Oooh I love that first one especially - so unusual!
I think they all look great but I agree with Pally, the first one is pretty amazing.
All swimsuits look great but I must agree , the first one is quite awesome . Great work Chuckles !
I agree, the first one was the one I tried on a whim, and it looked so good that I tried more different ones after that.
Here are some patterns that I haven't uploaded yet for various reasons - some I intended to but didn't, some didn't quite make the cut, but I found a use for them, even if I didn't think they were perfect:
Grec Porcelain ChicSeamless, 2 colours, found in geometric - the detail isn't defined enough on this one, but it looked great in my Victorian house.
Glossy Panelling 01Seamless, 1 colour, found in woods - doesn't recolour as well with dark colours, but it looks great in off-white
Floral_13Seamless, 1 channel, found in themes, recolours ok
GeoRetro05Lrg - I could swear I uploaded this one before, but I can't find it, so here it is
Seamless, 3 colours, found in geometric