Once again I'm not sure whether to put this here, in WA or in LN, so please bear with me and move if necessary.
My Legacy founder got a tweak because I failed with him the first time around. Many of my legacies die in generation one due to either glitches or stupid decisions on my part. I usually just start over again, as I'm doing this time around. Anyway, his LTW is Seasoned Traveler and I'm trying to knock it out fast rather than to simply make him rich early on (though that is a side effect of this LTW in the first generation).
Anyway, he got an opportunity during which he has to collect three red assassin bugs. This seems like a high number (because it is) but it is made worse by the fact that he has now failed five out of six attempts to catch. I assume that this is by design. That is to say that the rarer the bug, the harder it is for the collector to catch.
However, I've caught them (and scarabs!) before without a problem. Or at least not so much of a problem. I recently installed LN. Is there a connection that anyone else has discovered? Should I jump ship and go for another op?