Author Topic: GRAVEYARD PLEASE - Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty  (Read 2887 times)

Offline Sarabi

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Having so enjoyed reading the other stories posted here, I (finally) decided to share the dynasty I have been playing.

A few apologies up-front: The pix will be a little inconsistent, at least through the first few generations.  I'm not an especially creative builder or decorator - my Sim's homes tend to be boxes, and I don't decorate much at first, although I typically do a bit more of it as a game progresses.  Also - I am playing a pure vanilla game - no expansions, no SP, no CC.  As a result, I will have only portraits in the museum, and have some Sims who pursue self-employment careers, but are not able to register as self-employed (I believe that was released with Ambitions).

I also expect the beginning will be somewhat text-heavy to explain the Founder's background and experiences.  As it progresses, it will become much less so.

I will update this post with chapter links as the story progresses.

And now - on with the story.

Offline Sarabi

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 12:30:56 PM »
Chapter One:  Wrangler in Space

A long time ago on a planet far, far away... a small pod containing the life essence of a single being from a highly evolved race was launched, and was hurtling toward Planet Sims III.  While in transit, the energy life form contained therein received messages from an authoritative yet compassionate voice.

Voice:  Adam... that is how you shall be known.
Adam:  Um, okay.  I'll be Adam if you wish.  What may I call you?
Voice:  I am your SimLord.  That is all you need to know.
Adam:  Somehow, I get the feeling that there is much, much more I will need to know.
SimLord:  That you will.  You will know whatever you need to know whenever you need to know it.
Adam:  Why all the mystery?  Why can I not know my mission, my purpose, your plans?
SimLord:  Because in your current state, it would overwhelm you.
Adam:  I see.  Look, I don't mean to go all mercenary about this, but really – what's in it for me?
SimLord:  You will live long and prosper.
Adam:  I could do that if I stayed home with my people.
SimLord:  Perhaps.  But you would not fully experience what it is to be Sim, to live in a Sim body, build relationships with other Sims, watch seven generations of your descendants become successful and grow to maturity,
Adam:  Seven generations!
SimLord:  Yes.  I see your pod is nearing its destination, and you still need to download our data about the world you will soon inhabit.  Good luck, Adam – we are counting on you.

… and with that, the connection was broken.  “Why me?” Adam moaned to himself, but was immediately inundated with vast knowledge of Simkind – their history, culture, belief systems, technology, mating rituals, traits, and habits.  While he found some of it fascinating (and some downright distasteful), he had precious little time to ponder or process it.  As his pod streaked through the atmosphere of Planet Sims III, his energy form transmuted into a Young Adult Sim body, and was beamed directly to a place called 15 Summerhill Court of Sunset Valley.

How very strange it felt to inhabit a Sim body – strange, and yet somehow... familiar.  The clothing covering his new Sim body had some convenient storage compartments built into them.  No sooner did he become aware of this fact than he remembered that these are called pockets.  This, he realized, is the way the data download will work for him – things that seem alien will become  recognizable and he will intuitively understand how to work and live here.  Encouraged by his discoveries, he plunged his new Sim hands into his new Sim pockets, and found an ownership deed for 15 Summerhill Court along with a bank deposit slip for 1800 Simoleons.  “Looks like SimLord has this all figured out,” he muttered to noone in particular.

Just then, a Sim child strolled toward him, and laid a publication on the ground.  “The newspaper!  I remember now!” he thought, delighted by his data recollection function.  A genuinely friendly sort, Adam approached the child to engage in social interaction.

Scanning the newspaper, he suddenly realized that the Sims of Sunset Valley all seem to have more than one name, and being known as only Adam was clearly insufficient.  His eyes landed on the title of the film currently showing at the local theatre - “Wrangler in Space”.  “That sounds about right,” he mused.  “I will be Adam Wrangler.”

Surveying the massive empty lot before him, Adam Wrangler envisioned it filled with thriving greenery, and wanted nothing more than to bring that vision to fruition.

He grew wistful at the thought - this whole desire thing felt uncomfortable, like a hole, a sense of incomplete, some empty space that he would need to somehow fill.  “Is this the way of it?” he wondered aloud.  “Is this how it is to live as Sim?  More importantly, is this how I will come to know my purpose here?”  Plagued by questions for which there were no immediate answers, he became acutely aware of yet another desire that washed over him – the desire – no, the need – to learn how to nurture a garden here on Planet Sims III.

Adam found that this need could be quickly and easily satisfied with a trip to the local library.

Eager to get started and low on funding, Adam proceeded to harvest various wild produce he found growing around town.  In fact, the ever-helpful Adam even volunteered to help another Sim family harvest their produce.

Grateful, Gobias Koffi invited him inside, but Adam regretfully declined.  With dusk rapidly approaching, he needed to get to the business of planting the seeds and produce he had accumulated during his first day on Planet Sims III.

… and thus it began, this odyssey of oddity, of leaving his known world behind, of becoming a stranger in a strange place, of learning how to live long and prosper as Sim...

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Offline JudesSims

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Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 01:40:35 PM »
Very good, Sarabi! You've got me hooked!


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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2012, 09:44:49 AM »
Awesome start! I like your story. ;D

Offline ratchie

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2012, 03:18:08 PM »
An interesting take on a dynasty story. I am hooked too.

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2012, 08:24:21 AM »
Good Luck on your Dynasty and Adam looks so cute! Will you upload him to the swap shop?

Offline Sarabi

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2012, 08:07:27 PM »
Thanks for the encouragement!

