Thank goodness for modern medicine. Got back to work today and am really happy to say that I got all the info on massages and the socials from Wellness into the guide. Something big here is that you can use the special socials to bestow particularly powerful moodlets - like 8h +2 Happy, just from a social! So give a Sim a stone massage then move on to a foot massage, and a little pep talk with 'Offer Mental Relaxation Techniques' and they'll be very happy in no time. Really good stuff.
It's almost like they heard some of us preaching that moodlets don't last long enough and gave us some really good options to keep Sims' emotions a bit more predictable. This pack is an incredible value, and the amount of content is surprising. Look to the updated
Wellness and
Spa Day pages to see what I'm talking about. It's just amazing the amount of moodlets.
I'm not about Spas, but had a lot of hopes for this one for these very reason. That you can use everything at home is wonderful. Wellness is maybe the best utility skill in the game for challenge players, if/when it's allowed in those
Your thoughts/opinions on this skill?