Author Topic: Sims can't get in their House  (Read 11435 times)

Offline zudeka

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Sims can't get in their House
« on: September 07, 2014, 12:52:37 AM »
So 5 days into game ... 3 sims very close to the top of their professions......and all of sudden they can't get into their house! They have had the house (my build) since the beginning - and I haven't changed it in two days.   All I get is the footsteps and 'no go' bubble with arm flapping annoyed sims.

So I brought showers, beds, toilets into the yard and they use them!  I had two kids inside house. Asked on of them to come out - no problem. But now the kid can't get back in.  My garden is almost ready to give me a cowplant - so I hate to leave the lot.   Any ideas?

Offline KhaineGB

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Re: Sims can't get in their House
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 12:54:33 AM »
Save as into a new file.

Then try restarting the game. I had similar pathing issues (my sim couldn't get to another sim who was standing in the middle of a room with LOADS of space around her) and a restart seemed to fix it.

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Offline zudeka

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Re: Sims can't get in their House
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 01:56:24 AM »
Thanks I tried that  -  but it didn't work for me.  And I tried moving some walls around thinking it might reorient everybody.  Then I tried moving and resetting the front door.  Finally, to keep every one alive - I moved all the essentials (fridge, beds, showers, toilets, etc. out onto the lawn!  They used all as though it were in the house  - except they got 'embarrassed'.  Once everyone was green again, I 'travelled them' all to Oasis Springs from Willow Creek. Then I brought them back one by one.  That worked!!

And they are so glad to have their indoor plumbing back!!!!lolol

Offline KhaineGB

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Re: Sims can't get in their House
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2014, 03:35:56 AM »
Glad it's working for you again!

Oh well. The odd bug on launch is to be expected. :)

Offline Camigwen

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Re: Sims can't get in their House
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2014, 07:33:26 PM »
I had the same thing happen earlier and it seems the solution is to travel away from your home lot and then travel back. It happened to me when I had a character away from home and one still at home. I switched to the one at home and tried to recall the other back. When she got back, she couldn't enter.