Author Topic: Sad depressing music playing for no reason  (Read 15706 times)

Offline Benie

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Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:18:31 AM »
So I'll be sitting, eating breakfast normally, then suddenly I hear this strange music that sounds depressing, yet I see no popups of something that happened. It plays, even when Music is disabled.

My assumption is, this is the game's way of letting you know, someone has passed away. And if it is this, then why is this even happening? My Sim isn't friends with anyone in the town, yet why does the game assume I care for the townies enough to play this music, yet not tell me what just happened?

I rather not hear this, every time a death happens. It's getting annoying, and also depressing to the point I don't wish to play this game anymore.
This thing has played four times, in the last 20 minutes. Make it stop. :-\

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 02:46:18 AM »
I first heard it after I got Pets, it's the same music it plays when sims break up with each other so I thought perhaps my neighbours were divorcing at first. I have since come to the conclusion it is quite likely a wild minor pet, reptile, rodent or bird near my home that has died as that same music plays when my pet ones die.

I agree it is annoying but I've learned to live with it now, currently playing without Pets and I'm not hearing it so I'm fairly sure that's the cause. If you also have Seasons a lot of chipmunks and squirrels appear wherever fallen leaves are, I do find the sound plays more in fall and winter. I suppose you could just catch any you see and then sell them if you don't want a pet, that might help.

Of course if you don't have Pets then that's my theory blown to pieces  ;D

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Offline Benie

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2014, 03:21:57 AM »
Yes, I do have Pets installed. Though I still don't get, is why the game thinks you care, when your Sim or any sims you created have no friends, Sim or Animal in that save?

Anyway, if it is this, then it's easily taken care of in StoryProgression. But yet I still don't see how, or why. Whatever, I guess.

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2014, 05:01:35 AM »
I don't have pets and I still get the music.  My theory has always been, that someone in town has split up.  I also randomly hear the music you hear when a sim finds out she is pregnant, just before she whirls around, so I assume when I hear that, that someone is pregnant.  Who knows, there are all sorts of theory's about the music.
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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2014, 12:22:21 PM »
I get this music sometimes when an elder with pets has passed. My guess was that it was because the pets were now without an owner and essentially being turned over to social services/taken away.
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Offline Jamie

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2014, 02:52:19 PM »
I've gotten the music before too, but it didn't start with me until right after I installed Pets.

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2014, 06:43:03 PM »
I thought we had come to the conclusion awhile back that this music is when a unicorn appears or disappears somewhere in town.  It's slightly different from break up music, I think.  I feel it's supposed to have a haunting magical quality for the unicorns.
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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2014, 08:02:32 PM »
The random "sad" music I hear is usually when a pet dies, different from when a sim dies.

It's mostly annoying when I have no pets in the household.

Offline Benie

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2014, 08:32:26 PM »
Well, I turned off 'Romance: Allow Breakup' in StoryProgression, and so far I haven't heard that music. Maybe I got lucky, or it'll still happen.
Though I still can't really wrap my head around "That's it! We're threw! Tell the entire neighborhood this, even though they never talked to us, with sad depressing music, yet don't tell them what happened!"

Here's another thing. I've had this save for a few months, and I'm just now hearing this music. Which is why I originally thought it meant that someone you knew has died. Yet again, my Sim nor my pets have no friends.
But, it's been 3-4 Sim days, and I haven't heard it. So... dunno. Hopefully this issue has been resolved. :)

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2014, 08:35:09 PM »
Well, I turned off 'Romance: Allow Breakup' in StoryProgression, and so far I haven't heard that music.

That's a story progression mod?  Normal Sims 3 doesn't have that option that I'm aware of.
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Offline Benie

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2014, 08:40:10 PM »
That's a story progression mod?  Normal Sims 3 doesn't have that option that I'm aware of.
I'm sorry, I should had mentioned I'm using NRass StoryProgression. Though I don't think it's causing the music to play. At least, never read anything about it.
In other words, I doubt this is a Mod-related thing. As there's been a few videos playing the same song.

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2014, 09:22:58 PM »
I still say it's unicorn music.   ;D
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Offline Axiom

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Re: Sad depressing music playing for no reason
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2014, 12:43:04 AM »
I get this and I also get the Showtime Acrobat/Musician music playing for no reason at all, even on lots located far away from venues....
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