I was browsing through the teen/adult aspirations just now and noticed that one of the childhood ones--Rambunctious Scamp--is very, very slightly outdated.
Here's how it current looks on the webpage below:
http://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/aspirations/RAMBUNCTIOUS SCAMP ASPIRATION
Total Satisfaction Gained: 925
Reward Trait: Physically Gifted
Learn Adult Physical Skills faster (Fitness and perhaps some others).
Aspiration Objectives:
Milestone I:
Play on a Jungle Gym while Playful (75)
Achieve Level 2 Motor Skill (50)
Milestone II:
Achieve Level 5 Motor Skill (100)
Practice Typing 3 Times (150) <-- Practice Typing 4 Hours
Milestone III:
Make it Across the Monkey Bar 3 Times (100)
Earn a High Score on the Typing Game (200)
Achieve Level 10 Motor Skill (250)