Author Topic: Quest for the Lost Coven - A Witch Dynasty - GRAVEYARD PLEASE  (Read 2941 times)

Offline fanofaband

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Quest for the Lost Coven - A Witch Dynasty - GRAVEYARD PLEASE
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:07:26 PM »
Dearest Mother,

As you know, the quest for the Lost Coven has not quite gone as planned.  I have overcome several obstacles, but I believe I have finally discovered their location.  There is a town in this strange world you have sent me called Moonlight Falls, and my research has pointed me in this direction.  I recall your advice, become friends with the locals once I have discovered their hiding place, and integrate myself within their society.  This does not seem to be an issue, however, I find myself missing home more and more.

If I am to finish this quest, perhaps my fair sisters and brother might lend their support?  It would do my heart well to hear from Father as well, as I know his time in our world is now short.  I regret I will not be able to see him before his passing, but I hope written word and a few images from this new place might do to ease his heart.

Once I have established myself into this community, I will send you updates as regularly as possible, I hope you and our esteemed family will give their best wishes to this quest.

With warmest love,
Serenity Grace
Heir to the throne of Spirit

I would like some help with this Dynasty, if anyone would be so kind.  I'd like for someone to write letters from home to Serena and her family from time to time.  If you're interested, please message me, I think it would be tons of fun!


The Immortals
1. Serenity Grace
LTW - Master of Mysticism
Career - Fortune Teller
Supermax Skill - Gardening
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits - Eco-Friendly, Gatherer, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Lucky

2. Mercy Grace
Career -
Supermax Skill -
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -

Career -
Supermax Skill -
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -

Career -
Supermax Skill -
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -

Career -
Supermax Skill -
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -

Career -
Supermax Skill -
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -

Career -
Supermax Skill -
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -

Career -
Supermax Skill -
Building/Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -

Offline fanofaband

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Re: Quest for the Lost Coven - A Witch Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2012, 12:31:56 PM »
Dearest Mother,

I have vowed to send images with each letter as I may, and I have discovered a way to do just that without requiring myself to learn painting.  As you know, my artistic side is woefully lacking, I fear my fair sisters received your gift in my stead.  My previous letter indicated I may have found the location of the Lost Coven, and so, in order to 'fit in' with this population, I have changed my dress from my required royal clothing to something a bit more local.

Soon, I had purchased a plot of land to base my search from.

As you can see, it it quite an extensive piece of land, and is located as far away from the main township as I dare live.  While I must keep to myself at times, I must not appear to be a shut-in either.

Your charge of finding a suitable husband has been forthright in my mind since moving to this town, and in order to keep my investigation continuing it would do me well to find someone prominent in the community.  Queries of this nature pointed me to a widower by the name of Chester Swain.  He has a daughter named Bailey, and from what I've investigated of her, she is much more accepting of our kind than her father.  I decided to have her talk to him before I did, and it seemed to go quite well.

He is attractive to me, he reminds me of some of the woodsmen back home, and so it was clear what I should do from there.

I promptly asked if he would be mated with me, and he agreed, much to my delight.

Once Chester and his daughter moved to my plot of land, they changed their appearance a bit.

I must end my letter now, as they have an idea to bring another family to the land with us to help with finances.

Your ever loving daughter,
Serenity Grace

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Offline azokka361

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Re: Quest for the Lost Coven - A Witch Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 07:20:00 PM »
Great start--I can't wait for more updates!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline fanofaband

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Re: Quest for the Lost Coven - A Witch Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2012, 10:50:49 PM »
Dear Daddy,

I hope your age has yet to catch up with you, I wish things were different with our gift, but sadly, it cannot be so.  This is part of why I am on this quest, if Mother has not told you.  Any male witch born can never become immortal, they must always live a mortal life, but somehow, the Lost Coven has managed to find a way around this in order to continue.  I hope we will discover the cure before your passing, but if not, I hope you know I've never given up my search.

On to more pleasant news.  My new step-daughter, Bailey, informed me of a girl she receives an education with.  This family, surname Ivy, is supposedly a tad eccentric, but they will do well with the beginning of our new Coven.  The Ivy family promptly agreed to move to our plot of land, but asked to only show a picture of their daughter, Daydream.

She has become smitten with a local Vampire boy, but sadly, we cannot bring such a beast into our home, nor can anyone leave when they come in.  Coven rules are strict, of course, but they have always been there for a reason.

As you may remember, I have always had a knack with plants, and I have decided to bring one to this world as well.  You would love the grounds, they will always be able to be expanded.

I am also proud to announce, with a few restrictions lifted, per Coven rules, you may very well be expecting a grandchild!

I simply cannot wait to bear a child, though I am saddened that this will be the only one I will be able to have.

With much love and respect,
Serena Grace


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Re: Quest for the Lost Coven - A Witch Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2012, 10:05:10 AM »
Great update! I like your writing style. Can't wait for the nooboo. :)

Offline fanofaband

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Re: Quest for the Lost Coven - A Witch Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2013, 03:05:47 AM »
I apologize for the lack of updates.  I'm already into the third generation before I took a break of it, but I'll do my best to update when I can.


Dearest Mother,

I do apologize for the late addition of this letter.  The life to which I am becoming accustomed to is quite taxing.  It is difficult to find time to do the things I must in order to further the Coven as it is.  I do hope you will forgive my delay.  As Daddy may have shown to you, there is a new family in the house with us.  They finally allowed me to take a picture of their son, Peanut.  Why they gave him this name at birth, I shall never know.

He came into the house as a child, so of course he has aged a little since the move.

My step-daughter, Bailey, and her friend, Daydream, have also aged into fine young women.

I dare think their tastes have changed a bit since meeting me, though it is far too presumptuous for me to mention this to them.  Bailey wishes to become a Mistress of Alchemy, while Daydream's tastes have become much more artistic.  She and her family have committed themselves to our family's cause.  They are good people, I feel as though I am taking advantage of their natures, however.  Perhaps one of my sisters would be able to ease my mind in this.

I have more news of Bailey!  In her quest to become an Alchemic Mistress, she came to me asking advice.

I must admit, I did not know how to answer her question, as she wishes to be a witch like us.  We both know being born with the gift is more powerful than uncovering the gift later in age, but she is ever so eager and it is her wish beyond wishes.  Of course I advised her, if she is able to acquire the potion which will make her a true part of the Coven, then I will fully support her change.

Bailey took to the gift much more easily than I ever could have hoped.  You would be proud of your step-granddaughter!

Speaking of, I should tell you the wonderful news!

While I toiled in the gardens, I began to feel a sharp pain.  I soon uncovered the reason.

My daughter has been born.  Queen Mother, may I present to you, Mercy Grace, heir to the Coven of Moonlight Falls.

