Author Topic: Maternity Clothes  (Read 32012 times)

Offline redmare

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Maternity Clothes
« on: February 18, 2013, 12:05:39 PM »
When downloading custom content Sims, many came with outfits. One such was a "naked" outfit for almost every age. I have tried to uninstall it, but it doesn't show up in my "installed content" list. When my Sim Maryanne was pregnant, it automatically assigned her maternity outfits. Her everyday outfit used the "naked" shirt and her workout outfit used the "naked" pants. I tried to change her outfit, but when I clicked on the dresser everything was greyed out and the "plan outfit" option wasn't there. What was going on? Is there a way to change maternity outfits? How can I get rid of those outfits?
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Offline ladyaya

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Re: Maternity Clothes
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 02:34:33 PM »
You actually can't change what she's wearing for maternity, and the only way you can choose what she wears is by changing her into it after the chimes and before she spins.

This page can help you with finding and uninstalling bad custom content. If you do it while she is pregnant, it should just default her back to normal base game/generations maternity wear.

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Re: Maternity Clothes
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 03:36:43 AM »
I just want to add that I have somehow gotten a "naked" bottom that will even show up in the children's clothes.  I never download anything from the Sims 3 Exchange, so this had to come with some Store content.  I don't think I've ever gotten anything bad from the Store.  This piece even has the Store's logo on it.  I urge everyone to be very careful when downloading from the Exchange.  Even though mine came from the Store, it's much more likely to happen from the Exchange and it can really mess up your game.
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Re: Maternity Clothes
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 11:33:04 PM »
It depends on if you use the downloads folder or the .packages method to install your CC. You could use the 50/50 method if you have a lot. That involves cutting 50% of the files, and placing them in a folder somewhere else (like your desktop, for example), then running the game. If your sim still has her 'naked' clothes, then the offending file is in that half. You go back to the folder, and cut another half out, and place that in a separate folder (lest they get mixed up with the already cleared ones), and repeat the process until you find which file it is. Obviously, if you open up the game, and your 'naked' clothes are replaced with some generic ones, then the offending file is in the group that was placed in a separate file, and you move the cleared ones into the cleared folder, and move the other lot back (I hope that doesn't sound too convoluted).

[Link removed.  -Pam]

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Re: Maternity Clothes
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2013, 03:11:43 AM »
I'm sorry, Chuckles.  We cannot link to that site because it's a source for third party content.  I know you're trying to help, but we just can't.
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Offline EllaTheTaco

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Re: Maternity Clothes
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 07:44:53 PM »
It's available for all ages, but not male sims. But children and toddlers will look deformed. Try deleting CC that you don't think is safe, or look up bad CC and see if you have any of that, and delete it. That should get rid of the naked clothes. But thats only if you got it from CC.