Author Topic: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection  (Read 6660 times)

Offline PlatnumDymnd

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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2012, 04:42:44 AM »
Previously, our young explorer uncovered a grocery list for a mysterious memory recipe that could prove dangerous in the wrong hands. And he risked a lot to get to it. With barely any memories of his new name, he managed to push his way out of the tomb.

Completely exhausted, he headed back to camp. What is it that the UCMA has got him doing? What kind of research is this? What was it that he was missing?

He waited until everyone was asleep, and then grabbed his phone from a secret compartment of his pack.

“Get me to the agency immediately please,” he said to the operator. “A secure line.”

“Mr. D’amond!” said the excited voice on the line. “Great to hear from you. Did you retrieve what we asked?”

“What the heck is this research you have me on?!”

“You are in no position to question anything young man,” said the voice on the other end angrily.

“I will not set foot in another cave, tunnel, or tomb until you tell me what his going on. I felt my entire brain just seep out of my ears. I barely remembered my name, no less how to get out of the tomb!!”

“So it is true!” the voice said anxiously. “The ancient Egyptians had the power of manipulate memories. What did you find in there?”

“What information?” he said slyly. “I just can’t even remember what I’m doing here.”

“DO NOT play games with us, Mr. D’amond. You tell us what you found in that tomb or else.”

“Look, you have sent me to a faraway land, away from my family, away from my life. I have been to a tomb that erases memories without even an idea of what I’m after. I am done with your demands of me?!?”

“You will cooperate with us or you will regret it.”

“We will see. I have had enough of your threats. You need me. I didn’t ask to be here.” He was furious when he said, “I will find out what’s going on and I will expose you.”

“Now you see here…” He hung up the phone on an uneasy voice on the other line.

He was so exhausted that his rage just drained his last bit of energy. He headed straight for his tent and slept for what felt like days.

When he woke up he didn’t even know what day it was, where he was, or what he was doing there... All he could think of was her… And there she was.

Oh she was so beautiful. Only in his dreams has he been able to see her. To touch her. Why is she running from him?

The closer he got to her, the faster she seemed to be running. Was she afraid of him? Did she forget him?

She ran… He ran… She ran… He ran.

Then suddenly, she stopped and turned to him. She held out her hand towards him and said, “Don’t forget.” Then she disappeared into the moonlight.

Lamar shot up so fast she bumped his head on the roof of the tent. He climbed out of his tent and rubbed his head. He looked around. He looked around at all the other explorers on their way to their missions. He would be alone very soon.

“Man Egypt seems to be connecting with me I guess,” he said out loud. He decided it is time to take matters into his own hands. It’s time for him to go home.

He walked got dressed and walked out right into some crypt moths. He caught one, stared at it and smiled.

“Well first let’s get some one on one time with the Motherland.” He put that moth in a jar and grabbed his gear. He headed out excitedly.

And before he even left the camp he was catching some good insects.

He’d forgotten how much fun he had catching insects. He couldn’t remember the last time he had such a great time catching butterflies. And Egypt was like a whole new experience. He started out on foot. Today was just a day of exploration – for himself.

As he was walked through the desert he found many different things. Like relics,


More butterflies,

He hung out by the river the rest of the day to make an attempt at fishing but failed miserably.

After hour with nothing biting, he started towards the market. He wanted to get a few souvenirs for his family. His walk was interrupted by a hysterical explorer.

“D’amond, sir,” he said out of breath. “Mr. D’amond?”

Lamar was on his guard instantly. “Yes, I’m him. Catch your breath ma’am. Did you just come from the base? Are you heading to the market?”

She caught her breath and attempted to speak, “I’m Denise. I was sent to come find you. Your tent rummaged through. It was by locals but I thought I saw some weird letters under one of their clothes.”

Lamar was aggravated but not surprised. It was probably the agency. Did they think he’d be stupid enough to leave his stuff in the tent? Why would then even send him here if they thought he was stupid?

He turned to her, “Did anyone see what they looked like? Did they look familiar?!”

“No,” said Denise “But one of them did drop a note when Adams chased them away with his torch.” She handed the ball of paper over to him.

He looked at her suspiciously. She noticed and quickly responded, “Oh no we didn’t open it. The front inscription was bad enough it took an hour to figure out it was yours.

“Thank you so much. Were you heading to the market? Would you like to join me?”

She smiled. Finally calm, she replied, “Thanks, but no. I have a lead I need to follow on some jewels. I’m actually going the way that you came.” She headed down the road behind him. “Good luck.”

As he watched her go he opened up the balled up note. It read:

Memories are more valuable that one thinks
They cannot be destroyed and cannot be taken
At the most they can be stored in a Sphinx

Lamar let out a deep sigh of disappointment. He started back towards the market and glanced something shiny in the sand.

