Author Topic: Aspirations -- needs correction  (Read 3607 times)

Offline Nutella

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Aspirations -- needs correction
« on: January 03, 2015, 12:15:03 PM »
I checked the rest of the aspirations (painter aspirations in earlier post), here are the changes.  I'm just giving you the stage changes, you will have to rewrite some sentences on the summary aspiration page and also on the individual aspiration page.  You have to rewrite a lot of milestone objectives  :'(



Stage I - Basic Trainer
- Work Out for 8 Hours (50 Satisfaction)
- Own 2 Pieces of Workout Equipment (50 Satisfaction)  Work Out at a Gym Venue (50 Satisfaction)

Stage II - Exercise Demon
- Go Jogging for 10 Total Hours (300 Satisfaction)  Achieve Level 4 Fitness Skill (300 Satisfaction)
- Push the Limits for One Hour While Energized (250 Satisfaction)
- Workout at 3 Different lots (300 Satisfaction)  Own 2 Pieces of Workout Equipment (300 Satisfaction)

Stage III - Fit to a T
- Achieve Level 6 Fitness skill (500 Satisfaction)
- Show off for 15 Sims (350 Satifaction)  Go Jogging for 2 Total Hours (350 Satisfaction)
- Spend 50 Hours 10 Hours exercising (500 Satisfaction) 

Stage IV - Bodybuilder
- Reach Level 10 Fitness Skill (1000 Satisfaction)  (1250 Satisfaction)
- Mentor 15 Sims in Fitness (750 Satisfaction)  Removed
- Reach Sims' Maximum Body Potential (1000 Satisfaction)  (1500 Satisfaction)



Milestone Objectives:
1- Write 2 Books (75) + Write for 1 Hour while Inspired (50)
2- Achieve Level 4 Writing Skill (200) + Have Written for 15 Total Hours (200) + Write 5 Good Books (300)
3- Achieve Level 6 Writing Skill (500) + Publish 10 Books (350) + Write 5 Excellent Books (500)
4- Achieve Level 10 Writing Skill (1000) + Complete 3 Bestsellers (750) + Have Earned $25,000 in Royalties Publishing Books (1000)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,975  4,925

Milestone I - Tone Deaf
- Practice Music for 6 Hours (75 Satisfaction)
- Listen to Music for 4 Hours 2 Hours (50 Satisfaction)

Milestone II - Fine Tuned
- Achieve Level 6 Skill in an Instrument (150 Satisfaction)  Achieve Level 4 Skill in an Instrument (300 Satisfaction)
- Earn $100 Playing for Tips (350 Satisfaction)  Removed
- Serenade a Sim while Flirty (200 Satisfaction)  Play an Instrument for 1 Hour while Inspired (350 Satisfaction)

Stage III - Harmonius
- Achieve level 8 Level 6 Skill in an Instrument (500 Satisfaction)
- Write 4 Songs (400 Satifaction)
- Earn $1000 $500 from Licensed Songs (500 Satisfaction) 

Stage IV - Musical Genius
- Reach level 10 skill in an instrument (1000 Satisfaction)
- Have spent 100 hours playing musical instruments (750 Satisfaction)  Have Spent 75 Hours Playing Musical Instruments (1000 Satisfaction)
- Mentor others in music for 15 hours (1000 Satisfaction)  Mentor Others in Music for 3 Hours (750 Satisfaction)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,725  4,425

Milestone Objectives:
1- Perform 10 Mean or Mischievous Interactions (50) + Be Disliked by 2 Sims (75)
2- Use a Computer to cause Mischief 3 Times (350) + Achieve Level 3 Mischief Skill (300)
3- Pull 10 Pranks (550) + Achieve Level 6 Mischief Skill (600)
4- Clog Drains at 3 Different Homes (750) + Perform Voodoo 5 Times (750) + Achieve Level 10 Mischief Skill (1000)


Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,275  4,125

Milestone Objectives:
1- Perform 10 Mean or Mischievous Interactions (50) + Be Disliked by 2 Sims (75)
2- Be Disliked by 4 Sims (300) + Become an Adult (0) + Join the Criminal Career (300)
3- Have a Declared Enemy (0) + Reach Level 4 of the Criminal Career (400) + Get into 5 Fights (500)
4- Witness the Death of a Sim (750) + Reach Level 8 of the Criminal Career (750) + Have 3 Declared Enemies (1000)



