Author Topic: Trouble with a Bartender  (Read 6024 times)


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Trouble with a Bartender
« on: November 02, 2010, 12:34:07 PM »
When I started playing Late night, I noticed a bartender. I am not sure where I found him, maybe in Aquarius Club. I think that his surname was Hemlock, but I am not sure about it. In the official trailer, it is a bartender who looks almost like him: brown hair, tanned skin.
The problem is, I made another family: a female young adult to marry him, but I don't find him. I searched on the internet and what I found was the vampire family and no trace about him.
Is it possible that he was just a NPC sim and not a homeless sim? Or, maybe he is in town, but with another name.
Has anybody found him, just accidentally? I really want to find him. He is really cute . ;D

Offline DLSpurlock

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Re: Trouble with a Bartender
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2010, 05:18:41 PM »
The Hemlock's are regular residence at Bridgeport. The a lot of the townies take on different jobs during different games. So, perhaps he isn't a bar tender in your second game?

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Re: Trouble with a Bartender
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2010, 05:55:06 PM »
Yep, I know about Hemlock family.  He isn't a member so.. it's just coincidence with the surname.
Do you suggest that he could be in second game, don't know, bouncer?!
Maybe you're right, but I must visit every club to find him, to see every bouncer, mixologist, even paparazzi. That was my question, if anybody noticed a townie called Hemlock or something like that.
But, if the game changed his name, in different beginning, it will be a challenging for me..

edit: He lived in penthouse, where Ashton Devin lives too.


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Re: Trouble with a Bartender
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 01:24:06 AM »
I'm also curious... I met Brigit Hemlock, the bartender at plasma. I've invited her over to my place, and have engaged in every romantic act available. She is single, but the option to invite her to move in or propose is not available. Is this not possible? She's cute!


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Re: Trouble with a Bartender
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 05:54:23 AM »
Did you set at an epic life, or something like that? I don't know how to explain in English :D .. Maybe you should keep going with romance (to get to the maximum - extremely romantic i think).
I found Brigit Hemlock. If you want, I can try it too and I'll say the results.

p.s I made it for you. I'll send a PM .