Author Topic: Super Max Sim  (Read 4156 times)


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Super Max Sim
« on: June 22, 2012, 10:56:37 PM »
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I want to make a sim who super maxes every skill. I have ever EP except showtime installed.

My question is, and the thing that has stumped me the most is... what traits to get? Right now I am using Adventurous, Star Quality, Charismatic, Born Salesman, and Ambitious. I tried to not get traits that will become useless at some point.  Anyways, are there any better suggestions?

I got adventurous because I am using Nraas Careers mod, which has the collector career, so its just an easy way to get cash. I got star quality and charismatic because I also want to try to get as many friends as possible. Host huge parties, etc. My character is the Bruce Wayne of the town. Ambitious because I want to get the age freeze potion rather quickly. Still not sure if I want to age freeze in YA, A or Elder stages. Any advice? And born Salesmen because currently my main source of income is buying and selling groceries from the grocery store to the consignment store. I plan to have a wife, kids, and further generations.

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Re: Super Max Sim
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2012, 11:03:48 PM »
Hi sixofour and welcome to the forum,

In the Swap Shop there is a Sim with all skills supermaxed - Max Skills, made by our moderator Leto.  You can find him here:,3804.0.html

Max's traits are Natural Cook, Brave, Neat, Perfectionist, and Green Thumb.  But he has an enormous number of happiness points, so I wouldn't be too surprised if Max had had a midlife crisis or two along the way - the traits of the finished character may not be the ones he started with.  Anyway, Leto would be a good person to ask about traits and other strategy tips.
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Re: Super Max Sim
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 03:41:10 PM »
You could also cheat to change his traits while you're super-maxing...  ;)
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Re: Super Max Sim
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 11:58:56 PM »
It would probably depend on how good you are and how much experience you have with sims in that skill, say, you were extremely experienced with painting, you might not need to choose the artistic trait because you have good ways to make sims learn the skill faster,  or, if your really bad at the writing skill, you might want to choose traits that would help you with writing, like bookworm.  Artistic, might help in the guitar and other instrument skills, but I'm not sure.  Maybe Photogrophers eye, since you would have to take less photos to max it faster, possibly saving a little bit of money.  Sorry, I can't think of anything else!  Lol  this is mainly what I am pretty sure of though, I'm probably about 70% sure about this!  Whitch would be a C of course...
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Re: Super Max Sim
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2012, 11:11:15 PM »
Never tried it, but I believe it doesn't really matter which traits you'll choose because your sim will get so many happiness points you'll be able to buy midlife crisis several times - and you'll need it.

I'd start with artistic, virtuoso, lucky/brave, slob and ambitious. Why? You definitively want to start supermaxing guitar, since 10 skill opportunities are requiried,(artistic/virtuoso) in these early times when $ilemons are tight getting robbed ain't something your sim will get over easily (lucky or brave), actually, it's so tight there won't be much to spend on maids or that fancy food which doesn't smell (slob), finally, some extra happiness points can't be a bad thing (that last one).

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Re: Super Max Sim
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2012, 04:15:09 PM »
I think Bookworm might not be a bad idea, it would help with several of the skills as well as writing, as the sim would enjoy reading skill/recipe books too :)


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Re: Super Max Sim
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2012, 09:11:14 AM »
Hi sixofour,

I would recommend starting with supermaxing the instruments first, so choosing the traits that correspond with working on that. After that just get your sim a midlifecrisis and work on Inventing and Gardening with the corresponding traits. Then work on any skill you would like in the order you like.

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Offline Vanillin

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Re: Super Max Sim
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2012, 03:16:58 PM »
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I want to make a sim who super maxes every skill. I have ever EP except showtime installed.

My question is, and the thing that has stumped me the most is... what traits to get? Right now I am using Adventurous, Star Quality, Charismatic, Born Salesman, and Ambitious. I tried to not get traits that will become useless at some point.  Anyways, are there any better suggestions?

I got adventurous because I am using Nraas Careers mod, which has the collector career, so its just an easy way to get cash. I got star quality and charismatic because I also want to try to get as many friends as possible. Host huge parties, etc. My character is the Bruce Wayne of the town. Ambitious because I want to get the age freeze potion rather quickly. Still not sure if I want to age freeze in YA, A or Elder stages. Any advice? And born Salesmen because currently my main source of income is buying and selling groceries from the grocery store to the consignment store. I plan to have a wife, kids, and further generations.
I'd go for Natural Cook, Bookworm, Genius and Green Thumb and Angler
Natural Cook: To learn how to cook Ambrosia
Green Thumb: To learn how to cook Ambrosia
Angler: To learn how to cook Ambrosia
Genius: To max Logic skill
Bookworm: To max skills faster by reading

I'd max Cooking, Fishing and Gardening first to plant the life fruit. I would make my sim unemployed and I would spend my sim's free time stargazing. That way I could max his logic skill and make some cash. After stocking some life fruits and learning how to cook Ambrosia, you can get Midlife crisis and continue maxing skills however you want. :D
By maxing your sim's Logic, you can also teach his children the skills he has learned, so I think Logic is one of the best skills to learn. You can also go for Painting, though, as you will probably make a lot more money that way. If you don't need money, well, choose anything. It's your preference.