Sorry it's taken me awhile to get back to this - real life has been keeping me busy lately.  Not many pix in the next update, but that will change as the story progresses.

AdnaanA - I'd be happy to share Adam, and will try to get him uploaded in the next day or two.

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Offline Sarabi

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2012, 08:16:30 PM »
Chapter Two:  A New Friend

As the days passed, Adam buried himself in the toil and soil of gardening.  He became somewhat disillusioned with his Sim body because it constantly presented a steady stream of  demands.  He found that he could satisfy its energy need with a small, cheap bed planted by his garden, its hunger and hygiene needs with facilities available at the local gym, its social needs with deep conversations with his plants.  He also learned that if the bladder need went too long unattended, it would eventually resolve itself to the detriment of his hygiene need.  Although he was fairly content with his existence, he was often nagged with the idea that there might be more to Sim life than what he had experienced thus far.

During one of his daily visits to the gym, it happened... and he would never be the same again.

Freshly showered and shoveling down a serving of canned soup, Adam's attention was drawn by a shapely figure that made its way across the lobby and up the stairs.  Curious, he followed, interrupting her workout to introduce himself to Ms. Agnes Crumplebottom.  The other noisy activity of the gym faded from his awareness as he focused on getting to know her, and hoping that she might be equally interested in him.  Her Sim body's hunger need eventually got the better of her, and she excused herself.

Confused but exhilarated, Adam made his way back to the plot that was his home here on Planet Sims III.  Exhausted yet restless, he perched on the side of the bed to ponder the event and try to suss out its meaning in his life... and he found himself experiencing an entirely new dynamic in what it means to be Sim.... this thing called loneliness.

Thinking back through all that had happened since his arrival – the stream of wishes, many of which were quickly fulfilled – the steady drumbeat of activity followed by achievement – he felt like someone else's pawn, like he was under the complete control of some omnipresent puppeteer, and he wanted to talk about it.

SimLord:  Hello Adam – it seems that you have need of me.
Adam:  Of course, you would know that.  You know everything!
SimLord:  Not quite.  But I do know that you are discovering some of the mysteries of Simhood and seeking to know things that may prove to be unknowable.
Adam:  Why do I feel like my life is not my own?
SimLord:  Well... ever since you were transmuted into a Sim body, you have been driven by Sim wishes and motives that naturally arise from something I can only describe as the Sim condition, or Sim state.
Adam:  It is this Sim state, then, that is propelling me?  Not some invisible hand?
SimLord:  Primarily, but not entirely.  Your moment-by-moment, day-to-day activities are partially driven by your Sim state.  Yet there is also a greater goal that you are working toward.
Adam:  What is this greater goal?
SimLord:  You will know whatever you need to know whenever you need to know it.
Adam:  Yeah.  Right.

Adam slid between the sheets and fell into slumber, happy and comfortable in the great outdoors.  While he slept, he dreamed of solving this newly discovered loneliness thing with a Sim named Agnes.

The next day, Adam paid a visit to the Crumplebottom residence, eventually inviting himself to spend the night.  Despite the blow to their blossoming relationship brought about by his regretful refusal of her invitation to move in with her, she was happy to have him as an overnight guest.

The next morning, he found himself to be quite a handy fellow when he offered to repair her broken dishwasher.

There was so much more he wanted to say to her, but his visit – and their privacy – was interrupted when her brother-in-law, Gunther Goth, came calling.  Adam departed to tend to his garden, resolved to see Agnes again, and the sooner the better.


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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2012, 04:50:10 AM »
I love your writing! It is very good. Can't wait for more. :)

Offline Sarabi

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2012, 12:06:57 PM »
Just wanted to provide an update to let you all know the status of this dynasty attempt.

It was actually going quite well - I had 3 generations on Ambrosia, the 4th was an adult and in very good shape to meet the Ambrosia requirements, the 5th generation was a child and progressing nicely and I had prepared several additional chapters to post when - disaster.  I'd been playing on a laptop that had been running the game pretty well, but it ran hot, and got toasted.  Pretty much a complete loss.

Over the next few months, I turned my attention back to TSM - I had initially purchased it on release, but was not able to play a game for very long due to the bugs, which had since been fixed.  I enjoyed it for a few months, and will probably play it some more in the future.

Back to TS3 on a new gaming laptop (Yay!), and I've also purchased WA and Ambitions - my first additions to the base game.  I know that content is old hat to many of you here, but for me it is a lot of new content to explore.

Long story short - at this point, I'm checking out the new content, and intend to re-start this dynasty here in a few weeks.

I guess this thread should be moved to the graveyard, and a new one started when I re-start the dynasty - is that right?

Thanks for your patience, and this wonderful forum!

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2012, 01:20:36 PM »
if you're restarting - it may be easier just to start a new thread.  I'm sorry to hear about your laptop and I wish much luck with the restart.   Don't forget to check the dynasty thread for the latest in rulings and don't ever hesitate to ask questions.

:D  The move of this thread is your call so just let us know what you want to do and Happy Simming!
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Offline Sarabi

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Re: Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2012, 03:13:09 PM »
Thanks, Ricalynn.   :)

I guess we'll leave it for the time being - I'm leaning toward re-starting the same way, and could just pick up where I left off with this one.

Offline Sarabi

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Re: GRAVEYARD PLEASE - Wrangler in Space: The Wrangler Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2012, 10:40:58 AM »
Please move this to the graveyard.

Thank you. 

