Looks good to me, almost the same as what I have on my PC right now however yours has newer 'models' of say the i5 core etc
Just two things I noticed;
GTX 610, I have the GTX 560 and it works very well but generally with nVidia the lower the two digits after your model the less likely it is to perform well.
Will Sims 3 + Expansions be the only game? Not that It matters that much but for smoother game play I'd look at getting that up a little, generally anything lower than 650 or equiv are not really for gaming more for watching the odd HD video and simple games.
Also while this may be okay I'd look seriously at getting a better PSU, generally a named brand would be good since if a PSU goes it could bring your whole system, alternatively if it doesn't have enough power in the first place you need a new one.
In my opinion you might as well go for a little higher in both those areas if you can, but like I say its Sims 3 so really your CPU is big game.
Caution though: Don't fall into the same trap I did of trying to upgrade and upgrade to get this game to run 'smoothly', even with a good PC the game jutters and runs less than smooth in some parts, but its playable and for the most part it runs great!
Hope that helped, I'm not trained in IT or anything but I've been making my own PC's since 08' so I have the basics down.