Author Topic: What do you do when it's time for the second generation?  (Read 4728 times)

Offline Kaye

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What do you do when it's time for the second generation?
« on: August 20, 2012, 02:55:15 PM »
In my first legacy, I'm about to get started on the second generation. The problem is there will be too many people in the house. It's five now (six, if you want to count the pet). I don't want to eat away their money by building a second story, plus seven sims (seventh being the heir's spouse) is a little too much chaos for me. But I also don't want to move houses (adhering to the "all heirs must be born in the same house" rule).

So what's usually done here? Moving out the first generation? Expanding the house? Changing the lot completely?

Oy! I feel like such a noob, asking this question. :-[
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Re: What do you do when it's time for the second generation?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 02:59:52 PM »
Usually, if it's only one baby in the 2nd Generation, I'd simply put the crib and assorted furnishes in the parent's room. Circumnavigates the issue entirely. Of course, multiple babies complicates matters somewhat.

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Offline folcon

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Re: What do you do when it's time for the second generation?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 04:09:39 PM »
You could just lock the extras in a room and let them starve.

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Re: What do you do when it's time for the second generation?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 04:38:32 PM »
This is one of the things that you have to consider in your strategy.  How did you end up with so many Sims in your first generation?  Just curious.

You're playing a legacy, right?  Not a Dynasty?  Because the rules are different for each one.  In a legacy, you can move Sims out of the house.  In the Immortal Dynasty, you cannot.  The game will allow a total of 10 Sims and pets, so you still have room as far as the game is concerned.  Of those 10, you can have up to 8 Sims and up to 6 pets, as long as the total doesn't exceed 10. 

If you don't like having a lot of Sims to control, you'll have to be very strict with yourself about not moving anyone into the house.  Just the necessary Sims will be quite a few as you can easily have 3 generations in the house at a time.

I wouldn't recommend killing the extra Sims (sorry folcon).  It's outright against the rules of the Immortal Dynasty and at least against the spirit of the legacy rules.  I don't know for sure if Pinstar's legacy rules forbid killing of Sims.  Your two best choices are to either move a couple of Sims out or expand the house.  Legacy and Dynasty houses tend to get very large as you go further into the challenge, so don't be afraid to build.  Money won't be a problem by the time generation 3 comes and by the end, you'll have more than you can spend!

I hope this helps.  :)
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Re: What do you do when it's time for the second generation?
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 04:45:22 PM »
All of a sudden, I cannot play without at least seven sims, but if it's a legacy, you should have plenty of money later, just build a very spartan nursery now. I built a small addition to the parent's room and made it the nursery for my 2nd gen in my unpublished legacy
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Offline Kaye

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Re: What do you do when it's time for the second generation?
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 05:26:05 PM »
Pam - The first generation is the founder, her spouse and their three kids. That's five. They have a pet, which makes six. I already know who the heir's husband will be, so if he moves in, that will make seven (granted, the pet will die soon; no one's getting another one). Yes, I'm playing a legacy.

I don't want to kill them! I guess doing some renovating will be the best bet. I don't consider myself much of an architect is all, so it might not look as nice as I want it. I didn't want to move the founder and her spouse out. The spares are moving out, but the heir will probably have a kid by the time they're young adults. Maybe I'll be make them babysitters after the founder and her spouse pass.  ;)

Building it is! Actually, I've been wanting to expand two of the rooms anyway. They're too small. I just didn't want to tear down the whole house!
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Re: What do you do when it's time for the second generation?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2012, 08:16:34 PM »
Building it is! Actually, I've been wanting to expand two of the rooms anyway. They're too small. I just didn't want to tear down the whole house!

That's how I did my Dreamweaver Immortal Dynasty house.  It started as just a box and I added rooms and floors as they were needed.  By the time it was done, I think I had 4 levels above ground and 2 levels below ground. 
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