up on. If you guys really want to see this story unfold, let me know. I know it's very confusing, but that's because I have a huge twist to it that, if given enough time and writing skills (ha, sims joke), I should be able to pull off. If however, you're desperate to know, you can PM me and I'll explain it. Anyways, hope everyone had a merry Christmas and happy New Year. This story will pick up again, I assure you.

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Re: Flora Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2016, 07:33:47 AM »
I'm desperate to see it unfold but also desperate to know! Drat my curiosity! Going to go PM you now! How did you hurt your back? I know back pain (had a spinal fusion a month after my 21st birthday!) So I'll be praying you feel better soon!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Flora Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2016, 11:31:10 AM »
I'm really enjoying your story, but take what time you need. I'll patiently wait.

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Re: Flora Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2016, 08:57:33 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity.  @NickytheBunny - you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

Original Storyboard:  Sims 3 Dynasty and Legacy Challenge Stories

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