Author Topic: The Olympic Mess  (Read 5458 times)

Offline Seraphim

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The Olympic Mess
« on: April 22, 2014, 05:24:53 AM »
Every so often in a family, there is a dreamer. Highly idealistic, motivated, and with enough gall to presume the world is their proverbial oyster. Why those dreamers would choose something as foul-smelling as an oyster to represent their journey in life is, as of yet, undetermined. Though they’re each different – blessed with different traits, personalities, and backgrounds – they share more in common than they’d ever know. Each had a dream, and each of them set out to make their way into the world.

Demeter Olympus, an unfortunate name and equally unfortunate hair aside, was a wholly unremarkable woman. Her early life was equally as unremarkable, and quite boring. She was raised in a small city – too big to be friendly with most, and yet too small to break away from the shadow of her parents. The wickedest thing ever done to her was to be raised by a librarian and a schoolteacher who filled her head with things impossible for her.

They died, as humans tend to do.1 It gave her the inspiration to pursue two of those ‘impossible things’ she’d dreamt about as a child. A garden to make Mendel jealous, and the immortality akin to Tithonus. She’d be immortal, or she’d die trying.2

Demeter left the city of her youth with no hesitation (and, to add to the things she lacked, money and real-life experience). She hopped on the boat with the first cute sailor she saw, and was promptly whisked away to Dragon Valley where he left her high and dry.3 He couldn’t have picked a better place. The town was beautiful, and she didn’t hesitate in buying a lot near city hall and building a small home.

Well, if a tiny shack with a sleeping bag, a toilet, a shower and a refrigerator could be called home.

She spent most of her time outside and she loved every moment of it. She divided her time between gardening and fishing, both of which came naturally for her. She also had an easy time gathering seeds for her garden, though she only planted what she needed at first. As a vegetarian, it was important for her to grow the ingredients for her favorite meal first – the autumn salad.4

{ And the true prince of the story makes his appearance: Demeter's first fish. }

{ Imagine me and you, I do, I think about you day and night... }

As the park was just a quick jaunt from her house, she spent much of her time there. There she met quite a few of her friends. She quickly gained friends, and soon she began to spend her time in the art gallery in the hopes of meeting an artistic male to leech off his talents. He came in the form of Sean Kelly – well, sort of. He wasn’t artistic, but at least he was cute.

After several hours of flirting, and quite a few love letters and texts, Demeter finally gathered the courage to invite him back to her shack. Shortly following their first kiss, Sean decided to tell her that he was, in fact, married. To one of her friends.5 After such a revelation, Demeter would like to have it said that she immediately broke things off with him. That would be a lie.

She convinced him to break up with Ava – though, it seemed she hadn’t had to try very hard. Sean had been having second-thoughts, it would appear, as to where he stood with his wife.6 That just as well suited Demeter’s conscience. She would have to go to Ava and beg for her forgiveness later. Friendships were too valuable to waste on such squabbles; surely Flamel had never had to deal with jealous wives. She began dating Sean, and returned back to her monotonous drill of fishing and gardening, with the occasional meal or two thrown in.

A few days later, they went out to a restaurant for a date. It was a standard affair – a werewolf proudly displaying his grotesque table manners, a fairy deciding it’d be the perfect time to keel over, and Demeter proposing marriage to Sean on the condition they kept her last name. Demeter Kelly sounded more like a cheap nectar brand.

He accepted. Enthusiastically.

In two days, they were married.

After selling what little possessions he had, Sean brought in quite a bit of money so that they could add onto their house together and buy a few necessary items. A camera, a sculpting station, and an easel. Sean has a lot of work ahead of him.

1 A bizarre accident concerning two horses, a bag of produce, and a rather poorly executed karaoke version of the Beatles’ I Am the Walrus. Let this be a warning unto you all.
2 Obviously.
3 ‘High and dry’ being, in this case, not entirely true. She was sopping wet with fish in her dress and kelp in her hair. An interview with the Cute Sailor™ would later make mention that a plump green-haired girl had been leaning over the boat while trying to fish and when she’d fallen over, he’d presumed she’d be okay. And he was tired of cleaning up her seasick messes. But he definitely didn’t accidentally give her a nudge.
4 Ice cream is a close second, though. Chocolate-chip cookie dough ice cream, to be particular.
5 Say it with me: Awkward. Though it did explain the common surname. Ain’t hindsight something?
6 Not literally, mind you. He stood a few paces to her right on most days.

