Fantastic article!
The Admins of this site may one day be immortal in the Simming community and rightly so, but remember 'we' are here to keep you all 'honest'! By honest I mean if your Sim heads get too big for you Sim bodies someone, somewhere, here! Where it all began will point out the teeniest tiniest error on the guide and deflate those egos! haha
Just kidding, well kinda. I feel like my Sim universe has grown around Carl and Pam (Metro too of course but I've never bee brave enough to try a challenge) and this is my home, CSG (Carls Sims guide) has been my favourite world of all the Sims world.
Long may you reign, long may you prosper (the non geeky give away! live long and prosper)((does the hand gesture))
Thank you to all the Admins and Moderators that make this site what it is and why it will forever be the best place for unbiased, polite and informative conversation!