Author Topic: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard Please  (Read 3276 times)

Offline Deklitch

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The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard Please
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:44:00 PM »
Happy New Year all.

I am trying this again. So far I've had NO technical issues with this household, which is a nice change for me. I did the factory re-install process explained in our forum, and although both The Enterprises and The Prices were still glitched, I have been working on a new family ... the Ostraiyans.

This attempt is set in Sunset Valley. This game file has the following settings:
- 14 day seasons,
- a fixed lunar cycle (3rd quarter, I think),
- all supernaturals with the exception of witches have been turned off,
- defaults are in place for animals and celebrities.

The Ostraiyans welcomed the Gen 2 immortal into their family a little time ago in game, however you'll have to wait a little while for that in terms of updates.

Links to my immortal stats and chapters will follow in this post. Hope you enjoy this attempt, and I hope (really really hope) that the technical issues are a thing of the past.

Immortal Statistics

Agnes' Letter

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Immortal Stats
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2013, 06:44:44 PM »
Immortal Statistics

Sydney Ostraiya
Adult Male
Normal Sim

Natural Cook, Bookworm, Flirty,
 Perfectionist, Born Salesman

Agnes Ostraiya
(nee Crumplebottom)
LTW - Culinary Librarian - achieved
Unique LTRs - Born to Cook, Bookshop Bargainer, Collection Helper - achieved
Other LTRs - Office Hero, Simmunity, Steel Bladder, Stone Hearted, Multi-Tasker, Suave Seller
Maxed Career - Culinary - (Celebrated 5 Star Master Chef) - achieved
Super Maxed Skill - Cooking (level 10; Star Chef - achieved; World Class Chef (72/75); Menu Maven - achieved)
6 Black Opportunities - All New Bi-Pedal Dishwashing Machine, Catering Time, New High Quality Ingredients, Learn a Recipe, Perfection from the Pan, - 1 to go
6 Best Friends -
Building Owned - Gambaroes Seafood Restaurant (Bistro)
Property Owned - Pick 'n' Pay Hypermarket (Consignment Store) - level 3
Museum pieces
Young Adult - Painting, Sculpture, Photo
Adult - Painting, Sculpture, Photo
Elder -

Generation 2
Hobart Ostraiya
Child Male
Normal Sim

Excitable, Easily Impressed, Artistic

LTW - Renaissance Sim
Unique LTRs -
Other LTRs -
Maxed Career -
Super Maxed Skill - Painting (5/10)
Other Maxed Skills - Photography (5/10), Sculpting (0/10)
6 Black Opportunities -
6 Best Friends -
Building Owned -
Property Owned -
Museum pieces
Toddler - Painting, Sculpture, Photo
Child -
Teen -
Young Adult -
Adult -
Elder -

Generation 3 -   Ostraiya
Traits -
Spouse -
Maxed Career -
Super Maxed Skill -
6 Black Opportunities -
6 Best Friends -
Property Owned -
Building Owned -
Museum pieces
Toddler -
Child -
Teenager -
Young Adult -
Adult -
Elder -

Generation 4 -  Ostraiya
Traits -
Spouse -
Maxed Career -
Super Maxed Skill -
6 Black Opportunities -
6 Best Friends -
Property Owned -
Building Owned -
Museum pieces
Toddler -
Child -
Teenager -
Young Adult -
Adult -
Elder -

Generation 5 -  Ostraiya
Traits -
Spouse -
Maxed Career -
Super Maxed Skill -
6 Black Opportunities -
6 Best Friends -
Property Owned -
Building Owned -
Museum pieces
Toddler -
Child -
Teenager -
Young Adult -
Adult -
Elder -

Generation 6 -  Ostraiya
Traits -
Spouse -
Maxed Career -
Super Maxed Skill -
6 Black Opportunities -
6 Best Friends -
Property Owned -
Building Owned -
Museum pieces
Toddler -
Child -
Teenager -
Young Adult -
Adult -
Elder -

Generation 7 -  Ostraiya
Traits -
Spouse -
Maxed Career -
Super Maxed Skill -
6 Black Opportunities -
6 Best Friends -
Property Owned -
Building Owned -
Museum pieces
Toddler -
Child -
Teenager -
Young Adult -
Adult -
Elder -

Generation 8 -  Ostraiya
Traits -
Spouse -
Maxed Career -
Super Maxed Skill -
6 Black Opportunities -
6 Best Friends -
Property Owned -
Building Owned -
Museum pieces
Toddler -
Child -
Teenager -
Young Adult -
Adult -
Elder -

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Agnes' Letter
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2013, 07:02:34 PM »
Mrs Cornelia Goth,
Goth Manor,
Sunset Valley

My dear Sister,

I tell you, I've done this before. I was out by my front door yesterday morning when a guy, he had yellow and red and orange hair, pulled up in a taxi and began speaking to me. He asked me about my school, my career and so forth. I told him I had to get to work and headed off to the pet shop. I did tell you I got that job, didn't I? I know you wanted it, but I'm sure you're happy that it at least stayed in the family.

