I'm playing a game in Twinbrook, and my sims live next door to the Castors (32 sweetwater loop). Anyway, I noticed that when I click on the house, it would always come up no interactions available, and that I could in fact, instead, click the page up/down to see inside the house like you can in your own house or houses you are visiting etc. So all my sims would be at home, and I could see what the Castors were doing. I didn't think much of it. Anyway, my Sim is a firefighter and had a small fire to put out in the Castors garage. The event triggered properly, but I couldn't get in there. I could open the garage door, but was still not able to get in there. So I tried to do page down thing but it would go to like a black basement with some stairs, so I clicked "use stairs" to see what would happen, then when I did page up again, my firefighter was going up his OWN front steps??? Inside my other sims were doing the "fire dance" even though they were on their own lot. I tried going inside my house and it would trigger the alarm again and I'd get the job come up again, but still couldn't get into the house. So I had to go back to a previous save, and I ended up evicting the castors and deleting that house. Has anyone had something like that happen with that house? The house was weird like that when I first started th game, too. It was kind of like they were sharing a lot, but they weren't.