“Well, well,” he said to the shiny rock. “I guess we aren’t going home just yet. We have a Lioness to visit.”


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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2012, 05:28:38 AM »
He must be careful, the sphinx is a dangerous place!
I love your story. ;D

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Offline PlatnumDymnd

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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2012, 09:15:13 PM »
Hello forum! I have miss you guys so much! I hope I don't get in trouble for being off topic but because this is related to my story not being continued I thought this is the best place to put it. To make a long story short, my family was affected by Hurricane Sandy. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, however, dealing with the wreckage and devastated loved ones took a toll. And to add insult to injury, my computer finally gave out on me. But this time I was smart enough to save my family files correctly!

Clearly I am not worthy of being a writer on the forum. As a reader myself I know how frustrating it is to wait for the next book/ chapter so please please please forgive me.  :'(

Hopefully Santa will put a laptop under my tree. Happy Holidays everybody!!


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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2012, 09:06:38 AM »
I'm so sorry that you was affected by the hurricane. I'm very glad no one was hurt.
Off course you are worthy to be a writer on the forum!
I don't mind to wait for a update and I'm sure the rest of the readers feel the same.
I hope you get a new laptop soon and continue your story.
You are a very good writer! :)

Offline PlatnumDymnd

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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2013, 10:25:10 PM »
Hello all. I will be posting the last part of Lamar's adventure. His exploration of the Sphinx. Man this was a very hard one to do. I almost gave up on the Lion Lady. But even after I got through it I still didn't get past that fire room. Anyway, I hope you like this. I kind of closed it out as an open ending.

I am really into the latest two expansions Seasons and Supernatural in another thread, The Evil Family Business, so I will be leaving this one as it is for awhile (spoiler alert: Someone got abducted by aliens!! I never had an abduction. Not even in TS2!)

So anyway, hope you enjoyed my story so far. Tell me what you think of the next one. Thanks for following and reading.  ;D

Offline PlatnumDymnd

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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2013, 10:33:53 PM »
P.S. I believe this is the first time I have shown the finished house from the first remodel project.  :D

He sat up and glanced at what he wrote last night:


I know it has been a long time. There is much to see here. I'm sorry if I worried you.

I hope Pooch is not causing you too much grief. I promise he is doing what he is supposed to do. Call it a 'dog sense.' It's hard to explain but trust me.

I know that we didn't exactly have the most wonderful last months before my... trip. I'm sorry for that. I now there's a lot to say but there is not much time.

I have enclosed some seeds that should help with your garden problem- if you haven't had it yet you will if you don't plant these. I hope you are planning to put a fence around the garden but it won't protect the yard. Give them to Pooch and he will dig for you. They need to be deep in the ground. Put one in front and on each side of the house.

I know by now you have gotten your spot at the High Products building so Congrats! Kiss my Baby Girl for me.

Love you both.

He wrapped the letter in between the two cloths that were holding the seeds. After closing it in a sack, he sprinkled some It’ainturs powder he got from a traveling salesman and put it in a jewelry box he bought at the market. “Better be sure,” he said to himself and put some more powder on the seals of the box. He sealed it in the courier box with a smile. It looked like nothing more than sand, but anyone trying to open it that did not have his DNA would have acid eaten fingers.

He sent the package with the courier and headed towards the Sphinx. He had no idea what was in store for him. All his studies on the Sphinx pointed to unresolved tales, meaning that very few have survived such a tomb raiding. No maps or directions or even theories of such were documented... At least that he could find.

He wished he could send a letter to his love. Just simply to say that he never forgot. But he couldn't risk it. He’ll just have to make sure he told her in person.

He thought maybe he went the wrong direction he's been walking so long. Then he saw the top her head over the sand hills. He took a deep breath as he got closer.

"Hello Beautiful," he said.

He reached out to the opening in hopes to find some symbols that no one noticed before. However, there was nothing. He sighed and leaned his head on the door. Then suddenly...

He jumped back. "Whoa. What the..."

The whole front panel fell beneath the sand. "Well, Miss Lady," he looked up at the head of the massive lion, "talk about using my head huh?"

He walked through the open passageway wondering what mind tricks were in store for him now that he got in. It couldn't have been that easy. He walked causiously towards some bright lights.

"Oh dear."

He turned and headed back towards the door. "My my. A bit hot tempered aren't cha?"

He walked around the back and saw the ladder. Wondering who had been in here before him, he patted the side of the enormous wonder. "I try to be gentle if you try not kill me. Deal?"

He headed into the opening.

He looked everywhere for anything he could find that would be of value. Perhaps a lever or something  to get that fire out on the other side.

He found some old parchments and even a couple relics. He would research them at the UC library later.

Digging through the rubble.

He felt around for a lever or button or something.

"AAARRHHHH!!! Geeezzz!!