Milestone Objectives:
1- Become an Adult (0) + Spend $1,000 on Kids' Stuff (75)
2- Read to a Child for 2 Total Hours (150) + Become a Parent (300) + Socialize with Your Child 10 Times (200)
3- Be Parent to a Child with 3 Friends (500) + Be Friends with 3 of Your Children (500) + Have a Child Get Married (500)
4- Socialize with Your Child or Grandchild 10 Times (1000) + Have 4 Grandchildren (1000) + Become Good Friends with 4 Children or Grandchildren (1000)



Milestone Objectives:
1- Become an Adult (0) + Spend $1,000 on Kids' Stuff (75)
2- Read to a Child for 2 Total Hours (150) + Become a Parent (300) + Socialize with Your Child 10 Times (200)
3- Help a Child with Homework 3 Times (350) + Have a Child Earn an "A" in High School (500) + Have a Child Max Any Skill (500)
4- Mentor Your Child 3 Times (750) + Have a Child Complete an Aspiration (1000) + Have a Child or Grandchild Reach the Top of a Career (1500)



Milestone I - Aluminum Chef
- Cook 5 Excellent Meals (75 Satisfaction).  (50 Satisfaction)
- Make 5 Large Orders of Grilled Cheese (50 Satisfaction).  Cook 2 Meals while Inspired (75 Satisfaction)

Milestone II - Captain Cook
- Achieve Level 5 Cooking Skill (300 Satisfaction).
- Cook 10 Meals While Inspired (250 Satisfaction).  Cook a Gourmet Meal (250 Satisfaction)
- Earn Silver at a Dinner Party Event (250 Satisfaction).

Stage III - Culinary Artist
- Become an Adult (0 Satisfaction).
- Reach Level 5 Level 4 in the Culinary Career (500 Satifaction).
- Create 8 Types 3 Types of Excellent Food (500 Satisfaction).

Stage IV - Master Chef
- Achieve Level 5 of Gourmet Cooking Skill (750 Satisfaction).
- Cook 20 Excellent Large Meals (1000 Satisfaction).  Reach Level 8 of the Culinary Career (1000 Satisfaction)
- Cook 5 Cook 3 Gourmet Dishes at a Single Event (1000 Satisfaction).



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,525  4,425

Milestone I - Bar Tenderfoot
- Mix 20 Drinks 10 Drinks (75 Satisfaction)
- Own a Bar and 2 Barstools (50 Satisfaction)

Milestone II - Electric Mixer
- Achieve Level 5 Level 4 Mixology Skill (300 Satisfaction)
- Mix 10 Drinks at a Single Social Event (200 Satisfaction)  Become an Adult (0 Satisfaction)
- Mix 3 Different Excellent Drinks (150 Satisfaction)  Join the Culinary Career (250 Satisfaction)

Stage III - Beverage Boss
- Become an Adult (0 Satisfaction)  Mix 3 Drinks at a Single Social Event (0 Satisfaction)
- Join the Mixology Branch of the Culinary Career (500 Satifaction)
- Achieve Level 7 in Mixology Skill (500 Satisfaction)

Stage IV - Master Mixologist
- Achieve Level 10 Mixology Skill (1000 Satisfaction)  (1500 Satisfaction)
- Mix 10 Excellent Drinks While Inspired (750 Satisfaction)  Removed
- Create 10 Types of Excellent Drink (1000 Satisfaction)  Create 5 Types of Excellent Drink (1250 Satisfaction)



Milestone Objectives:
1- Have Earned $5,000 (50) + Have $10,000 in Reserve (75)
2- Have $20,000 in Reserve (300) + Have Earned $25,000 (250)
3- Have Earned $75,000 (500) + Have $35,000 in Reserve (500)
4- Have Earned $200,000 (1500) + Have $50,000 in Reserve (1500)



Milestone Objectives:
1- Have a Home Worth $50,000 (75) + Own 15 Pieces of Art (75)
2- Have a Home Worth $100,000 (300) + Purchase $5,000 Worth of Landscaping (300)
3- Have a Home Worth $200,000 (500) + Own 30 Windows (500)
4- Have a Home Worth $350,000 (2000) + Purchase 20 Columns (750)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,425  3,725

