Author Topic: The Fellowship of the Dynasty - Graveyard please, restarting  (Read 2297 times)

Offline Tiamet

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The Fellowship of the Dynasty - Graveyard please, restarting
« on: September 02, 2012, 02:57:27 AM »
The Prophecy

One Town will summon all
One Sim to find them
One Challenge brings them all
And Thus Forever Binds Them

"I can't believe I'm back here again," Gandalf said, standing in front of his now traditional mailbox.  "We had a house and everything!"

Tia tried to soothe the agitated man.  "Look at all the things we've learned.  This time, I know we can do it!"

Gandalf snorted.  "We've learned to keep Aragorn away from the babies, for one thing.  I swear, he must have dropped Merry on his head, the way that boy went on!"

"Yes, but Legolas and Gimli turned out just fine," Tia countered.  "Boromir was one of the easiest Sims to get along with I've ever seen.  You have to look on the bright side."

"What bright side?" Gandalf said, looking across the empty field that was now his home. 

"You get to court Gracie again..." Tia replied, watching as Gandalf ran down the street.

Gracie, despite having no memory of the strange man at her door, felt inexplicably drawn to him.  She immediately found herself discussing the family she hadn't realized she'd wanted to have, her hopes and dreams came flooding out of her and all of them seemed possible with him.  They spent the entire day together, and by Tuesday night, she'd moved back into Gandalf's lot and his life as though she'd never been gone.  Once settled in, she took a quick trip across town and ended her budding relationship with Rodney.

"I hope we can be friends," she said, shutting the door behind her with a finality that broke Rodney's heart.  She traveled back to her new home, sans walls, sans job, but with a great feeling of joy.

It was too much for Rodney, however, and he made his way to the place where this stranger had stolen his girl and his future.  Gracie looked so sweet, so contented as she dreamed beneath the stars, that all his fine words left him.  He cried out, and turned to face the man behind him.

"Promise me that she'll be happy," he sobbed brokenly.  "For the rest of her life."

"And much longer than that."  Gandalf told him, patting him awkwardly on the shoulder, and then helping Rodney into the waiting cab.

"You look radiant, Gracie," Tia said, as the couple met for their simple ceremony in front of the garbage can.  "I have a present for you."  Gracie was surprised to receive a large fruit basket.  "In case you get tired of his waffles."

The couple exchanged vows in the bright morning sunshine, and basked in their brand new love that felt ages old.

Gracie began painting with a passion that surprised both Gandalf and Tia.  "I feel as if this is what I was born to do," she told them, as Gandalf practiced cooking and Tia rearranged the furniture on the lawn.  "There is so much beauty in the world and I feel free for the first time.  Free from my job, from all the constraints that were on me."

"You'll work harder than ever in this new life," Tia said quietly.

"But you won't work alone, Beloved," Gandalf added.  The pet name resonated in her soul.

"I'm looking forward to it," she smiled.

"It's official, love." Gracie told Gandalf.  "You're going to be a father!"  Family oriented Gandalf was speechless. 

"So quickly?  Are you okay?" he asked, embracing her. 

"I feel fantastic!"  Gracie edged closer.  "Are you up for a little star gazing?"

Gandalf buried his face in her hair, the tears mingling with the blonde tresses.  "Anything you want, Beloved," he whispered hoarsely.  Tia softly drifted away on the breeze.

Legolas Fellowship made his appearance shortly thereafter.

..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Audren

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Re: The Fellowship of the Dynasty - The Return of the Gandalf
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 06:57:12 AM »
Yay! The Fellowship's back! Welcome, Gandalf, Gracie, and Legolas!  ;D

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Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Fellowship of the Dynasty - The Return of the Gandalf - Chap 2
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 03:53:39 AM »
Thanks, Audren, and everyone who took the time to read this!

In Which, Legolas Grows Up, Gandalf Gets the Gift and We Have a Wedding...and a Shock!

Gandalf realized he'd been given a second chance with his son.  Every chance he could he would pick up the baby and play.  Gracie smiled and went about her planting.  Even with the baby swing in the garden, Gandalf was usually there before she was.

