Thanks for giving us all this useful information.Well, since you managed to find that...
Do you see any info on how night owl/morning Sim affect skill building? How about the Savant reward from the store and Quick Learner from choosing a knowledge aspiration?
Apparently, +25% each for Night Owl, Morning Person, and Savant; +10% for Quick Learner.
(Makes me regret having picked Quick Learner for my starting sim; so many other interesting traits, and Quick Learner becomes irrelevant after all skills are leveled up.)
(Sorry for the delay, I left the reply tab open and went to do something else and, well, forgot to hit post...

That makes me curious - I've been operating under the assumption that 'Mischief' is lumped under the 'Social Butterfly' trait, and so categorized as a Social skill. (Even though it falls under Angry instead of Confident.) All the writing/painting/music/cooking skills seemed like obvious choices for Creativity, since they were all inspiration based, and I had categorized Fishing, Gardening, Logic, Programming, Rocket Science and Video Gaming as the mental skills, since they fell under Focus. Are you pulling most of this information from poking through code, or in-game testing? The four different aspirations for children - Creativity, Physical, Mental, and Social - had made me assume that Sims 4 categorized all of the skills under one of those headings. I'm wondering if there are 'floating' skills like Mischief that aren't attached to one of those categories, or if skills added in future expansions will follow the classification system. It would be nice if they did!
Thank you again for indulging all the questions!
The data is from poking through the tuning files; I do enjoy reverse-engineering things, and have some experience with XML.
All skills are attached to one of those four categories; Mischief is a social skill, together with Charisma and Comedy.