Now there's an attractive look. How to get lots of simbotsFind life fruit seeds
Grow life fruit.
Harvest life fruit.
Analyse life fruit.
Clone from samples.
Find a pink diamond (sometimes easier said than done, other times they're everywhere)
Cut the pink diamond to a heart-shape
Analyse the pink diamond - lots of times.
Clone from samples.
Find some palladium.
Clone from samples.
Earn lots of money from mining gems.
Buy an expensive car.
Blow it up.
Collect the scrap.
Now you should have all the ingredients quite easily to continue to make simbots. Another option is to throw simbot potions at everyone, but where is the fun in that? Ok, it's lots of fun. It will be the recommended way of dealing with townies and such that join the Starship.
You can clone a simbot from their DNA, but the only way to obtain it is to have them level the science skill themselves. Even then, the clone will not be a simbot.
Speaking of simbots, this is Sedin welcoming Second:
MUahahaha.. MUAHahahaha... MUAHAHAHAHAH!Muaha..... ... what it is it? Oh right. It's a female simbot.