I have a hefty 4-core CPU & Graphics card. 8 Gigs of RAM (I think Sims 3 caps at 4 gigs anyway)
I am playing on Union Cove with a fairly fresh family that's still on its 1st generation.
I have primarily NRAAS mods designed for resolving bugs: MasterController, Overwatch, Consigner, DebugEnabler, ErrorTrap, OnceRead, Saver, Traveler
I have gone through the normal steps for clearing out the caches. I cleaned out DCBackup (except for ccmerged), removed the *Cache.package from the base folder. I tried cleaning out WorldCaches (Union Cove is 1Gb), but that caused my save to fail to load, so I restored that one. My most recent successful save is 132 Megs, which is really small. I have older towns that have grown beyond 1 gig in size. It does take 3 minutes to save though.
I did have the NRAAS mod Story Progression, which I believed caused this problem. I have removed it, but I haven't been able to figure out how to clean up the town beyond what Overwatch does. I've been getting 3AM clean-up notices of up to 150 cars & 75 stuck sims.
The current population of Union Cove was somewhere around 90-150, I forget.
Last night, I ran my nightly save at 5am (simtime) in a new slot (5 slots that alternate) and it saved fine. I went into CAS to change the outfit of 1 sim. Upon exiting, the game crashed and I went to sleep. While writing this post, I tried to load my save to see what the population is at, and none of my saves (including an old save made on Day 1) for that world will load. I get an immediate "A serius error has occured while loading '[Save file]'. It is strongly recommended that you restart the application.". The only thing I did since last night was install the Crash Analyzer to confirm the cause. I wasn't even aware of this new problem until I had reached this paragraph in writing this post. The only thing different was that instead of crashing while saving, it crashed while leaving CAS.
I noticed my base folder cache files were only 1kb, so thinking they might have gotten corrupted, I have tried deleting them again to no effect. I also tried cleaning the World Cache to see if there would be a change. Last time, the game spent several minutes trying to load, and this time it insta-failed.
While searching for solutions, I was reminded of something I did differently last night. I had disabled Avast for 1 hour. I tried disabling it again, no change.
I also tried starting a new town based on Union Cove, same error, so the Union Cove Seasons.world must have gotten corrupted. Mine is 132,669,097 bytes
If I create a backup of my save, uninstall & reinstall Union Cove, then restore my saves, is this considered safe?