are the sims you playing a single one, with no plans to have a family?
I would bet that is a big difference in how traits are chosen and how you have your sim write books. For me, I am focusing on a family with the author as a means of income while the mate works, usually, a rabbit hole job. The author is able to work between taking care of the home, having a child, raising him/her and writing books and or painting. When the mate comes home they take over the child care, may cook dinner, (one of my families the mate is a chef, so he cooks the meals) paint or collect gems.
I work first for the no bills over the steel bladder as the bills can add up when you have a nice home. I send each sim generally to China (have the A game) hoping to get the five metals, they make a bundler of money doing that (last trip my sim made over $300,000). Bring back from China the books in the base camp and you will have anywhere from 10,000 or more to help with expenses at home.
Strictly as a single game with just my one sim, I would be going with the either G.. S. of Humor or Romantic and C. Whiz, Loner, Artistic and Bookworm