"He's not going to disappear," Tia teased.  "Put him down and back to the kitchen."

"I don't want to miss anything this time.  It was so hectic the last, well, you know."  His voice trailed off.

"I understand.  But we're not getting caught in that trap again.  So off you go, my friend, just keep pushing out those Autumn Salads."

Legolas quickly turned into a toddler, and as they celebrated, Gandalf cocked his head to listen for a minute.  Then he raised a quizzical eyebrow at his wife.  "Tia?  Sobbing?" he asked.

Gracie reached out and patted his arm.  "Crying with joy that Lasse aged up with hair."  She smiled.  She was still learning to live with the bizarre flashes of deja-vu that filled her life.  The moment she'd held her son for the first time, the name had come to her automatically, almost instinctively.  Even now, she would look for something she knew they didn't have.  She didn't know if she believed all that Gandalf had told her, but she believed enough to keep working for their ultimate goal.

Gandalf, despite all the pressures the small family were under, took an extra day off work, and to the amazement of Gracie and Tia, taught Lasse to walk, talk and use the potty in a single day.

"He's always had a way with kids," Tia pointed out.  "But I am impressed."

The rest of the week was spent cuddling, reading stories and the daily round of tasks that could not be ignored.  Legolas preferred to read his books than play in the big toy chest.  Despite all the attention lavished on him, he still remained a little aloof, happiest on his own.  Sooner than any of them could credit, he was ready for the first day of school.  Tia had a few words with him.

"Soul patch?" she asked, laughing.  "Really?"

"I think it's some of Mom's spice brown paint.  I'll wash it off."  He scrubbed vigorously with the flannel.  "Tia?  Will there be lots of kids at school?"

"Quite a few, I hope.  You have to make friends, Lasse, it's important."

The boy sighed.  "Do I have to hang out with all of them?"

"No, you just have to know them a little.  Maybe there will be one or two that you'll be very close with.  But when you get home, as long as you get your homework done, you can paint as much as you like."

"I'll help with the homework."  Gandalf added, coming in to hand his son his lunch.

"It's not Autumn Salad again, is it, Dad?" the boy asked, peering into the paper sack.

Gandalf chuckled.  "Dim Sum for you, on such an important day."

School would never be easy for Legolas.  Without Gandalf's help, he struggled to complete his homework on time.  The days, surrounded by other kids, upset him and made him tense.  Time at his easel relaxed him and helped him to cope.  He continued on, growing, learning, and after hitting the honor roll and meeting all of his fellow pupils, he realized that he had become a teenager.  It caught the family on the hop, as suddenly the quiet child they'd adored turned into a raging ball of teenage angst.  Tia caught up with him coming out of the bathroom.

"What have you done to yourself now?" she asked, in mock exasperation.  Gracie looked up from her Handiness book.

Legolas muttered something under his breath.  Tia tapped her foot, and Gracie laughed.

"He feels like he should be blond, Tia."  Gracie said, reaching up to ruffle her tall son's new hair.

"Orlando in that darned wig," Tia grumbled.  "You don't look like yourself anymore."

"It's only hair," Gracie said, pulling the boy into her lap.  He struggled for a moment, then relaxed into her embrace.  He looked over a Tia.

"If Mom doesn't mind, I don't see why you should.  Besides, I wanted to try it for Prom."

"What about Prom?" Gandalf asked, coming in, hiding a large package behind his back.

"Lasse's new look."  Tia said disdainfully.  "He seems to be channeling Bloom."  Gandalf laughed as Gracie and Legolas looked blank.

"Inside joke."  Gandalf said.  "This is for you, son.  You love music so much, I thought this would be appropriate."

The wrapping fell away to reveal an electric guitar.  Legolas gazed at it in wonder, then threw his arms around his father's neck.  "Thanks, Dad, I love it!"  He rushed to set up the amp.

"Sweet Home Alabama again!  I'm off for a bit."  Tia said, clamping her hands over her ears and disappearing as the boy rocked out a few shaky chords.

