Author Topic: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)  (Read 51188 times)


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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #90 on: February 16, 2013, 11:29:33 AM »
I'm not sure if you'll see this or not, but I've swapped houses with Superstar Sim so living in the Millionaire's Mansion with my horse.  When I first moved in, I had to use the move objects cheat to get my horse in the backyard - I placed it in the pen.  He was able to get out, but now he can't get back in.  I noticed when I go into build mode, if I click on the pen inside the structure, it turns red - the octagon seems not to be large enough to allow for a path for the horse.  I thought maybe something had already been posted about it, but I have tried searching and found nothing.  So I am sorry if this has been asked/answered!  I tried moving the walls, but I can't.  Looks like I'd need to rebuild it, but I'm newer to the game so I hope that's not the case!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Cary and welcome to the forum. I think I recognize your problem. The last times I was busy with this house I noticed too that some animals were not able to go to places where they were supposed to go, or where they wanted to go. Dogs fall through floors and horses didn't walk outside their areas.
It even went so far that one strain dog died outside of the fence, eventhough I've opend it for him/her.
I have no solution for you, and I am sorry for that. I do know that this issue has been discussed here before since other members as well were noticing strange things that happend on this lot.
All I can think of what it could be is purely theoretical and is not supported by any proof in this game: I have placed the outside wall directly on the ground, but the building on a foundation.
You said you were new to this game so I will explain this for you in case you're not familiar with the meaning of this: sometimes the game seems to have trouble with noticing what is floor 2 and what is floor 3 when some parts of a building are placed on a foundation and some not and both are build on the same lot.
And in the case of this building: floor 2 and 3 are active at the same time.

The only thing I could think of for you is either destroying the outside wall and replacing it with a smaller one or building it on platform. The last one is tedious since you would need to destroy a part of it to have an example of how to build the new on, if you want to have it look the same.
For in case you are wondering: of course you have permission from me to do that, as long as you (obviously) won't upload the building as your own. :)

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #91 on: February 16, 2013, 02:58:46 PM »
Wow! Big house. Nice job.

I have a couple of questions though.

First, there were several cheap computers scattered around the lot on the ground. Two were in the pet room. I figured these were caused by my game not having something that you used. So what were these items? The two in the pet room were next to two bags of pet food, if that helps.

The second question is about ghosts. I found two gravestones from pets. But there is a sim ghost as well. Her name is Zelda Star. I cannot find her grave marker to move it to the cemetery. Can you give me a clue to where that would be?

Thanks. And again, nice job on a large house.

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #92 on: February 16, 2013, 03:57:53 PM »
Wow! Big house. Nice job.

I have a couple of questions though.

First, there were several cheap computers scattered around the lot on the ground. Two were in the pet room. I figured these were caused by my game not having something that you used. So what were these items? The two in the pet room were next to two bags of pet food, if that helps.

The second question is about ghosts. I found two gravestones from pets. But there is a sim ghost as well. Her name is Zelda Star. I cannot find her grave marker to move it to the cemetery. Can you give me a clue to where that would be?

Thanks. And again, nice job on a large house.

I am unsure about what items could have been replaced, since it might be I had been changing bits and bobs in this house since its release.
You are right about that it are items from expansions and or stuff packs you don't own.

Saying that... they might be store items! If you have Pets (and I think you do) than they might be Store items that you can download for free as a thank you from Electronic Arts for buying the expansion and registering on their website. Registering is what active them.

As far as I can remember the gravestones from pets are from the dog I mentioned in the post above yours and most likely from another pet that had undergo the same fate.
About Zelda Star, I remember that my Supersim character once was living and married with her because I was hoping that once she died (of old age) my sim would get the opportunity called Oh My Ghost! to bring her back to life.
I believe the gravestone is in her inventory but if that is correct it surprises me you can even see her since that would make her a playable character which means she shouldn't be uploaded with the building in the first place.
You could try this for yourself (and for me) if you like by making her selectable. I could be right, I could be wrong. I'm not sure about this.

