Author Topic: Moving Vacation Characters into Base World?  (Read 3086 times)

Offline NekoGirl111

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Moving Vacation Characters into Base World?
« on: December 21, 2014, 03:34:24 PM »
Hi there! It's me again, that Goth family fanatic, NekoGirl.

Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, but you can blame that on the fact of both my mom & myself going to college full time, so I've had VERY little time for Sims 3. Besides that, until this week, I've been on a major Sims 2 urge. *shrugs*

Anyways, I'm here to ask a couple questions:

Question #1:
1) Can you directly move Vacation Sims, as they come pre-packaged when you first install World Adventures, into the Base / Home World that your own Sims have been living in?

My reason for this, is I still plan to attempt This Challenge by Queenie08 over on the EA Forum.

Part of my story will involve the sims I feature going on Vacation to France, then the young couple ultimately deciding to live their lives out in the country.

How do I find this possible? This guy! ->

Amazingly, I was looking for similar in the idea of having China as a Base World, much like this person's done in the link with France. (I love The Legend of Korra series, I was intending to find a world that both reflected the show's main city, Republic City, yet still held much of it's Korean/Chinese appearance.)

Anyways, my Master Plan to make this happen, if a step or two is possible, is the following:

1) Move or Clone these French Sims with the Hidden French trait from the France world that come with World Adventures by default.

2) Place them in each of their Base World France homes, equivalent to those they came with in WA.

3) Move the Family of the Story from their original Base World using Nraas.

4) Move the Family of the Story into the Base world depicted in the link above, using Nraas to move them & keep their Family Tree.

Question #2:
2) Is there a way to clone the Vacation Sims, *including* the hidden French traits they all share, into CAS, & then re-create them in Create A Family like I would a normal sim?