I'm really puzzled by this. I know, it seems silly for someone who is always building stuff but I'm totally clueless as to how to set up a stage! My singer, (first ST Sim I've tried), is at level 5, is fairly wealthy from playing for tips, and as far as I can tell is doing well. But when asked to set up her stage I just opted for what was there, (basically nothing much!), because I really don't know what to use or where to put stuff. I tried putting some ice cream cones on the stage which made her stomp her feet at them and she refused to sing until I removed them.
When she was done with her first gig at the park, all the lights on that stage, (which I had put there), and the effects machines disappeared. All that was left was the back drop and a couple of side panels. Will they come back?
Are there special places to place the props? What do you use for props? Will anything work or just the things like cannons, deserts and what seems to be magician props?