Author Topic: How can I see all "mods" I have installed?  (Read 1933 times)

Offline CASnarl

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How can I see all "mods" I have installed?
« on: November 15, 2014, 03:38:25 PM »
When sims 4 came out I uninstalled sims 3 from my laptop and moved it to my computer. When I tried to run it, I was told that one or more of my mods wasn't up to date or something like that. Anyways, I haven't had the patience to bother with it yet. But I'm starting to miss sims 3. Especially since recently I had a sim in sims 2 who has the same name as one of my favorite sims 3 sims. So today I am deciding to get sims 3 running.
I generally keep my Mods folder pretty organized - all of my CmarNYC in one folder and NRAAS in another. But sometimes I forget to be organized and if I download like a bunch of hair and a mod I put them in a folder with the date I downloaded them.

I am wondering, does Delphy's Dashboard tell you what are actual mods? I can't remember if it does or not. If not, is there a program that can? To save me time?


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Re: How can I see all "mods" I have installed?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2014, 03:15:46 PM »
With most things you can tell what they are by the file name, dashboard does tell you if it is a mod but not what it is but it does display the file name.

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