* A note: I'm dreadfully sorry for the atrocious quality of the screenshots. I was playing on a slow laptop where I had to have the lowest settings on. The wedding, however, coincided with an upgrade in technology on my end, and thus they improve for the next update. The pacing will also slow from here, but best to get all those terrible pictures out in one go.

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 05:56:07 AM »
Welcome to our Forum, Seraphim!

You're off to a great start.  Very nicely done and a beautiful style of writing!  Good luck with your Dynasty and your story.  :)
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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 08:45:54 AM »
I agree with Pam. Great writing! And the footnotes are a nice touch.

We readers have a pretty high tolerance for low graphics quality, but it's nice to hear that you upgraded too. It makes for better playing on your end.
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 09:15:08 AM »
This is awesome. Period. :) Your writing style is incredibly witty and just fun to read! I look forward to seeing more of this!

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Offline ajm242

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 05:15:03 PM »
I love this story so far! Like others have said, your writing is great. I hope to see more of this soon.

Offline Posidem

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 11:54:58 PM »
Loving the story and can't wait for more! Good luck!   ;D

Offline Seraphim

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2014, 02:40:07 AM »
As it turns out, Demeter highly overestimated her love of gardening. There’s only so much lettuce and tomatoes one can plant before having nightmares reminiscent of ‘70s B-horror movies. Sean, when not complaining about splinters from his sculpting adventures, didn’t offer much comfort. He was having his own nightmares of wooden lions attacking. Traumatized or not, however, they would simply have to get over it.

Demeter’s solution came in the form of an egg. While fishing in one of her regular spots, she noticed it behind a tree. After a few hours of grumbling about gardening and weather conditions in general1, it hatched. It certainly didn’t look very cuddly, but it matched her outfit and her hair quite nicely, and at the end of the day, what else really matters? She named it Persephone2.

Meanwhile, Sean was proving to be quite the useful sculptor. After just a few days, he’d created a sink, a toilet, and a few chairs. It was impressive in theory, though he was skilling dreadfully slow. He spent his time working on four skills. The two he seemed to dislike the most were photography and sculpting. He gained skill in painting quickly and seemed to enjoy it, and he played the guitar in his downtime. He liked the latter two options the most as he wanted to master both the guitar and the painting skill.3

Ava Kelly came to see Demeter at her fishing spot. After groveling to the point that Demeter had tossed her dignity aside, Ava reluctantly forgave her. Ava didn’t seem too upset about the divorce; she was focused on her job more than anything. She was a beautiful woman. It wasn’t any wonder that Sean had been taken with her. After getting to know Ava a little better, the two friends4 hugged each other and Demeter returned to fishing.

And Ava returned to… working online? Did she ever take a break? Demeter couldn’t tell which was more disturbing – the slimy fish trying to nibble her thumb off, or Ava’s over-zealous work ethic.5

The hunger pains struck after an hour and it began to rain. Demeter returned home and, to her delight, discovered that Persephone fit in more than she’d originally anticipated.6

And some more guitar.

Spending all that time in the garden and learning from Persephone eventually paid off – she completed her lifetime wish of growing a perfect garden! While in her pajamas. In the middle of the night. Complaining of being exhausted. Hey – we can’t all be perfect.7

While Sean stayed inside and tried to placate the wooden lions to let him survive another night.

Due to the all the red berry beans she’d been growing and perfecting, they were eventually able to update their house.8 One of the first things they did was to create a nursery, where they shared a quiet moment which swiftly led to their new bedroom.

Soon after, Demeter announced her pregnancy to Sean, who seemed to… look absolutely terrified for his life.

Still, he took to it rather well. His favorite activity was to come up to her in the garden at inconvenient times and demand to talk to her stomach and pet it. As his sculpting and painting level grew and they earned more money, he insisted that she go for a spa day.

As if it were that easy.

The well-laid plans of mice an’ men oft go awry.

As she decided to heed her husband’s advice, the baby decided that it wanted nothing of this 'spa day', and by all the stubborn Olympus blood in its cute little veins, she was not going to the spa.