Anyway, the guy followed me, I was ready to call Officer Keaton when he began to flirt with me. I'll tell you all the details in person in case Mortimer reads this, but long story short, I agreed to marry him and move in with him. I gave up that job as well, so if you hurry, you may be able to get it. You know that large block of land between the Landgraabs and the Altos? That's where we live, a beautiful lot, with a beautiful view, so lots of opportunities for me to paint landscapes. Oh yes, the house also had a number of sculpting stations in it as well, and so I'm now learning to sculpt. It is just me and him, in a large house that's far too big for us and our needs. He tells me that in time it'll be populated, and that my efforts will be thought of forever.

He bought me a camera as a gift as well as one of those tabcasts. He asked me to learn photography. I can't refuse him and his blue eyes. He's been in the kitchen, cooking, and he told me he wants to be a culinary librarian. I told him a career in cooking and a focus on the cooking skill is best for him in that case. He followed my advice and has gained employment at the bistro as a kitchen scullion. I went and became a self-employed sculptor by the way, city hall, the corporate towers and some other places around town want my sculptures. I was even asked to sculpt some wooden sculptures for an 'interesting' gentleman from the supposedly abandoned warehouse in town. When I delivered them, he advised they were meant to be hollowed out and 'asked' me to hollow them out for him. I did so for him, as he refused to pay otherwise.

My sculpting station needs my attention, I'll contact you again soon. Give my love to Mortimer and my best wishes to Gunther. I'll write soon.

Love from Agnes Crumplebottom Ostraiya

P.S. How long does it take to get used to using the surname of your husband?


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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2013, 12:19:29 AM »
I'm liking the letter format. Is it the normal way you're writing this dynasty, or just an occasional thing?

Hmm, I have a soft spot for cooking supermaxes.


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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2013, 05:26:14 AM »
I'm glad to see a new dynasty from you. I like the letter format a lot.
Good luck this time around. :)

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2013, 02:15:45 AM »
I detect a theme here. LOL! Good luck with this one, what a bummer about your other two attempts.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2013, 09:32:58 PM »
Watcher's Notes - I copped an error 12 when I tried to save this about 24 hours ago. So I lost about 3 sims days of play. I'm trying again now, and am saving much more frequently.

Mrs Cornelia Goth,
Goth Manor,
Sunset Valley

Dearest Cornelia,

My deepest sympathies on your recent losses! Losing not only Gunthor, but also Mortimer, is horrible. My thoughts and best wishes are with you. Please, if there is anything that Sydney or I can do for you, please let me know.

Sydney and I have two sons now. I wanted a playmate for your Mortimer and so I convinced Sydney to adopt a child. Deerubben is now in High School and is on the honour roll. He had a tough life as a nooboo and toddler. I also gave birth to a boy, Hobart. He is now a toddler and he has his daddy's hair colour. Great Aunt Bertha, I didn't even know we had a Great Aunt Bertha, sent Hobart a special toy through the mail. As a toddler, he's always singing to this toy, Bertha's note told us the toy was called Derwent. I would really love a girl, but I know I'm getting too old to give birth again, so we might have to adopt.

In more general family and professional news, Sydney has mastered the cooking skill and is a culinary librarian. He is also a Chef de Cuisine. He tells me he has learnt how to cook ambrosia, and I have grown life fruits. He tells me that death fish is the only other ingredient he needs for ambrosia. Deerubben is fishing. Sydney has expressed a desire to learn the guitar, after buying a guitar in one of his many trips to the consignment store, and so he might head out to the graveyard with Deerubben one night so that Deerubben can catch the needed deathfish. Deerubben is also rather athletic, loves to spend time gardening in our greenhouse and has even followed in my footsteps as a painter. As you know, I've always wanted to write and illustrate my own books, and now I have achieved that life time wish. Soon after I did so, I found a dusty old lamp. I polished that lamp and a genie appeared. I wished for wealth. Sydney will now be able to purchase real estate. I know he's got his eye on the Bistro, he wants to update it, change its menu a bit, have more seafood on the menu and give it a fresh name. He also talks about purchasing the consignment store. I think I'll need a second wish for wealth to get that one though.

In addition to the writing and the painting, I have mastered photography, gardening and sculpting, and I have the certificates to prove it. I am a self-employed sculptor, for some reason I went that way rather than the painting or writing. I am currently a 'chiselled chiseller' and have just to levels to go to be at the top of the career.