The next day Legolas stormed in from school.  Tia held her breath.  He looked daggers at her, then whispered a few words to his mother.  She hugged him tightly, then he ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.  Tia stared.

"Kylie Parrott laughed at him," Gracie said sadly.  "I don't know what he sees in that girl."

Wisely, the family ignored Legolas' hair over dinner.

For a boy who enjoyed spending so much time on his own, Legolas surprised them all with his busy love life.  Kylie Parrott, who had looked so attractive under the sparkly prom lights, turned out to have a childish streak that Legolas couldn't stand.  She embarrassed him at Graduation in front of his parents, and was stubbornly unrepentant.  He decided he'd had enough of her snobbish ways and took up with Kristen instead.  Kristen spent too much time delivering newspapers, and was replaced with Chantrelle.  Then one evening, Tia broke it up with a casual comment.

"She's got a face like a duck, I can't help it, she does," she chuckled.  Chantrelle joined the rapidly growing ranks of Legolas' exes.  Then one morning, the family woke up to realize there was a girl in Lasse's bed.

"Mom, Dad, this is Charla.  We're going to get married, but she's living with us for a few days until the arrangements are made."

"A wedding?"  Gracie gushed, rushing to embrace him.

"A wedding?"  Tia stormed.  "Do you realize what's going on with your father?  His best friends keep dropping like flies!  Bertram popped off, and while he was cementing his relationship with Jerome, that celebrity one bought the farm!  Then, while he was chatting up Dan in front of the restaurant, Kylie Osborne just went poof!  Grim showed up and everything!

"It's fine, Tia!"  Gandalf cut in.  "I've just got to chat up Chantel a bit more, and we're all set."  He looked over at his wife.  "I'm glad you're so understanding about all this."

Gracie shrugged.  "It's all for the greater good.  The good news is that the life plants are finally ready.  I wish I'd been able to search for the seeds and have them ready before this, but it's been a bit hectic."

"That's an understatement!"  Tia retorted.  "Just remember, no wedding until we get your father sorted out."

"Gandalf!  What do you mean you're too tired to cook?  Don't do this too me!  Chantel isn't looking to pert, if you know what I mean.  What if she pops off while you're napping!"

"Just a tiny nap.  I'm going to set the kitchen on fire if I don't get some sleep!"

"Fine, fine."  Tia growled.  "Just a quick nap!  I've got to have a word with Gracie."

"I know we've talked about this look before, Gracie," Tia began.  Gracie met her eye and stared back.

"What's wrong with it?" she asked defiantly.

"Queen Elizabeth called, she wants her hair back, for one thing.  Can't I get you a nice top?"

"I like this one."

"Okay, okay.  If it makes you happy.  I've got to go get that husband of yours up again."

"Finally!"  Tia yelled, pumping her fist in the air. 

"What about the formal declaration?"  Gandalf asked.

"Eat first!"  Tia urged.  "Chantel is looking like she's going to drop any second!"

Gandalf shoveled in the Ambrosia, hating the step that took him away from Gracie, loving the step that brought him closer to completing his quest to bring his companions back together.

After the lights had faded, he and Tia looked at each other.  She grinned.  "Have the conditions been met?"

"Little late to ask now.  But yes.  I choose to do this."

"Great!"  Gracie said, coming over to kiss the top of her husband's head.  "Let's get this wedding planned!  I've got a hankering for grandchildren."

"She's turned into 'Mother-of-the-Groomzilla'," Legolas said.  "Why can't we get married in front of the mailbox?  I mean, it was good enough for you." 

"Let her have her fun, Lasse.  We owe it to her."

Legolas shook his head and went to hunt up his bride.  Tia looked sideways at Gandalf.  "He's right, y'know.  They're both loners, and she's inviting anyone she can.  And I think she picked out Charla's dress herself."

"At least Charla likes it," Gandalf said sadly.  "And lets face it, she doesn't have a lot of time left."

"True," Tia mused, settling down immediately.  "She's done so much.  Fish pond stocked, garden set up, she's even got all the death flowers in the museum."

