Hi, my Twinbrook plaza (the bookstore/grocery combo) doesn't work. I use this town for 3 different scenarios and all 3 have the same problem. I can use the grocery store, but not the bookstore. I've been into other towns and their bookstores seem fine. It seems limited to Twinbrook. I just recently added Seasons about a month ago, but didn't notice any problem. Then 2 days ago was the patch 1.55 which I updated to and that I think may have been the trigger. I copied the plaza to the bin and replaced it. the problem persisted. New and used characters cannot shop there. I also started a fresh town and no go for that either.
I see that this has been addressed on these posts. I don't know if I have any other places that can't be accessed. I was only looking into bookstores. Missed Monte Vista. On behalf of everyone looking into these problems, thanks so much.
Another smaller issue since the patch is the round staircases. I only know of one set so far. In one my homes. The stairs are directly on top of each other connecting 2nd floor to the basement. My sim and his pet can go up to the top level, but not to the basement.
Also, I read about someone doing hard shut downs when the game crashes. Having done this many times myself, I have since discovered that when the game crashes and you are unable to cntl/at/de/, (the game window just comes back and sits there) that if you hit the button on the keyboard that minimizes all programs, the button with the windows logo on it, you will then see your task to be closed down window and it will shut the game down without doing a hard shut down.