Author Topic: If I turn off the seasons in sims3 will my game run faster?  (Read 10480 times)

Offline louella27

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I noticed that when I installed the expansion packs in my Sims game, the game got slow and freezes for a second. If I turn off the seasons in Sims 3 will my game run faster? Got any suggestions in making the game faster? Help please.

Offline Trip

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It might, but I'd try other solutions first. I've found that most of the weather effects are the culprit for lag in my game, mostly because my computer is hardly built for the game anyways. Turning off rain, snow, and hail (fog never bothers me) might be a better step if you haven't already done that. If you have and you're still getting lag, turning off every season except for one is a good next step.

Hopefully you can get your lag sorted out. Lag sucks.
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Offline athena

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This problem happened to me too when I installed Seasons.  Try cleaning your disc to give more space for the EP. After the disc cleanup, my game was fine, no more freezes.

Offline Randox

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I think it's partially a consequence of the size of the game. Even if you have a computer more than powerful enough to handle all the processing, you still need to load the data to be processed. So if something like a weather effect comes up, if the game didn't have it already loaded in RAM, it will have to pause until that happens. Seasons would probably be particularly prone to it because of the weather effects it uses, if they are for whatever reason not always on hand for the game to use.

If the game itself is consistently running slowly, like it's continually pausing or it's jittery, and not just occasional sub one second pauses, then it would be more likely that your computer is struggling to run the game itself. I don't think any of the expansions really push the requirements up though, so I would definately suspect memory loading first.

A potential solution without installing an SSD to run the game on would be to use a flash drive. If it's large enough, you could actually install the game right on the flash drive. To save a bit of space (or avoid re-installing), you could also move game assets (the files for objects and effects, whatever you would like to load faster) to the flash drive and use symlinks (created in command prompt. I can't really explain it, you would have to look for a guide) to point to the new location of those files (they are used to make a file that exists in one place look like it is really someplace else, allowing you to move files without the game needing to look for them in the new location). Flash drives aren't SSD fast, but I have found they are at the very least twice as fast as a typical hard drive. They also have better random access characteristics, since Hard Drives also need time to physically move the heads into position, so you can not only read faster, but stat to read faster.

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Re: If I turn off the seasons in sims3 will my game run faster?
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2013, 09:20:17 PM »
I'm moving this to the Technical Help board.  You will also find some topics there that may help with the problem.
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Offline m.sato

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Re: If I turn off the seasons in sims3 will my game run faster?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2013, 11:24:54 PM »
I actually gave up seasons because even disabling weather effects and cleaning up the disc turned out to be mere temporally fixes, even for my i5 desktop with hu-u-ge ram.

Offline Randox

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Re: If I turn off the seasons in sims3 will my game run faster?
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2013, 12:17:05 AM »
RAM is only helpful to a point. The game was designed for a 32 bit operating system. Most programs still are, at least in terms of memory usage. This essentially limits it to 2GB (leaving 1.5 for the OS and background tasks) usage, and it wont exceed that regardless of how much RAM you actually have.

Once 64 bit systems are ubiquitous, you'll see more RAM be used more often, but another consideration is also getting information to RAM. A Hard Drive is very slow, and trying to move even a couple GB to RAM can create crippling load times. Solid State Drives would also need to be the norm before you can do massive loads into RAM at program start (there might be some room to load enough to start a game, and keep going as a background task in the interim).

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