Author Topic: Teenagers  (Read 40923 times)

Offline lindsaysoderberg

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Re: Teenagers
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2014, 01:31:50 PM »
You know, if they would implement height in CAS, that would be cool. Then the Sims children would have the traits of height as well. I do appreciate all the helpful tips and insights regarding teens. At least I now know what to look for when searching for mates for them. :)

@Marishkah, I LOVE the idea of being able to control height in CAS! You should submit a "formal" request.  :)

Offline ManiSims

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Re: Teenagers
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2014, 04:51:56 PM »
I think I read somewhere that the reason they couldn't do height customization in CAS was because it would make interactions too difficult. Like a tall sim's hands would just "float" above an object when picking it up or hugs/kisses between people of different heights would be too hard to animate. I think this was why they only had a few preset heights, less work to animate everything for every possible height.  I'm not sure though. With the new game engine in TS4 it may be different, so I would love to see height be a thing.

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Offline lindsaysoderberg

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Re: Teenagers
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2014, 12:29:05 PM »
I think I read somewhere that the reason they couldn't do height customization in CAS was because it would make interactions too difficult. Like a tall sim's hands would just "float" above an object when picking it up or hugs/kisses between people of different heights would be too hard to animate. I think this was why they only had a few preset heights, less work to animate everything for every possible height.  I'm not sure though. With the new game engine in TS4 it may be different, so I would love to see height be a thing.

@ManiSims, you just reminded me of something I saw:

Go tell one of your adult sims to hug a child. You a kind of frame-skip or something. I don't really know how to describe it, but it actually looks like the child gets teller momentarily before the adult is fully bent or knelt down for the hug. I'll try to remember to capture it on video later.

Is it possible to even post video on here, though?