Author Topic: Weird and annoying glitch  (Read 1725 times)

Offline Lecksie

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Weird and annoying glitch
« on: July 11, 2013, 01:06:00 AM »
Hi guys!
So just a few days ago, I bought the Pets Expansion Pack. After I downloaded, the game has been slower, has been freezing, exiting the game, and glitches have been occurring. You know how sometimes when your sims can't get to something, a bubble pops up above their head with blue footprints and red crossing it out? Well, that happens to me; and most of the time, my sims can get to where they need to be. My second worry is that when my sim is on the second floor and I go down to the first, I can still see the actual sim and when they're done with whatever they're doing, they sort of.. Float down to the first floor. My third worry, and this is the one that gives me the most trouble, is that my sims just DISAPPEAR! I can still see their picture on the side of the screen; I just CANNOT see the actual sim! I double click on their picture to take me to them, but they are trapped in the roof or something? This has happened to me twice! Both were female (I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it). Has anyone else had any of these problems? Or does anyone know what I should do? Let me know ASAP!
Thank you! :)

Offline sunnydays

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Re: Weird and annoying glitch
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 03:03:28 AM »
Have you been using the cheat 'moveobjects on'? I've had your second problem happen to me before, when I've been playing with moveobjects on. It might also explain your other issues. You could also try using the cheat 'resetsim *' to see if it makes your sims reappear, or helps with the lagging issues.

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Offline Wai

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Re: Weird and annoying glitch
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 09:24:22 AM »
! have seen most of these glitches.  But, don't have them now.

As sunnydays says, the moveobjects on cheat can cause problems if you play with it on.  Turn it off before resuming play with moveobjects off.

One way of fixing an invisible sim is to send them for a shower.  So, I would suggest trying this.

I don't use mods or cc, and you do not say if you do or not.  My advice is, if you have this, remove it for the time being.

Do a factory reset.  It could fix the problems, it did for me, but, whatever happens, it will do no harm and will speed up your game generally.

Which town are you playing in?  Stuck npc sims will cause the type of stuttering and freezing you describe.  You can fix this temporarily using resetsim *.  For a permanent fix you need to locate and remove the pathing problem which is responsible.  For example:  Horses can get trapped in the fences around the science laboratory in SV.  Use testingcheatsenabled true then enablelotlocking on and remove the fences, or buy the science facility then edit it to remove the fences.

Hope this helps.
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