My sims is freezing all the time making the game unplayable.The plumbob and other animations still continue while she is frozen. I looked online for this problem and if it can be fixed. I found that a lot of people have this same problem exactly. It is said this problem began with the Late Night EP. I was wondering if I can uninstall Late Night and still have supernatural?
If you have the Supernatural EP, you can uninstall LN and still have all the supernatural life forms - that's what I did. You won't have any more celebrities or paparazzi though. You also won't have mixology or the LN instruments.
Is the freezing happening in all towns and in all games? I find some towns are better than others. For me, Starlight Shores always becomes unplayable after about the first week or so because of the problem you've described. Other towns in my game don't have that problem, at least not as badly.