Milestone Objectives:
1- Practice Programming for 5 Total Hours (75) + Play Video Games for 5 Total Hours (50)
2- Maintain Focus for 2 Straight Hours of Video Gaming (250) + Achieve Level 3 Programming Skill (150) + Own $3,000 Worth of Electronics (200)
3- Become an Adult (0) + Reach Level 3 of the Tech Guru Career (500) + Make a Video Game or an App (500)
4- Reach Level 5 of the Tech Guru Career (1000) + Have Spent 100 Hours on the Computer (1000)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,750  5,000

Milestone Objectives:
1- Finish Reading 3 Books (75) + Achieve Level 3 Logic Skill (75)
2- Repair or Upgrade an Object (250) + Craft an Object on the Woodworking Table (350) + Achieve Level 6 Logic Skill (300)
3- Achieve Level 5 Handiness Skill (350) + Launch or Upgrade a Rocket 5 Times (500) + Own a Rocket Ship (350)
4- Achieve Level 10 Logic Skill (1500) + Fix or Upgrade 5 Objects (1250)



Stage I - Prudent Student
- Finish Reading 3 Books (75 Satisfaction)
- Achieve Level 4 Level 3 Logic Skill (75 Satisfaction)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,875  4,125

Milestone Objectives:
1- Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend (50) + Go on 2 Dates (75)
2- Achieve Level 4 Charisma Skill (300) + Have had 3 First Kisses (300)
3- Achieve Level 6 Charisma Skill (500) + Have a Strong Romantic Relationship with 3 Sims at Once (500) + Kiss 10 Sims (400)
4- Earn Gold on 3 Dates (1250) + Have had 8 Boyfriends or Girlfriends (750)



Milestone Objectives:
1- Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend (50) + Go on 2 Dates (75)
2- Become an Adult (0) + Be Married to BFF (350)
3- Earn Silver on 2 Dates with Spouse (600) + Achieve Soulmate Relationship with Spouse (750)
4- Perform 50 Romantic Gestures with Spouse as Soulmates (1500) + Earn Gold on 3 Dates with Spouse (1000)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,900  4,150

Milestone Objectives:
1- Catch 5 Fish (50) + Fish at 3 Different Locations (50)
2- Fish for 10 Total Hours (300) + Mount or Bowl 5 Fish (250) + Achieve Level 4 Fishing Skill (250)
3- Catch 5 Fish Using Bait (400) + Make 6 Great Catches (500) + Achieve Level 6 Fishing Skill (350)
4- Collect 20 Types of Fish (1000) + Achieve Level 10 Fishing Skill (1000)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,925  4,825

Milestone Objectives:
1- Plant Something 3 Times (50) + Weed or Water Plants 10 Times (75)
2- Achieve Level 4 Gardening Skill (350) + Evolve 5 Different Plants (500)
3- Achieve Level 6 Gardening Skill (500) + Graft onto 3 Plants (400) + Fertilize 5 Plants (200)
4- Achieve Level 10 Gardening Skill (750) + Grow a Cowplant (1000) + Evolve 10 Excellent Plants (1000)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,825  4,075

Milestone Objectives:
1- Collect 10 Collectibles (75)
2- Collect 5 Crystals (250) + Collect 3 Frogs (250) + Collect 3 Fossils (250)
3- Send 5 Items to the Geological Council (350) + Breed 5 Frogs (400) + Collect 5 Elements (500)
4- Complete a Collection (1250) + Collect 25 Collectibles (750)



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,800  4,450



Total Satisfaction Gained: 4,650  4,350

Milestone I - New in Town
- Introduce Self to 10 Sims (75 Satisfaction).  Be Funny to 5 Sims (75 Satisfaction)
- Make 5 Friends (75 Satisfaction).  Achieve Level 3 Comedy Skill (75 Satisfaction)

Milestone II - Stand-up Start-up
- Perform 20 Successful Funny Interactions (250 Satisfaction).  Become an Adult (0 Satisfaction)
- Spend 10 Hours Writing Jokes (300 Satisfaction).  Join the Entertainer Career (250 Satisfaction)
- Own a Microphone (150 Satisfaction).

Stage III - Funny Businessman
- Achieve level 5 Level 6 Comedy Skill (400 Satisfaction).
- Have Earned $2500 from Comedy Routines (500 Satifaction).  Join the Comedian Branch of the Entertainer Career (500 Satisfaction)
- Write 5 Write 3 Comedy Routines (400 Satisfaction).