Love from Agnes Ostraiya

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2013, 09:36:16 PM »
Sorry to hear about the Error 12, but I'm glad you were able to get back on track (and get through culinary far faster than I ever did).

Even as a non-Australian, those names are definitely quite amusing. I also think it took me a good five minutes to get the family name. Clever. ;D

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2013, 02:08:49 AM »
Thank you ... here are some additional shots of Agnes and Sydney.

Agnes got invited to a fancy dress party, she went as a hot dog as you can see.


PS I added shots to the letters as well :)


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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2013, 05:51:22 AM »
Sorry about the error12, I hope you don't get it again.
I love all the pictures. :)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2013, 07:50:18 PM »
Thanks Louise, I hope I don't get it any more either. I like the pictures as well. I'm also amazed at how much easier things are at this stage with fewer sims in my household.

Here are a few newspaper articles, pictures are coming.

New Celebrated Five Star Chef
By Bennie Oakes
Head Chef at the Bistro, Molly French, recently promoted Sydney Ostraiya to the rank of Celebrated Five Star Chef. Ms French said, "Sydney has been with us for his entire career, and he has perfected the art of flipping burgers, tossing salads, preparing desserts and more. He knows his way around the kitchen. I have no issue with promoting him to this rank and I know that he will do a fine job."

Mr Ostraiya has not been available for comment.

Consignment Store and Bistro Under New Ownership
By Bennie Oakes
If you are in the mood for a bite of seafood, the Bistro is the place to go. Recently renamed to 'Gambaros Seafood Restaurant' by new owner, Sydney Ostraiya the menu has a full range of seafood dishes as both entrees and mains. If you don't like seafood, are allergic to seafood, or vegetarian, don't worry, Gambaros can cater for you as well. "We also have meat dishes and a full range of vegetarian dishes," 5 Star Chef Ostraiya said.

Chef Ostraiya has also purchased Landgraab Sell'N'Swap and has renamed it to "Pick 'N' Pay Hypermarket". Nancy Landgraab said, "it was decided by my husband and I that we wanted to focus our attention on the Science Lab and when Sydney offered to buy the Consignment Store from us, we were happy to dispose of that asset."

Consignment Specialist, River McIrish, said, "even though we have changed our name, we are still your best place in town to purchase cameras, inventions, paintings, gems and metals. Or sell them to us and we'll find a buyer for your unwanted treasures. At Pick'n'Pay Hypermarket, satisfaction is guaranteed."

A nectar register, painting easel and sculpting station have also been installed at Pick'n'Pay Hypermarket for those wanting to make their own nectar, paintings or sculptures. Outside the store there is a subway station as well as a piano, drum set, guitar and bass for anyone wanting to practice music or perform.

Graduation Day
By Bennie Oakes
Today marks graduation day for the most recent senior class at the Community School for the Gifted in Sunset Valley. Relieved graduates and proud family members all gathered at the Sunset Valley Town Hall to celebrate the accomplishments of these fine upstanding young members of our community. Why, it seems like it was just over two weeks ago when they were kids, and now they are young adults, ready to take their place in the Sunset Valley community.

Even the famous are out in force. Three star celebrity, the reclusive Sydney Ostraiya, arrived with his wife, Agnes and two sons, Deerubben and Hobart. There were rumours that Agnes and Sydney were trying for another baby, but Agnes is an elder now, and so they are not going to be able to do so. Young Hobart, who is the result of the pregnancy of Mr and Mrs Ostraiya, unlike the adopted Deerubben, is a toddler and seems to be rather happy in his mother's arms.

Deerubben has had great grades during his high school years. Deerubben was so dedicated to his classwork that he chose not to go to the Prom, and instead opted to study for finals. His hardwork has paid off as the young man has graduated with highest honours and as class valedictorian. His classmates also named him most likely to achieve his Life Time Wish. During his valedictorian speech, Deerubben spoke fondly of his adopted parents and gave them full credit for his ability to achieve such greatness in his school studies. No one from the family was available for a comment following graduation, and it is understood that they are eating at the newly acquired family bistro, Gambaros Seafood Restaurant.

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2013, 06:19:07 PM »
This looks like a very interesting story for an attempt. I love the articles to give those "odd ball" updates that aren't easily added into a story, but help to show others your dynasty progress. Good luck in this attempt!

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Introduction
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2013, 10:49:47 AM »
I like your format this time around. :) And I know what you mean about it being so much easier with fewer sims in the house.
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ostraiya Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard Please
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2013, 02:49:55 AM »
I messed this up :(. Graveyard please.