"Bring on the wedding!"  Gandalf said with mock cheerfulness.  "She deserves to see her grandchild."

"I'll go find Legolas."

"Honestly, Lasse, you're getting married shortly.  Are your mother and I the only ones who take this seriously?"

"Yep.  Gracie, come settle your son down!"

But the wedding was a modest success, instead of the unmitigated disaster Tia had expected.  The bride and groom exchanged vows, cut the cake and promptly fell into bed.  The snoring rocked the house.

"Hey, guys, don't want to interrupt, just wanted to let you know you'll have a couple days to relax together.  Charla's got some news for y'all."

"I'm going to go dust of the swing,"  Gracie said, getting up.  Gandalf grinned from ear to ear. 

Charla was pampered and the house readied for the new arrival.  Legolas wavered between excitement and fear.  Charla continued to learn to garden and paint.  Her willingness to pitch in with whatever needed to be done endeared her immediately to her new family, but they urged her to rest as much as possible.  After a lot of Vegetarian Chili and back rubs, labour started.  Tia met them at the hospital.

"Congratulations!  Wow, they gave you a lovely wicker bassinet to bring the baby home?  That's new.  Oh, wait..."

Oh my word!

..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Fellowship of the Dynasty - The Return of the Gandalf - Chapter 2
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2012, 08:34:49 AM »
Whoops, forgot to add...

Generation One
Gandalf Fellowship
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Natural Cook, Ambitious, Charismatic, Family Oriented
Life Time Wish: Culinary Librarian
Career: 5 Star Chef
SuperMax: Cooking
Building: Darris Teeter Grocery & The Koffi Cafe
Property: Cinnamon Crest
3 Life Time Wishes: Inheritance, Complimentary Entertainment, Discount Diner
6 Best Friends: Gracie Fellowship, Legolas Fellowship, Jerome Murry, Dan Minor, Cody Diamond, Chantel Ho
6 Black Ops: Get to Know You, Bad Reception, Just Business, Memorable Meals, Tough Negotiating, Vegetised Plumbing
Portraits: Young Adult, Adult, Elder

Week 8, Day 2
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Fellowship of the Dynasty - Three for the Elven-Kings - Chap 3
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2012, 10:26:58 PM »
Three for the Elven-Kings under the sky...

"Gandalf! Gracie!  Crack out the plastic, we've got some shopping to do!"  Tia yelled, flying back to the house.  She immediately started moving things around.

"What's going on?" Gandalf asked.

"Triplets!"  Tia screamed, part exhilaration, part terror.  "They went and had triplets!"

"I don't want to point fingers," Gandalf said, as Gracie fell off the chair laughing.  "But was it really necessary to give both of them Fertility Treatments?"

"I didn't realize Boromir would drag poor Faramir along!"  Tia wailed.  "This could ruin everything!"

"Nonsense!" Gracie snapped, dragging another crib out of storage.  "You need to look at the opportunities this presents.  Aragorn was always a better horseman than he was an angler."

"How did you know that?" Gandalf asked, as Tia started musing. 

"I just do.  Now pull that rocking chair over here."

A house with triplets gets very little sleep.  Fortunately, everyone pitched in, leaving Legolas time to work on his painting and guitar skills. 

"They're not crying now," Gandalf pointed out.  "They seem to like sleeping on the lawn."

"I'm not risking Social Services!  Pop 'em back into the swings please."

After three of the longest days that ever flew by, the triplets aged up to adorable toddlers.

"What are you doing to them now, Tia?" Charla asked as Boromir was whisked out of her arms.

"Colour coding them, Chani.  I did it with my own kids.  Trust me.  Aragorn will wear brown and have brown things, Boromir, blue, and little Faramir looks amazing in green."

"Legolas, put that down for a minute," Tia said.  "You need to call your Auntie Galadriel and tell her I'm not happy about this."

"About what?" Legolas asked, "I really need to finish this."


Aragorn with Elrond,

Boromir with Thranduil,

and Faramir with Denethor.  Really?  Three?"

