When I got my new computer (in May), I was so delighted
that my big old families could play again, and travel and go to University and all these things. And it's been great for months.
I've had WA expansion pack since the old days, through 2 PC upgrades. I now have super speed, processor, memory, graphic card all that.
I save like a maniac every time before I do anything. I am so grateful for all the coaching on this Forum about saving, cleaning up and deleting files, keeping most of my saves, screenshots, etc. in separate folders, even Factory Reset. All very helpful. So.
So two of my families (so far) are now unable to travel. When I get there there's no sim. And the game won't "Quit" from the menu option. It will go back to "Main Menu" and will quit from there. So that's workable. I guess.
I have tried going to much earlier (2-3 months ago) files of the older families, versions which I had traveled from successfully just a few weeks ago...but now the same file bugs when I travel. I still cannot travel those 2 families.
I started a new family, and yes, so far, it travels fine. But hey.
I don't remember doing any patching recently. I try to stay up to date on that. I don't remember installing any new content recently. I am wondering if anyone else is having these troubles. I saw the earlier (May) thread, with no resolution.
I guess there's no hope of game fixes and patches now that Sims4 is nearly released. But I thought I would post this bug anyway. Happy to discuss with you old timers, seasoned simmers, etc.