Ok, I did a search but found nothing, if I overlooked it, I'm sorry. Here is my issue: I started a new game in UC, but it was way too laggy, so I collected my Halliwell family, and moved them to SV. I started working with Paige, trying to max all the skills I can. Her LTW is descendant of Da Vinci, so she has maxed sculpting and inventing. And a ton more of course. Trying to get the scrap one quickly, I blew up the plane sculpture in front of the army base. She collected one piece, than the game froze. I couldn't recover, so I had to force a shut down during which it said the sims 3 quit working. I reopened it, and tried again, it did the same thing. So I decided to try again and didn't blow it up, but she went to the junkyard to collect, she was able to dig through 2 piles fine but when she went for the last one, it froze again and I had to force shut down. So I decided to forget about it! She went on with her life, sculpting, and was able to do everything else just fine. However today, I decided to mine, with 2 miners I bought at the consignment store. The first one went fine, but the second one froze the game again and I had to force shut down. I have a ton of store content, but no outside CC, even though some of the hairstyles are weird looking and make people invisible if I use it, I run no mods, have all the EP's and all the SP's. Any ideas on why it keeps freezing and how to get it to stop freezing?