Author Topic: Filthy parks  (Read 3940 times)

Offline Turoskel

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Filthy parks
« on: July 06, 2013, 03:16:19 AM »
In my dynasty game I own three of the parks on the middle Island in Riverview, well for some reason the game has stopped doing any sort of clean up on them whatsoever, they are always littered with spoiled food, any plumbing I added is always broken and all the benches are clawed by pets.

I don't see this at other parks in town just the ones I own, is this normal? I've never really owned real estate outside of a dynasty game.

I've been sending one of my idle immortals down there to clean up and replacing the benches but in no time at all it's back in the same state.

This is a picture I took just now of plaza park before I got my sim to clean up a bit.

The Gazebo is the same, if not worse as it has clogged toilets and broken sinks all the time, Riverwalk park has the clawed benches and broken plumbing but no spoiled food so far. My handy sim is in the process of making the plumbing unbreakable but that wont sort all the rest  :-\

Has anybody else had this problem?


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Re: Filthy parks
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2013, 03:28:10 AM »
Do you own it as a community lot or as an additional property.  If it is a community lot still, the game should clean it up.  Not sure what's going on there.  You could try clearing your caches and see if they fixes it.

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Offline Turoskel

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Re: Filthy parks
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2013, 05:03:15 AM »
I own it as a community lot, I also regularly clear my caches before I start the game so that hasn't helped so far, all I found via google was topics from years ago where some people had this problem, mostly with the pool in SV where the entire floor space was covered in dirty plates.

Of course they all suggest mods to sort it but that isn't an option as it's a dynasty. By rights I shouldn't even own Plaza park as I put a rabbit hole on it but the game didn't sell it off like it normally does, I might get rid of it then put it back to see if will sell it now, maybe it will start cleaning that lot then.

I bought that lot post patch, the other two pre patch but I'm not certain if the mess started after the patch or not, possibly after but if it was a patch issue I would have expected more people to have noticed this, I think my game is just getting to the buggy stage now after so many generations :(

On the plus side my founder has the run bug so that's a good one while it lasts.

EDIT: replacing the rabbit hole still didn't make it sell, odd but not a problem really, unlike the spoiled food.


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Re: Filthy parks
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2013, 06:17:13 AM »
My bet is that it may be a new bug (until further testing).  If I were to guess, I'd say it has to do with owning a non-residential lot.  With resorts, you have to have maintenance staff.  I'm guessing this may be the bug when owning a non-residential lot that it might not properly differentiate between community and resort lots.  Wouldn't surprise me anyway.  Anyone savvy with checking code might be able to look.  I'll post over on the NRaas Chatterbox as well and see if someone can look.  Would be worth knowing.

Offline Vinyl

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Re: Filthy parks
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2013, 11:17:24 AM »
Ugh, I used to have this issue in SV ages ago.  I wound up adding a neat & handy sim to my household who spent every day cleaning up dishes at the park and pool and fixing any broken plumbing.

If you can't get the game to automatically clean up I'd suggest temporarily locking away the dirt sources.  Stash the grill, toilets, sinks, etc. in a room with no door that the townies can't get to.  The benches will still get scratched, but at least you won't get game slowdown due to hundreds of unwashed plates (been there, done that, couldn't believe how much lag so many plates can cause!).

Offline Turoskel

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Re: Filthy parks
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2013, 11:28:29 AM »
Think I might try that, I changed my graphics settings a little as I have been getting more lag, never occurred to me it could be those plates  :o

It's a little frustrating what the game requires you to add to a lot to upgrade it, if I had my own way It wouldn't have more than one picnic table, instead it wants four  ::)

Dellena, I guess that is a feasible reason, it had occured to me too that it might be something to do with resorts and maintenance staff. But in the meantime I shall try Vinyl's suggestion and see if that helps my lag as well as my parks.

Offline Vinyl

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Re: Filthy parks
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2013, 01:58:22 PM »
I discovered the plate lag the hard way.  I'd noticed dirty plates in the Sunset Valley central park and used the neat sim I made to tidy them up every day.  But the game kept getting laggier and laggier, until I happened to look at the pool and discovered every. single. floor tile covered in dirty dishes.  If there was a spot on that lot a plate could go, a plate had been put there.  It was so bad I sent the entire household to clean it up, and it still took them three days to get it back to normal!

Another option you could use to hide the required objects would be to create a basement level and place everything down there.  It would free up space in your park and still hopefully keep the mess from happening.

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Offline Skilletnap

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« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2013, 03:19:43 PM »
Maybe that's what helped cause the death of my legacy file. >:/
Grandma was sent with a plate of food to deliver to her sister-in-law as an opportunity, she forgot (absent-minded) and ate the whole thing, alone. She must have forgot she ate already and wasn't hungry, too.
All the plates were scattered around on the lot and I couldn't pick them up. I didn't even think to check the park or the pool for broken stuff and plates.  You would think that stuff would disappear after a time or a sim would autonomously clean it up. :/ Odd.

This game, never ceases to surprise me in one way or another.