I've been doing a dynasty in Union Cove but none of my new posts show the word "New" in bright green after I've posted. Also, I don't know how to change the Subject line to indicate things like new chapters. How do you do that?
In that Dynasty, I have made the founder the family cook. This means I'm not going to want any other immortal to get anywhere near a real kitchen so I've built my founders suite such that it includes a private, second kitchen. This second kitchen includes a frig, stove, storage for future Ambrosia, and grandma's canning. I figured she could cook there and put the "leftovers" in the fridge which would then show up in both fridges and that she would sit at her own little table to eat once she was immortal and possibly locked away from the rest of the family. The result is she goes to "her" kitchen to cook, puts the dish on the counter, grabs a plate and saunters out to eat. I move the "leftovers" to her fridge expecting the rest of the family to go to their fridge and grab a plate. Instead they stand around stomping their feet and can't seem to get to their fridge! There is absolutely nothing in the way of that fridge.
The "Family" kitchen has a frig, a bakers station, (does not raise cooking skill), a pizza oven, (does not raise cooking skill), a dishwasher and garbage disposal. The dining area is there as well but not close to the fridge and not blocking anything. How do I feed this family without allowing them access to anything that would raise their cooking skills?