And thus Apollo Olympus came into the world – artistic and friendly, sure, but kicking and screaming until snuggles with his mother.

1 It’s a wonder the poor thing didn’t shatter from sheer negativity.
2 What do you mean, a bad omen?
3 See? Being an art slave has his perks – I bet Ava didn’t let him paint. You’re welcome, Sean, for tearing apart your family. The ingratitude is stunning.
4 What’s a little treachery and homewrecking between ’em?
5 The fish won that contest.
6 And that it’s startlingly easy to lose a green dragon near green objects.
7 Your esteemed narrator comes close, but even the mighty can fall.

** Thank you all for the kind words and welcome! I’ve been stalking lurking the forum for a few years; I just now gathered the courage to share my own story. Gen 3 is actually less than a week away from being a young adult in the game now, so it’s nice to be able to go back again. Also sorry for the lack of picture of the renovations – it must have totally slipped my mind, but there’s a picture that shows the house later on, so it’ll be in the next update.

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Offline Jack Alltrades

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2014, 09:20:51 AM »
Very interesting so far.  I notice that you went for a very Spring/Summer look with Demeter.  Since the goddess was tied to the seasons are you going to have alternate looks for her in Fall and Winter?

Also after your post about a green dragon I went and looked them up.  I'm going to have to get me one.  My gardening sim makes multiple trips on a tractor every day.  It looks like a dragon would be much more efficient.

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2014, 09:43:52 AM »
Have to join in the general chorus of admiration for your writing.   Very funny  ;D.

Offline Seraphim

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2014, 03:46:03 AM »
** Jack Alltrades – I based her fall and winter outfits on a green and white scheme, while her spring/summer is largely just green. But yes, she was tied to the seasons though really the only Demeter-ish thing she’s done is garden. Green dragons are amazingly efficient, I’m not sure Demeter would have finished her LTW as quickly as she had without it.
hazelnut – Thank you!

The baby was doted on. When he was awake, either Sean or Demeter dropped whatever it was they were doing and ran to wait on him.1 Through zombie invasions and the more-than-occasional rank diaper, Apollo lived a consistently happy life. Along with his parents caring for him, Demeter’s long-lost (and perhaps slightly criminally insane) Aunt Bernice sent Apollo a very odd-looking doll.2

Sean especially took to playing with Apollo.

And Demeter liked to… stand outside their halfway completed renovated house. She didn’t garden in the winter months, so she stays outside and builds snowmen.3

Her other favorite pastime appeared to be bringing Apollo out for walks in the frigid weather without giving him anything more than a blanket to wear. Perhaps not the best parenting, but Apollo took to practicing his kingly wave from inside the chariot.

Sean’s birthday came. They had a small celebration, complete with birthday cake and nachos that his friend brought over. They mostly played video games until Sean decided it was time to blow out the candles and step into the world of adulthood.

At the last moment, it was perhaps then that Sean realized what came with this birthday. Wrinkles, the first few signs of grey in his pink hair, and the way he would begin to slow down until eventually he stopped. Demeter, slow as she may get, would not get to the stopping point. She would live forever with their son4, and eventually watch Apollo’s children grow. She would be there for as long as the world still turned, but now he was creeping over into death and the unknown.5

And then Sean decided to give his werewolf friend a belly rub. Because what else are friends for?

The next day it was time for Apollo’s birthday. To pass the time, Apollo finished Demeter’s portrait and her ice sculpture, while Demeter arranged the party and bought the cake. Pretty soon, Operation Blue Burrito was a go.

And what a unique-looking toddler he is. With his father’s pointed ears and serious eyes and his mother’s unfortunately green hair, he’s quite recognizable.

1 Much to the chagrin of those wooden statues. Sean has displeased them, and now lives in near constant terror. The gnomes support the lions’ endeavors.
2 Gee, thank you, strange Aunt Bernice.
3 And laugh at frost-bitten Sims, but who doesn’t do that?
4 Unfortunately.
5 Or it really could have been the nachos giving him indigestion. Demeter always warned him against spicy foods, after all.

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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2014, 04:14:46 AM »
Oh, that Apollo is a cute little dickens!
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Re: The Olympic Mess
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2014, 12:06:43 AM »
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