Hello everybody. i just decided to start playing sims 3 again after some time. As ussual i installed main game and then some exp packs but when I tried to install university I got this message "Do you want to completely remove a selected aplication...." and so on. For some reason the game says that univesity exp pack is already installed but it actually isn't. I tried to delete the "leftovers" of univesity exp pack but surprisingly there wasnt any files left in my sims 3 directory. This how it looks like:
As you can see it shows that univestity is installed but its size is only 6 MB and i can't delete because after uninstallation is done this progran re-apears. There aren't any univesity files left undeleted. I' ve also checked weather there are some hidden files in my sims3 directory, but there aren't.
I have a feeling that there is something wrong with my computer now with the game. Hopefully somebody knows what's going on and can help me.