I have a sim family where the daugther is a teenager and my plan was to make her a gardener with The Perfect Garden as her LTW. She has not choosen the LTW yet, because she is still waiting for it to be suggested for her. However, the mother of the family took up gardening and she already completed the requirements for The Perfect Garden on the lot (eventhough it was not her LTW). Will this prevent the game from ever suggesting this LTW to the daughter? Will I have to kill some of my perfect plants to make this wish show up?
I'm grateful for any info or suggestions!
Update: Thanks to both of you for answering! I have now concluded that the game will probably never suggest wishes that are already completed. I made my teenager level up gardening to rank 10, doing every imaginable gardening action (read skill books, finding seeds, planting, and taking care of the garden) and I got a ton of different LTW suggestions, but not The Perfect Garden. But, as you said, upon becomming young adult she was able to pick it, and it was instantly fulfilled!