Okay, I know this sounds really frivolous right now, but I actually come to the conclusion, that I get more satisfaction from using Simpoints to get my additional content, from the store, with my Sim Points, as well as EP items. I see it as "You get what you pay for" type of deal. When you pay money, from your RL paychecks, to get your additional Sims stuff, you know you're getting something straight from the source, (EA), you know you're not going to get all kinds of bugs in your game, along with mutated, toddlers, broken necks, items disappearing, weird blacked out skin, on your newborns, and offensive looking things. With third party type of stuff, you never know, exactly what's harmful. We can't say all CC is bad, because of a few bad stuff, but its knowing what actually is bad. Which is why I'm generally leery about downloading Sims from the exchange. You don't know exactly what you're getting with the glowy skin, big hair, Barbie looking ball gowns, pearl bracelets, etc. So now, I'm at the point where patterns are fine, from other people's custom designs, (meaning someone recolored the items EA included in the vanilla game, EP's and SimPoint Items from the Sims 3 Store), but that's it. It's actually quite creepy and weird when people use all that junk to try to make their Sims look more human and less virtual.