Gracie took a few hours for herself from looking after her grandsons, who she cheerfully dubbed The MOG, (short for Men of Gondor) and got her nails done.  Coming back and catching up with The MOG, she felt a cold chill down her back.

"Gracie, no!" Gandalf screamed.

"Mom!" Legolas shrieked.  "Not yet!"

"It's not for long," her ghost said calmly.  "I'll be back to visit."

Gandalf sobbed into his son's chest. 

"She's a lady, Gandalf, and knows how to make an exit.  Say goodnight to Gracie."

True to her word, Gracie was back the next day.  Gandalf was overjoyed and they spent long hours talking and playing with The MOG.  Finally Gracie gave her husband some instructions.

"Legolas won't like it, Beloved," he grinned.  "He's working so hard on maxing his last skill.  Whatever possessed a loner to try and get to level 10 charisma anyway?"

"Ask Tia.  You just tell him it's for The MOG's birthday.  He can't complain about that."

So after The MOG aged up to children and their exhausted parents finally got them into bed, Gandalf followed Gracie's directions.  As predicted, Legolas was not impressed.

"Dad!" he stormed, coming in after breakfast.  "What's that out on the lawn?  Aragorn's going to miss breakfast!"

Gandalf grinned behind his beard.  "I got The MOG a pony for their birthday, that's all."

"That's not a pony, that's a Clydesdale!  Who's going to look after it?  Chani and I don't have time."

"We'll manage.  You just get that last skill maxed."

"Er, Lasse?  Why is the horse painting?" Tia asked.

Legolas shrugged.  "She's pretty good at it.  What's up?"

"You don't seem to be reaching Level 10 of your career.  You've got enough paintings to do it, have you heard from the consignment shop?"

He thought for a moment.  "No, it's been a while.  Maybe there's a problem?"

"I'll go check.  You finish that up and get dressed."  She paused.  "Bring the horse's painting along.  Looks like it's worth a few bucks."

"What did I miss?" Tia asked, coming back from a long chat with the consignment store clerk.  There would be no more delays on selling Legolas' pictures now.

"The MOG aged up to teenagers."  Gracie told her.  "Don't they look great?"

"Wonderful," Tia agreed.  "Meet the Men of Gondor, Wolfman Jack, Crazy Man with a rinse, and Billy Idol.  Lovely."

"Over here," Legolas called, as the sparkles surrounded him.  "I'm becoming an elder!"

"You look great, son!" Gandalf snickered.  "The Professor had a jacket just like that!"

Charla dragged her husband to the dresser.  "Not in a million lifetimes, sunshine."

And then, just like that, it was done.  Legolas maxed out charisma, fulfilled his Lifetime Wish, and was ready to become Immortal.

"Are you ready?" Tia asked.  Chani sat with her husband.

"Yes.  I choose to follow my father and take this step."  Legolas told her.

"Then go ahead."  Tia told him, with tears in her voice.

Generation Two
Legolas Fellowship
Traits: Love the Outdoors, Loner, Artistic, Charismatic, Virtuoso
Lifetime Wish: Renaissance Sim (Painting, Guitar, Charisma)
Career: Master of the Brush
Supermax: Painting
Building: Rustler's Den
Property: Adventure Landing
3 Lifetime Rewards: Fertility Treatment, Replicator, Fireproof
6 Best Friends: Charla Fellowship, Cole Shearin, Edwin Murry, Freddie Jacobson, Calvin Blakely, Tomika Schuler
6 Black Ops: Musical Assembly, Study of Art, Local Artist Gallery, Celebrity Body, A Small Painting, Save the Herding
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder

..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Audren

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Re: The Fellowship of the Dynasty - Three for the Elven-Kings - Chap 3
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2012, 06:34:42 AM »
Congratulations on your second immortal! Welcome Aragorn, Boromir, and Faramir!  ;D

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Fellowship of the Dynasty - Three for the Elven-Kings - Chap 3
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2012, 08:03:59 AM »
It's toast again.  Please move to the Graveyard.
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

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