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #93 on: February 16, 2013, 04:32:35 PM »
Thanks for answering so quickly.

I believe I figured out what the computers were. They were probably those automatic food bowls that pets can earn as life-time rewards.

And Zelda hasn't showed since the first night, so maybe the grave marker was in your sim's inventory.

I must say I really like this lot. It is one of the few large houses that actually work for my play style. Thanks for all the work and thought you put into it. And thank you for sharing it with us!


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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #94 on: February 17, 2013, 05:46:00 AM »
Thanks for answering so quickly.

I believe I figured out what the computers were. They were probably those automatic food bowls that pets can earn as life-time rewards.

And Zelda hasn't showed since the first night, so maybe the grave marker was in your sim's inventory.

I must say I really like this lot. It is one of the few large houses that actually work for my play style. Thanks for all the work and thought you put into it. And thank you for sharing it with us!

You're more than welcome. :)

But as far as I know, the automatic food bowls should appear on your lot with no problems at all. But now you bring that up, I think try wrest the automatic food bowls that you can download for free.
Yes, that must be! You can check the corresponding picture of the Pet Room on page 1 here, if you want to be sure.

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #95 on: February 17, 2013, 10:36:22 AM »
My game is taking absolutely forever to process this in Edit Town but it definitely looks worth the wait! I can't wait to move my Sims in!

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #96 on: February 17, 2013, 10:39:10 AM »
By the way, I found Zelda Star's grave marker. It was an urn sitting on a cabinet in the trophy room. She now rests in peace at the Sunset Valley Cemetary in my world.

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #97 on: February 17, 2013, 12:13:13 PM »
Alright, so it finally finished processing and this house is amazing! I feel horrible though that I have to delete/edit some parts it cause my Unicorn isn't able to move anywhere and it keeps bugging out. I'm seriously contemplating rebuilding it from the ground up and following your design to see if that will fix anything but for now I am just gonna play without a horse :D

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #98 on: February 19, 2013, 08:52:34 PM »
I was having an issue with the paparazzi with this house. Occasionally one would show up inside the house. I was puzzled how they were getting in despite my having locked all the gates to only my sims household. Then I caught one just entering the grounds. They were coming in through the stables and shimming up the fire pole. Gotcha! Problem is now taken care of.

Thanks again for the house. Its a lot of fun.


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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #99 on: February 25, 2013, 08:18:26 AM »
I was having an issue with the paparazzi with this house. Occasionally one would show up inside the house. I was puzzled how they were getting in despite my having locked all the gates to only my sims household. Then I caught one just entering the grounds. They were coming in through the stables and shimming up the fire pole. Gotcha! Problem is now taken care of.

Thanks again for the house. Its a lot of fun.

Through the stables, seriously? I thought I had locked them all papparazzi-proof. At less, that was my intention. :)

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #100 on: May 15, 2013, 10:41:42 AM »
Wow love this house .... This must taken a month wow good job

Offline Khonshu

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #101 on: May 16, 2013, 01:13:59 AM »
Whoa! :o

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #102 on: June 21, 2013, 02:41:38 AM »
Very nice!! love it!!

Offline 7of9

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #103 on: July 11, 2013, 09:04:55 AM »
Amazing! However how does it behave on a low end computer? Is the game slow? Have you tested it?

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Re: Millionaire Mansion: Castle Costalot (because it cost a lot)
« Reply #104 on: July 20, 2013, 05:05:25 AM »
Update: I have tested it in my PC and it really works great, however it's a high end machine.
There are a few errors though, like:
1. The desk of the red bedroom needs to be moved a little to the right, because it blocks the entrance to the bathroom and thus cannot be used.
2. A wall in the middle of the horse track at the back yard.
3. A few parts of walls in various places that are uncovered.
4. A few tiles in different places that do not much with the rest.

The basement with the hidden doors and everything is pretty amazing.
Also the floors bellow that are unfinished, give us a chance to work our additions to the great job you've done with this house.

Again, great job!!! And thanks for sharing! :D