He felt around through the creepy crawlies and found the bar. He pulled hard.

He came upon a worship room. "Oh man. This is the alter room of the mind God Cranus. I thought it was just a myth."

He stood in awe as the statues' flames mesmerized him. He looked into the water. He saw his reflection briefly and then it turned to the face of his mother, and baby sister. He smiled. Then jumped up. He grabbed the parchments that were in the chest when he first got in.

"That's it!! No wonder I could get in the cave so easily. Someone had already been here."

He stared at the parchment. Only then did he notice that it was crumpled up. Like it was tossed back into the chest. He read the strange characters on the parchment:

"A mine is a terrible thing to waste."

Lamar stared at the parchment. Pacing back and forth, back and forth, he kept reading the symbols over and over till he finally stopped at the fountain.

"I can't believe it," he said to the statues. "Those stupid intelligence agencies. The so called researchers can't translate a simple ancient Egyptian symbol." He put the parchment back in his sack, grabbed some tools and headed to the piles of rubble.

"Perhaps... they did know... what it was they... were reading... and just... didn't... think... it was... right!! Whew!" He turned back to the statues.

"A person is only as narrow as themselves, as my grampa always said," he said breathing heavily. "They first figure ancients as not intellectual enough to spell instead of considering that even the Gods have a sense of humor." He smiled and bowed his head to them.

"Argh! More holes."

"Yes!... Gentle," he said, patting the wall.

He walked towards the small chest and opened it.

"More relics, hmm what's this?"

"Wow, these look like viles. And they are heavy." He pulled at the band to open it. Then stopped. "OOh better not do it right now." He put them in his sack and wrapped them in cloth. He grabbed the gold bar and headed back to the alter room.

He walked over to the water. He saw a flashing light in the reflection behind him. He turned and headed to the sarcophagus. "That lever must have opened more than that wall."

He looked into the light and suddenly felt a flood of peace wash over him. He pulled out a small stone. When he removed it, a switch was released and a door opened behind him.

"This is it!"

He walked into a room that held nothing but another pool and a shrine. He grabbed the parchment that he just put in from the chest and read it out loud.

"Those who seek knowledge have not desire than to trust the master of that which he wants to seek."

He stared at the parchment and then looked at the fountain of water. He knew now why he was sent here. Though he was smart, he was still disposable. They knew he would figure out what they couldn't. He just needed the right story and  motivation.

"Well, I wanted to know the truth right? Here it goes."

He swam deeper and deeper until he saw a light. He tried to pull back as he started to get dizzy. Then it was like he was in his own dreams. Watching a familiar movie.

Do I know this?


Oh no!

"This is where you will be living now. You will remain while your son assists us on a summer research project."

"Mom this seems very strange. Don't you think I should spend my summer with Poppi?"

"Who's Poppi dear? This is such a great opportunity for you and science plans. You can travel and learn about ingredients. You'll love it."

"What about Ja.."

"Your name is Lamar D'amond"

"Tell us about how you made that potion"

"I... I don't know."

"Your name is Lamar D'amond"

"The dog? Is it a zombie dog? If you want your family to even KNOW who you are you will tell us"

"No!! NO!! It was an accident."

"Your name is Lamar D'amond"

"I can't believe them!" He climbed out of the water, trying to leave his temper behind. The UCMA didn't even know he was even coming to the Sphinx.

He grabbed his things and went back to the alter room one final time. He stood in front of them and bowed. "I thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I hope that if I return in the future it will be with a worthier mind than I leave with today. I know what I must do."

He left the alter room wondering why they needed him to come to Egypt if the accident to pooch happened in Union Cove. What puzzle piece was he missing? What did his harmless potion have to do with the strange attacks on the town?

Whatever it was he was not going to get any more information from here. He had to get home to his family. How much time did he have? Still so many questions.

He walked out the and took in the evening air. As he walked away from the Sphinx he bid her farewell.

"Thanks for holding up your end of the deal. Till we meet again, my dear."


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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2013, 10:02:19 AM »
He had a very interesting time in the sphinx! Will he return home now?

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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2013, 10:07:01 AM »
Yes that's the plan. Hopefully there will be some discoveries he can make back there. And even find his lost love.  ;)

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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2013, 04:46:52 PM »
I decided to read a new story today and I picked this one. Very well written, Platnum!

Also, I love the house! It's always super fun for me to see people using the houses I've built, I'm glad this one is serving it's purpose for you. The bit about the skeleton made me laugh.  ;D

I've got this one bookmarked!
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Re: A Dymnd Family Remodeling - Witness Protection
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2013, 06:57:29 PM »
Oh I'm so happy you bookmarked me! Bad news though. I'm working on another one, Evil Family Business because I wanted to try a supernatural family. So this one is on hold for a bit. Check that one out if you like.

Glad you enjoyed it.   ;D