Author Topic: Ed Frost - Young Adult Male  (Read 3853 times)

Offline Luna

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Ed Frost - Young Adult Male
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:55:12 AM »
Luna’s Note

Welcome to Luna’s place!

This thread was created by request from Eldridge.

Well, what do we have here?

A character that I created based on Shaun of The Dead, Ed. I tried to be realistic as possible for describing the Sim and gather information from the film and the character as well. Because most of them didn't have any last name, I using their actor last name instead. I’m still learning, so there’s so many flaw there or my creation didn't look like the original, I hope that you’re understand.

I only use base game to create this character. Well, you can always add some spice to looks more like him with any store items or expansion that you prefer. No mods or CC were used when in the making process. Feel free to use him in your game. You don't need my permission to use them in your story as long that you don't claim my Sim as your own.

Sim Biodata

Name: Ed Frost
Lifestate: Human
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Traits: Couch Potato, Good Sense of Humor, Loser, Mooch and Party Animal
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in Cash (because he’s lazy and doesn’t work)

Green (Based from what he wear)
Hot Dog (Don’t know what is his favorite, but a couch potato usually loves junk food)
Electronica (I guess his taste same like his best friend, there’s also Rockabilify to consider)

Voice: Type 3 with altered pitch
Zodiac: Aries (If Late Night Installed)

Ed is the relatively overweight and unintelligent best friend of Shaun in the movie Shaun of the Dead. He is lazy and doesn't work. This angers Pete and causes friction between Pete and Shaun because Shaun always protects him.

Wardrobe - The last one will appear when Season installed

For more bigger look you can click the link that describe these outfits

Everyday, Formal, Athletic, Sleepwear, Swimwear and Outwear.
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Ed Frost - Young Adult Male
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 01:11:43 PM »
The only thing that I can see the everyday clothes that Ed wear resemble from the movie, then there are two references here.

One of them is from Danger! 50,000 Volts! When Nick host his own show for comedy survival show and the other it's obvious he using that underwear in one TV show, I’ve seen it in Youtube but I forgot what’s the name ;D

Thank you again, Luna :D
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Offline Luna

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Re: Ed Frost - Young Adult Male
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 03:48:32 PM »
That's right. You're welcome :)
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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Offline Sherry

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Re: Ed Frost - Young Adult Male
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2013, 05:40:12 AM »
I think the Ed Frost is quite alike with the real one. Except maybe the eyes, but perhaps that's just how he looked when he is shocked.
Great job, Luna. :D
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Offline Luna

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Re: Ed Frost - Young Adult Male
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2013, 10:03:08 PM »
Thank you for your kind word, Sherry. Yep, I think there's something wrong about his eyes. To be honest that's the hard part to get the actual eyes that I want while he was shocked, but no other expression that match the picture anyway :D
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

My story:
For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable