Author Topic: Email Notifications  (Read 1462 times)

Offline Carl

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Email Notifications
« on: November 21, 2014, 10:42:11 PM »
I've disabled Email Notifcations for NPC-ranked Members. This means that it requires 5 posts to turn this on. The reason for this is that only 2% of emails get opened, and we are being frequently banned by email providers because of this. I can only fill out so many forms requesting removal from their block list. This will cut back on the amount of emails we need to send, since 11k members fall in that group. Many are likely getting notifications even though they are inactive, and that is a waste and likely exacerbating the issue. Those with 5 posts or more should get notifications as usual.

Sorry to have to do this to some of you who are lurkers and want to see new posts in topics. Once you have some posts in, you can get them like the rest of the members.

If you are supposed to be receiving notifications but aren't, please let me know here. I can look at your profile to see your email, so no need to post it publicly.