Stage IV - Joke Star
- Perform 100 Funny Interactions (750 Satisfaction).  Removed
- Perform 20 Comedy Routines (750 Satisfaction).  Perform 3 Comedy Routines (1000 Satisfaction)
- Achieve Level 10 Comedy Skill (1000 Satisfaction).  (1500 Satisfaction)



Milestone Objectives:
1- Introduce Self to 10 Sims (75) + Have 3 Friends (75)
2- Throw 3 Parties (150) + Earn Silver on 3 Social Events (300)
3- Earn Silver on 3 Thrown Parties (500) + Attend Social Events at 5 Unique Locations (500)
4- Throw 10 Social Events (1000) + Attend 15 Social Events (750) + Earn Gold on 2 Thrown Parties (1000)


Children - Artistic Prodigy

Total Satisfaction Gained: 1,150  1,100

Milestone Objectives:
1- Have an Activity Table (50) + Draw 2 Pictures while Inspired (50)
2- Achieve Level 5 Creativity Skill (150) + Play with 3 Toys (150)
3- Play Instruments for 5 Total Hours (200) + Draw All 5 Picture Types on the Activity Table (250) + Achieve Level 10 Creativity Skill (250)


Children - Rambunctious Scamp

Total Satisfaction Gained: 1,075  925

Milestone Objectives:
1- Play on a Jungle Gym while Playful (75) + Achieve Level 2 Motor Skill (50)
2- Achieve Level 5 Motor Skill (100) + Practice Typing 3 Times (150)
3- Make It Across the Monkey Bar 3 Times (100) + Earn a High Score on the Typing Game (200) + Achieve Level 10 Motor Skill (250)


Children - Social Butterfly

Total Satisfaction Gained: 1,075  975

Milestone Objectives:
1- Make a Friend (75) + Meet 5 New Sims (50)
2- Achieve Level 5 Social Skill (150) + Make a BFF (150)
3- Become Friends with 3 other Children (150) + Become Friends with 2 Adults (150) + Achieve Level 10 Social Skill (250)


Children - Whiz Kid

Total Satisfaction Gained: 1,325  1,175

Milestone Objectives:
1- Play 3 Games of Chess (75) + Read with an Adult for 2 Hours (50)
2- Achieve Level 5 Mental Skill (150) + Finish Homework 2 Times while Focused (150)
3- Achieve a Grade of "A" at School (250) + Craft 3 Emotional Potions (250) + Achieve Level 10 Mental Skill (250)

Offline Carl

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Re: Aspirations -- needs correction
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 06:21:34 AM »
Some of these are rather surprising, seemingly arbitrary, but overall I think it's a good thing. I don't remember Lifetime Wishes needing significant tuning until we got to EPs, but here we are getting actual tuning and balancing to make some of these sillier ones comparable to the others, which again just makes the game better. 

Thank you for bothering to do even those I haven't really covered yet. I did say before there was a reason I did not bother to edit the aspirations gateway, in that I was afraid they would go and make sweeping changes... so I'm glad I didn't put that off foolishly. While I won't be able to jump to edit these nearly as fast as the few career errors you found, I may copy all this into a file of my own and chop away at it from time to time so as to not get burned out just fixing aspirations and careers pages. I'll ask Metro to help a bit with some of those he wrote, and fix a few myself :)

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Re: Aspirations -- needs correction
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 11:31:49 AM »
@Nutella I am using this data in a better way than before. Rather than summarize and pick and choose what is important to show in summaries, I am listing all of the objectives on the Aspirations page so that it is a better resource for flip-flopping Aspirations to get lots of Satisfaction. I'm sure you will be happy to know I am using this graciously provided information in a more useful fashion. Thanks tons from both of us involved. Metro is gradually working to edit the text on the other pages, while I'm trying to make the long list today/tomorrow and convert the Aspirations gateway. That is far more off than the Careers are now that you've provided suggested edits. I'll announce when I'm finished and the changes to the Aspirations gateway are live.

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Re: Aspirations -- needs correction
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 01:03:53 PM »
I almost missed editing the Children's aspirations on their page, but have done that now. There's a lot more editing to do, but I'm sure we'll get it done before the new game pack is released. I hope to have the collecting section fully built by then, as that is the major missing thing on the site right now aside from parties.